Nov 20, 2014

Don Amos, executive director of Northern Frontenac Community Services (NFCS), was confident that a bit of snow and slush would not keep diners away from NFCS's annual United Way fundraiser dinner, which took place at The Maples Restaurant in Sharbot Lake on November 17. The event, which is now in its fourth year, is a partnership between NFCS and the Maples Restaurant, and staff from both organizations served up the hearty $10 dinner, which included garlic bread, Caesar salad, a generous plate of spaghetti and a help yourself dessert by donation bar. Staff at NFCS also baked a number of pies and desserts, including scrumptious trays of brownies and coconut cream pies, which were auctioned off during the evening and fetched hefty prices. Riley and Braidey Merrigan, who are nine and eight years old respectively, and their Mom Leslie Merrigan, performed for the guests after finishing their own suppers. They played guitar and sang many favorites, including "The Old Rugged Cross" and their sweet voices charmed the audience, especially Riley's rendition of "He Stopped Loving Her Today". They received enthusiastic applause.

Amos said the event attracts many regular supporters of the United Way and though the weather was a bit messy on Monday night the turn out was good. “I was a bit concerned because it was snowing all day but people in the north are very resilient."

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