Sep 02, 2010
CHILD & YOUTH TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM UPDATE: Wow! Summer is almost over and our new program has been up and running for almost 8 months. We have had a very busy and successful summer with the program getting more use and with a very successful fundraising dinner/silent auction in August. We would like to thank to the volunteers, donors and the community for making it a huge success.
We started with an unbelievable donation from Murray’s Music (Murray Northey) and the Flinton Recreation Committee of $626.00. This money came from ticket sales for a fiddle at the Flinton Jamboree. Thanks to Murray and the Flinton Rec. Committee and to everyone at the Jamboree who bought tickets. All of the money donated and raised at the fundraiser will go into our subsidy fund to help with the costs to families using the transportation program.
Some ways the program is being used so far:
Weekly transportation to a focus group for youth (month of July); Medical transportation; Dental appointments; Helping to get parents to work and kids to daycare.
With school starting, there are many more uses for the program such as, after-school programs, and getting to co-op placements. Parents who are already transporting their own child(ren) to and from school events may want to consider becoming a volunteer driver to help other children be able to participate as well. Anyone who is interested in becoming a volunteer of the program can contact Cheryl Hartwick or Pat Vlasic at 613-336-8934.
We are looking forward to an incredible fall and hoping to see the program grow. Helping our children, youth and their families will help us grow strong, vibrant communities.
GRIEF SUPPORT PROGRAM: "Grief is like peeling off the layers of an onion." Grief presents itself often and must be dealt with one layer at a time. Land O' Lakes Community Services and Maschke Funeral Home is offering, free of charge, an aftercare program "Navigating the Maze". The group will meet weekly at first, move to bi-weekly and then monthly for 2 hours per session, eginning Sept. 16 and ending Dec 23, at the LOLCS Board Room. Space is limited, for more information or to register, please call Pam at 336-8934 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Derek at 336-6873 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
FALLS PREVENTION WORKSHOP: Land O' Lakes Community Services is hosting a "Stay On Your Feet" falls prevention program in conjunction with the KFL&A Health Unit. Research shows that most falls are predictable and preventable. Falls are the leading cause of hospital admissions due to injuries. One in three seniors 65 and older fall each year. One of the greatest costs to an individual is loss of independence. Please join us on Sept. 21 at the Northbrook Lions Hall for a free, one-hour presentation on Fall Prevention. For more information please call Pam Lemke at LOLCS 613-336-8934 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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