Mar 24, 2011
Close vote approves new public works coordinator in Central Frontenac
Following a timely pre-budget presentation by Public Works Manager Mike Richardson, council narrowly passed a motion in a 5-4 vote to replace the position of supervisor of operations with a public works coordinator and a waste management supervisor, essentially creating one new full time position at an estimated salary of $57,000 - $63,000.
Richardson said, “Senior positions without the support of council are not of much value in the long run. We need to buy in in the worst times and I am here today to defend this new position. This position will benefit the municipality in a number of ways by lending support to the finance and recreation departments, and the CAO, and offering improved accuracy in reports - more in-depth information. The report spells out that we are behind in our regulatory management of pits and quarries and health and safety and this position will be assigned to manage these positions and by managing them will not only bring the municipality into compliance but also make us a leader in this field while also smoothing out all of the operations involved.”
Adjustments to Proposed 2011 Cultural/Recreation Budget
Council made some minor adjustments to the proposed 2011cultural/recreation budget by cutting roughly $7,000 from maintenance, repair and supply costs at various sites. Topping the list of expenses at $67,000 is the Parham fairgrounds with $46,000 estimated for the building of a new canteen and washrooms. The proposed budget of $23,000 for a new Arden playground will be covered mostly by a $20,000 transfer from the parkland reserve fund. The preliminary site work to be done at the Mountain Grove ball park is proposed at $32,000 which includes $15,000 deferred from 2010.
Arden Revitalization
Glen Matson and Terry Kennedy made a presentation to council highlighting their plans to revitalize the Arden community. Matson presented a number of photos of the areas they intend to upgrade and asked council’s permission to go ahead with improvements that included upgrading the walking trails around the pit and ball field; constructing a road from behind the ball field to the picnic area; and removing a lengthy flex beam on a section of the Arden Road and replacing it with large rocks to make the parkland more attractive and accessible. Kennedy ended the presentation stating, “We would like to work with council in these efforts to improve the community.”
Council accepted the presentation for information.
Meisel Woods Conservation Area Trail Expansion
Joe Slater made a delegation to council outlining the last major project needed to complete the 4 km hiking trail located near Crow Lake. The project involves the construction of a 600-foot-long floating walkway situated at the north end of Bass Lake. The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority has prepared construction drawings and will be submitting grant applications to several groups in the hopes of acquiring funds to complete the project by August 2012, at an estimated cost of $170,000. Slater requested a letter of support from council to the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, which would accompany the project’s grant applications. Council agreed to provide the letter.
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