Jeff Green | Apr 29, 2010
Central Frontenac approves road projects, budget.
Public works Manager Mike Richardson brought a proposed list of road projects for 2010. New projects include work on Queen and Bridge Streets in Arden, including improvements to sidewalks, as well as work on Mary Moore and Westgate Roads. Other projects, which are follow up projects to work that was planned or started in previous years, include Brock, Wagner, Piccadilly, Thompson, Arena Boundary, 2nd Depot Lake, and Wemp roads.
Because the township did not receive a $500,000 road grant, a few projects have been put off until 2011 and 2012. Planned work in Arden on Bridge Street from the bridge to Elm Tree, and in Sharbot Lake on Cannon Road, has been put off until 2011. Plans to upgrade Elizabeth Street in Sharbot Lake have been put off until 2012, and Richardson said it would be an idea to do some engineering and planning before doing the Elizabeth Street project.
“I support this plan,” said Mayor Janet Gutowski, “it is logical and well thought out. I agree with the approach.”
Councilor Gary Smith said he was pleased that Arden would be receiving some attention.
“Improvements to Arden will bring benefits generally to the township,” Richardson said.
“How many of these projects will be done by township staff and how many will go to tender?” Gary Smith asked.
“They will all be done by outside contractors,” said Richardson, “we don’t have the equipment or expertise to complete them in house. We can do some of the work, ditching and so on, but we will have to contract out.”
“And you are confident that the numbers you have budgeted will be sufficient to cover the tenders?” Smith then asked.
“I’ll let you know in about three months,” Richardson replied.
Fire presentation – Fire Chief MacDonald and Deputy Chiefs Young and Cowdy brought Council up to speed concerning fire crew activities. MacDonald said that improved compliance with the township burn bylaw among residents has had a positive impact.
As well, fast responses by crews to brush fires led to at least two properties being saved from the potential impacts of brush fires.
Some newer firefighters have come onto the force, and 62 crew members recently attended a CPR workshop.
MacDonald said that a fire ban was put in place for a short time last month, but with the dry weather another ban is a possibility in the coming weeks. “We have to balance the desire to burn with the cost of response to brush fires,” he said.
Mayor Gutowski pointed out that the township is offering residents another option.
“Brush is accepted free of charge at the Elbow Lake transfer station south of Parham on Road 38,” Gutowski said. “People do not need to burn brush.”
Budget approved – The 2010 budget bylaw was approved unanimously without debate.
While the 2010 tax rate was the same as 2009, a 9.4% total increase in property assessment in the township will result in an increase of over 9% in the total amount being charged to ratepayers
Afterwards, Mayor Gutowski said, “The budget process was very productive this year. We had a good discussion. I’m really pleased with the work of this Council.”
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