| Nov 10, 2011

OMB to hear appeal of Bridgen’s Island zoning

With Mayor Gutowski off in Australia visiting her grand-daughter, Central Frontenac Council whipped through a light agenda back in Sharbot Lake on Tuesday Nov. 8.

Cathy MacMunn, the planning co-ordinator for the township, reported that the Ontario Municipal Board will hear an appeal of a controversial zoning decision that established lots on Bridgen’s Island on Eagle Lake. The island, which was owned co-operatively for 30 years, needed to come into compliance with Central Frontenac’s Zoning bylaw in order for new building permits to be issued. However, just before the application for a plan of subdivision was received, Eagle Lake was designated as a trout sensitive lake by the provincial government. Therefore, no new building was permitted. The planning solution was to approve only the lots that already have dwellings in place, and create four permanently vacant lots. One of those four lot owners has launched an appeal, which may ultimately place the province’s restrictions for trout sensitive lakes under legal scrutiny.

Another zoning decision, this one prohibiting a Mr. Keen from building a boat house on Big Clear Lake, will be heard on December 1 at the Oso (District 3) Fire Hall on Road 38 and Wagner Road.

Garrison Shores condominium to be finalised

Final approval for the Plan of Condominium for the Garrison Shores properties near Arden, which have been in legal limbo for at least 25 years, was set for November 16 at the next Frontenac County Council meeting.

County staff were concerned, however, that payments for legal fees from the Garrison Shores Association have not been made to Central Frontenac Township yet. Although the association has been contacted and say they will pay the money in time, County staff have pulled the item from the November 16 agenda.

“Why didn’t they just put it on the agenda?” asked Councilor Frances Smith, “they could always defer it if the money is not received in time.”

“They didn’t want to do that,” said MacMunn, “I told them I would let them know if the money arrived, but they need everything in writing, so it has been put off until December.”

Public Works

Public Works Manager Mike Richardson reported about roads crew activities, which have included applying gravel to Brown, MacDonnnell and Brebis Roads and grading all gravel roads in the township before freeze up.

Elizabeth Street - A public meeting was held this week for comment on plans for the reconstruction of Elizabeth Street in Sharbot Lake. Richardson said that about 20 people attended and the plan received a generally positive hearing. Proposed changes will be incorporated into the final plan, which will come to Council.

Waste – A written report from the township’s waste manager Kyle Labbett was presented to Council. Labett said that North Frontenac Pet Supply has small clear bags available that can be placed inside the clear bags the township is selling for dumping purposes. “We are still looking for local businesses that can get larger clear bags,” Labbett wrote.

A request was made to Council to change dump hours to winter hours (closing at 5 pm) as of the time change to Standard Time – the first Sunday in November - instead of December 1 as it had been.

Council approved the new hours. Winter hours now coincide with Standard Time, which ends on the 2nd Sunday in March.

Community Improvement Plan –

Council passed a motion authorizing the Frontenac County-initiated Community Improvement Plan for Sharbot Lake. The county will pay $25,000 to cover all consultations, public meetings, and the creation of the plan. The county staff will also request $70,000 from the 2012 county budget to implement the plan, and the township is expected to kick in another $10,000. The township will control the spending of all grants and loans that result from the program.

A schedule for the development of the CIP calls for a first public meeting before Christmas and a final plan to be developed by April of next year.


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