Jan 08, 2015

By Bill Bowick

Frontenac Masonic Lodge will be hosting a Robbie Burns dinner in Sharbot Lake again in 2015. This year it will be co-hosted by the Central Frontenac Fire Department and held in the Soldiers' Memorial (Oso) Hall. There will be kilts and pipes and good food. There will be toasts and music and ladies and gentlemen in their best dress.The menu will feature a roast pork dinner accompanied by cock-a-leekie soup, Scotch eggs, sticky pud'n for dessert and, of course, the haggis. There will be a cash bar with some premium Scotches and a DD which we hope no-one will need.

There will be the traditional toast to the haggis plus other Burns favorites and an open mike for anyone who wishes to contribute. The music will include a fiddle orchestra with a program of Scottish tunes as well as the pipes and some opportunities to sing. It should be a full evening of fun and fellowship for all.

The dinner will be held on Saturday, January 24 starting at 6pm. Tickets are $20 per person and must be purchased or reserved in advance. Contact Bill Bowick 613-279-3341; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or

Bill Young at 613-539-9956, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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