Debra Smith | Jun 30, 2011

The Parham Fair has teamed up with eastern Ontario’s favourite country-rock band, Ambush, to host a Parham Idol singing contest for area youngsters.

Ambush is playing the Parham Fair Friday, Aug. 26 and the top performers in auditions will have an opportunity to perform live on stage with the band during their August show. The fair performance will be recorded and the young vocalists will be given a copy of their performance.

Auditions for Parham Idol will be held Wednesday, July 27 from 6pm to 8:30 pm at IOOF Hall on Rd 38 in Parham. It’s open to anyone up to and including the age 16.

Members of Ambush and Parham Fair’s entertainment chairperson Debbie Smith will be judging the performances.

Mark McDonell, the band’s front man, says he’s really looking forward to hearing what Parham and area youth have to offer musically. “They should have a song prepared and it can be in any style they want. If they can bring accompaniment, that’s great. If not, they can do it a cappella,” he says.

McDonell competed in his first talent contest at the Maberly Fair and credits talent contests at small town fairs with inspiring him to become a musician. He remembers attending the Parham Fair as a child. “All three of the guys in Ambush come from Perth – just down the road from Parham and we know how hard it is for kids to find an outlet to perform. We’re really hoping lots of local youngsters take advantage of this opportunity,” he says.

Ambush will be marking 20 years on the Canadian music scene in 2013.  The trio, dubbed “the little band with the big sound,” has had two singles from their self-titled album do extremely well on Canadian charts in the past year. “My Little Girl” stayed in the top 30 for three months and “Take My Picture” which also had a lengthy stay on the charts was nominated for Country Song of the Year at the Canadian Radio Music Awards. 

Please contact Debra Smith at 613-377-6431 as soon as possible to ensure you get an audition spot.


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