CW4WAfghan | Jan 11, 2017
“A teacher is a candle that burns to enlighten others'. This is an Afghan proverb and is very appropriate for the first meeting of 2017 for the Canadian Federation of University Women. The topic for this month is Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan (CW4WAfghan) and the evening promises to be very inspiring. The goal of CW4WAfghan is to advance education to Afghan women and their families. This organization also works to educate Canadians about human rights in Afghanistan. The Canadian Federation of University Women(CFUW) is excited to welcome CW4- WAfghan back to our club for an update on the educational progress that has occurred in Afghanistan over the past year.
Please join us on Monday January 16, 2017 at the Canadian Legion Building at 26 Beckwith Street East in Perth at 7:00 pm to hear more about this dynamic organization. Returning to our Club to share information is Madeleine Tarasick of Parham, National President of CW4WAfghan, as well as one of the members of the Board of Directors, Margaret Stewart. A history of CW4- WAfghan will be reviewed as well as ways to become involved.
Canadian Women For Women in Afghanistan is a non-profit, member-based organization founded in 1996. This organization has ongoing educational and fund-raising activities in Canada. It also provides a human rights education initiative to provide Canadian and Afghan educators with free on-line resources.
In Afghanistan 3 million girls are back in school and will change the course of their country's future. However, more than half of school age girls are still unable to access classrooms and only 20% of young Afghan women are literate. This can and will change thanks to the work and dedication of organizations such as Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan.
CFUW is an organization of women linked locally, nationally and internationally, to promote quality education, encourage participation in public affairs and improve the status of girls and women, all in an atmosphere of cooperation, fun and friendship. More information about CFUW Perth & District is available on our website:
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