| Dec 16, 2015

This year there were a record 295 entries in our art contest, and so the job of the judges was even more impossible than usual. On the one hand, looking at the drawings with all their delightful details is the highlight of the year for us here at the News, but on the other hand there is the difficulty of picking only a few as official winners – we would love to pick them all, as they're all winners. Some of the drawings from our honorable mention list are also included in the Christmas section of this week’s paper, but there are many more that we want to share with readers. We are putting up a more extensive gallery of drawings at Frontenacnews.ca, which includes many drawings that are not printed in the paper, so go there if you can and have a look. Thanks to everyone who entered and congratulations to the following children, who were picked as the official winners:

1st Place Overall Winner: Owen Thompson, Grade 2, Loughborough Public School

Ages 6 and under

  1. Denver Arney, Grade 1, NAEC

  2. Logan England, JK, 4, Clarendon Central

  3. A tie between Jacob Sauve, Grade 1, GREC and Joey Bence, SK, NAEC

Ages 7 & 8

1. Logan Lee, Grade 2, St. James Major Catholic School.

2. Logan Chiasson, Grade 3, GREC

3. Owen Warren, Grade 3, Loughborough Public School. Age 8.

Ages 9 & 10

  1. Harrison Sargeant, Grade 4, Loughborough Public School

  2. Coady Kinsbury, Grade 5, Harrowsmith Public School

  3. A tie between Kaysen-Lee DeWolfe, St. James Major Catholic School and Emily Walker, Grade 4, GREC. Age 9

Ages 11 and up

  1. Dana Nikiforuk, Centreville Public School, age 13

  2. Olivia Douglas,NAEC, Grade 7 , age 12

  3. Teagan Cox, Land O’Lakes Public School, age 13

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