| Sep 02, 2010

(Editors Note: (i) denotes incumbent)

With one week to go before nominations close on September 10, there are now races for council seats in most districts covered by the Frontenac News.

On Addington Highlands, there are three candidates for two spots in Denbigh (ward 1), where Yvonne Rosien is challenging incumbents Eythel Grant and Janice Kerr. In Kaladar (ward 2) Larry Pealow, Bill Cox, and incumbent Helen Yanch are running. At this point, incumbent Henry Reeve Henry Hogg is the only candidate for Reeve.

In North Frontenac, there is a race in Barrie (ward 3) for the first time in many years. Incumbent Fred Perry, as well as Shawn Gray and Lorraine Garey are running for the two available positions. In Clarendon and Miller (ward 2) Karin Ferguson-Reynolds, Gerry Martin, and incumbent Elaine Gunsinger are running, while in Palmerston-Canonto, Betty Hunter and Bob Olmstead will be acclaimed, as will Jim Beam for mayor if no one else steps forward to run.

There has been little change to the races in Central Frontenac this week. The only new candidate is Britian Wilson in Kennebec (ward 1). Wilson joins Tom Dewey and incumbent Jeff Matson seeking the two ward 1 seats. In Olden (ward 2), only one candidate, Justin Gray, has stepped forward thus far, although incumbent Norm Guntensperger has indicated he will be running again. In Oso (ward 3) Wayne Millar, Richard Greenstreet and incumbent Frances Smith are running, while Hinchinbrooke (ward 4) has a contest lined up, with Heather Fox and incumbents Philip Smith and Bill Snyder all running. Logan Murray is challenging one-term incumbent Mayor Janet Gutowski.

The race in South Frontenac has not changed since early July. The candidates are: Bedford - David Hahn (i) Del Stowe (i) Pat Barr and Mark Timlin; Portland - Bill Robinson (i), Jim Hicks (i) Doug Lovegrove and John MacDougall; Loughborough – Ron Vandewal (i), Alan McPhail (i), Fran Willis and Randy Ferguson; Storrington – Larry York (i) Petr Roos and Cam Naish. Gary Davison (i) and John Fillion are running for mayor.

In Tay Valley Township there is a race for the two South Sherbrooke seats, with Roxanne Darling (i) David Campbell and Mark Burnham running. Thus far there is one candidate for Deputy Reeve, Susan Freeman (i) and one for Reeve, Keith Kerr (i). In the Elphin-Mcdonalds Corners ward (ward 6) of Lanark Highlands there are no candidates thus far for the one council position.

In the race for school board trustee, Barbara McLaren (i) is being challenged by Suzanne Ruttan in South Frontenac, while Anne Goodfellow (i) is uncontested thus far in Central and North Frontenac/Addington Highlands.



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