Dec 18, 2014

This year's annual Christmas Open House at the Child Care Centre in Sharbot Lake on December 6 was very well attended. Staff from Northern Frontenac Community Services transformed the centre into a festive holiday hub for the entire family. Santa was on site speaking to youngsters about their Christmas holiday wish list and was also available for family photos. Youngsters had a chance to wrap a special gift for their caregivers in “Santa's Secret workshop” and there were numerous activities for the kids, including face painting, a plethora of Christmas crafts and cookie decorating plus refreshments for all. The event was enjoyed by hundreds of members of the community, many of whom later made their way to the Sharbot Lake Santa Claus parade. NFCS staff entered their festive “Frozen” themed float, which was a sure-fire hit and capped off their generous contributions to this year's memorable holiday festivities.

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