Mary Howes | May 19, 2011
Forty-one people gathered at the annual cancer canvassers’ dinner hosted by the Mountain Grove United Church Women.
Greetings and updates on cancer services were brought by Claire Mcfarlane, President of the Frontenac Lennox and Addington Unit, also Craig Faucette, Unit Manager, and Joan Gowsell, Fund Raising Co-ordinator.
The guest speaker, Lynda Wolsey, a canvasser and a cancer survivor, spoke on her journey through several cancer bouts and thanked the canvassers for being instrumental in making possible all the medications she has benefited from. Her closing remarks were, “Look at me - I'm fine. Thank You."
Claire Mcfarlane, Transportation Chairperson, reported that 230 patients were transported a distance of 19,271 km at a cost of $6000. She stated that more drivers are always welcomed and needed.
Mary Howes, Chairperson for door-to-door canvas, North and Central Frontenac, reported $14,834 collected with several canvassers still to report. Canvassers recognized for service with certificates and pins were: 5 years - Bonnie Weise, Cheryl Weber, Lynda Wolsey, Cindy Hannah, Carol Stinchcombe, Helen Hawley; 10 years: Joanne McCullough, Donna Howes; 15 years. Charlotte Brown, Levi Ducharme, Dawn Gillam, Pam Woods; 20 years: Tina Howes; 35 years: Judy Gray
In her closing remarks Mary Howes expressed her thanks and gratitude to all the captains and
canvassers and reminded them "we are making a difference". She reminded those present of several people who have been in the news and are proof that "Cancer can be beaten" as they speak at schools or walk across the country promoting healthy practices. She stated we should encourage everyone to eat less red meat - breast cancer could be halved just by this simple act.
She closed her thanks by informing all canvassers as they knock on doors they are giving the people of North and Central Frontenac the opportunity to be part of something wonderful—discovering the cure for cancer.
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