| Jan 22, 2025

South Frontenac’s January 14 Council meeting was very brief, although it was bracketed with closed sessions, neither of which was, by definition, recorded online.


Councillor Randy Ruttan was sworn in as Deputy Mayor (he and outgoing Deputy Mayor Leonard had agreed to share the year). Committee of Adjustment members appointed for the coming year will be: Bedford, Councillor Steve Pegrum; Portland, Councillor Ray Leonard; Loughborough, Councillor Scott Trueman; Storrington, Councillor Norm Roberts.

Fire Smart Grant

In late 2024, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) issued an opportunity to support municipalities with the FireSmart Community initiative. The priorities of the grant were to support the development of a community Wildland Fire Protection Plan that would include a wildland fire hazard risk assessment and fire mitigation strategy. It also supports the development of forest hazard maps for wildland fire hazards. The maximum allowance per municipality is $15,000 over a 2-year period. Due to a short turnaround window of just under two weeks that was not in line with Council meetings, staff submitted the application in December with the understanding that if successful, it would be brought forward for Council approval.

The full grant has been awarded, and was announced. There was no discussion other than Councillor Roberts commented that it sounded like a good program. Approval was given.

14 Islands Lake Dam

Mayor Vandewal said that although it appeared the 14 Islands Lake Dam project had been completed, no report had been received. CAO Fragnito will follow up on this.


Councillor Leonard noted that the skating rink in Harrowsmith is being very well used and well maintained this winter.

Council adjourned to closed session.

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