Dawn Morden | Jan 10, 2025

Navigating the real estate market can be complex, but understanding it doesn’t have to be. These are some common questions people ask about the market in our region that you may find interesting whether you’re a first time buyer, seasoned investor, someone planning to sell their home, or just curious about the market. The answers (based on 2024 market statistics in Frontenac County, Addington Highlands, and Stone Mills) should help clarify current market trends, provide practical insights and help you make more informed real estate decisions.

Is this a good time to buy a home?

Yes. Average sale prices during 2024 were lower in all townships (except Central Frontenac), than they were in 2023. The average percent of asking price paid for homes was equal to, or less than it was in 2023. Lower prices and a lower percent of asking price paid meant that buyers got better deals than they did in 2023. Also, homes took longer to sell in all townships (6-42 days longer), which gave buyers more time to look around and make decisions.

There is currently a good selection of homes for sale. As of January 1st there were 123 homes on the market; 8 in North Frontenac, 21 in Central Frontenac, 56 in South Frontenac, and 19 in each Addington Highlands and Stone Mills.

Is this a good time to sell my home?

Yes. More homes sold overall during 2024 (526 sold), than in 2023 (502 sold). The number of homes sold in South Frontenac and Stone Mills was higher than in 2023, and lower in North and Central Frontenac, and Addington Highlands. Demand for homes in our area was strong and continues to grow so if you’re planning to sell, it’s important to get your home into the best possible condition, price it properly, and make sure your realtor has a good marketing strategy.

How has the value of my home changed over the past year?

The value of a benchmark (the average) home in each township increased during 2024. In South Frontenac, value climbed steadily over the course of the year. In the other townships, there was greater variability. Values increased until late spring, then fell into autumn, and climbed again at the end of the year, just surpassing where they were at the beginning of the year. Benchmark home value increased most in South Frontenac, by 9%. Increases in the other four townships were just under 1%. As of December, benchmark home values were North Frontenac $618,800, Central Frontenac $410,300, South Frontenac $607,600, Addington Highlands $315,000, and Stone Mills $478,300.

Where is the most affordable place to buy a home?

Addington Highlands was the most affordable place to buy a home during 2024. The average sale price was $345,000, almost $200,000 less than Central Frontenac, the second most affordable township. However, if you were looking for a home under $300,000, Central Frontenac was the best place to find one, 19 homes sold in Central Frontenac for under $300,000. In Addington Highlands there were 14, North and South Frontenac each had 13, and only 6 sold for under $300,000 in Stone Mills.

Where should I look to purchase a luxury home?

South Frontenac. The most expensive home sold during 2024 was in South Frontenac. It sold for 2.6 million dollars. The number of luxury homes sold in South Frontenac has been increasing significantly over the past few years. 29 homes were sold there for over a million dollars during 2024. Availability of luxury homes in other townships wasn’t as plentiful. Five luxury homes sold in Stone Mills, three in each North and Central Frontenac, and none in Addington Highlands.

Which township is most popular for waterfront living?

North Frontenac was the most popular township for waterfront home sales in 2024, 37% of all homes sold were waterfront. Waterfront properties are at the heart of North Frontenac real estate, it’s been the most popular location for waterfront home sales for the past several years. Addington Highlands sold the second highest proportion of waterfront homes during 2024, 30%.  The highest number of waterfront homes sold was in South Frontenac (23 sold) but that was only 9% of it’s total sales volume. In Central Frontenac, 10% of sales were waterfront, and 6% in Stone Mills.

Where is the most affordable place to buy land if I’m planning to build a home?

Addington Highlands. The lowest average sale price for vacant land during 2024 was in Addington Highlands ($129,000). Central Frontenac had the second lowest ($170,000), followed by North Frontenac ($201,000), Stone Mills ($209,000) and South Frontenac ($269,000).

Where is the most popular place to buy vacant land?

Central Frontenac was the most popular township for vacant land sales, 26 vacant lots sold during 2024. In North Frontenac 19 were sold, 17 in South Frontenac, and 15 in each Addington Highlands and Stone Mills.

Where will I get the best return on my investment when purchasing vacant land to build a home?

South Frontenac. The largest differential between the average sale price of vacant land and homes was in South Frontenac, a difference of $451,000. Although the average sale price for vacant land was highest in South Frontenac, so was the average sale price of homes. South Frontenac is the best place to build for the highest return on your investment.

Central Frontenac is the second best choice for return on your investment, or best choice if you’re looking to minimize capital costs. The average sale price of land in Central Frontenac was much lower than in South Frontenac, and it’s differential ($358,000) still quite reasonable. But don’t rule out other townships, there were still a good differentials in North Frontenac ($380,000) and Stone Mills ($375,000). Unfortunately however, it would have been more difficult to make a return on your investment in Addington Highlands, even though the average sale price for vacant land was most affordable there, it’s differential was only $216,000.

Which township has the slowest market?

Addington Highlands sold the fewest number of homes and had the lowest average sale price during 2024; and no luxury homes were sold. The largest drop in average sale price from the previous year was also in Addington Highlands, $101,000 less than it was in 2023. Benchmark home value is lowest in Addington Highlands. And, homes there took longer to sell than in other townships during 2024. A slow market has great benefits for buyers because homes are more affordable. Addington Highlands is a terrific place to purchase your first home, downsize, or to settle in the long term.

Which township has the hottest market?

South Frontenac. South Frontenac sold over 182 million dollars in real estate during 2024, more than the other four townships put together. Nearly as many (254) homes were sold in South Frontenac as sold in the other four townships combined (272). Benchmark home value increased most in South Frontenac, markedly more than in the other townships. The most expensive home was sold here, and the highest number of homes sold for over a million dollars, more than twice as many as in the other townships combined. South Frontenac also had the best return on investment for building a home. The market in South Frontenac is thriving and growing however, living there isn’t out of reach, 13 homes sold for under $300,000 during 2024.

Here are details regarding home sales in each township during 2024 (and 2023). Number of homes sold. Average sale price (rounded to the nearest 1000). Average percent of asking price paid. Number of days on the market. (Information is based on MLS system data owned by the Kingston and Area Real Estate Association, 2023-2024).

North Frontenac. 49 (51). $581,000 ($598,000). 94% (95%). 84 days (48 days).

Central Frontenac. 81 (91). $528,000 ($424,000). 97% (97%). 45 days (39 days).

South Frontenac. 254 (222). $720,000 ($738,000). 97% (98%). 49 days (29 days).

Addington Highlands. 33 (41). $345,000 ($446,000). 95% (97%). 94 days (52 days).

Stone Mills. 109 (97). $584,000 ($621,000). 97% (97%). 44 days (36 days).

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