Mark Montagano | Mar 22, 2012

Photo: Don Amos, executive Director of Northern Frontenac Community Services, a cheque for $7300 from Mark Montagan (righto) and Frontenac Heritage Festival Committee member Tom Dewey (centre)

A cheque for $7300, which was raised from the Polar Bear Plunge, was presented by Mark Montagano and Councilor Tom Dewey to Don Amos, executive director of Northern Frontenac Community Services. The money will be used for non-funded programs for children and youth.

“Several images remain with me,” said Mark Montagano about this year’s event.

“Amber, the young karate club student, standing on the dock trying to master her fears with an EMS gentleman in the water helping her to take the plunge, as well all the youngsters, the amazing Steeves boys and all the great costumes. Thanks to the brave and crazy Plungers as well as their enthusiastic supporters and contributors; thanks also to the many people who made this year’s Plunge possible and who helped at the event. Sign up a friend for next year’s Plunge and remember- Life is not a rehearsal - Just do it!”


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