Jeff Green | Jan 17, 2013
Central Frontenac CAO
The front page of last week’s Frontenac News had an article about Central Frontenac losing yet another CAO and how Cathy MacMunn would become acting CAO . . . yet again. It’s obvious that someone thinks Cathy is capable of doing this job. They keep giving it to her! In fact, Cathy gets the job every time the council finds itself in trouble. Why not give her the job permanently and see if she can keep them out of trouble? Certainly no one else has succeeded at it, including council.
Rosemarie & Bill Bowick
Carolling in Parham
I wish to thank District #4 Firemen and friends for carolling in the village of Parham. What a wonderful experience hearing a carol sung so beautifully. It was truly a “Christmas Spirit” moment. God bless.
Mary Howes
Re: Gutowski Will Not Step Down
The recent fracas at the County Council meeting showed us who the elected people really are. A bunch of little bullies who will not play nice if they don't get their way. May I remind you that you were elected to serve and as such do not have the right to refuse to vote on issues that would concern the voters who supported you. I commend Janet Gutowski for sticking to her guns on principle, and as long as she wants to for the next 3 years she has the legal right to do so. You go girl!!!!!!!
So get back to work for the common good! I have not heard that Janet is incompetent at her job, only that she will not play the silly games that you have established to benefit yourselves. Shame on you!
In closing let me remind you of one of Robbie Burns' famous quotes: “Oh wad some power the giftie gie us, to see ourselves as others see us.” And if you can't figure out what that means, I will translate it for you. To at least one person you look like a bunch of foolish people.
Ina Hunt Turner
Re: Taxes in South Frontenac
I agree with the points in Sheri Vivian's letter in the January 10 edition regarding her concerns with the tax increase in South Frontenac and the truck issues that contribute in part for that increase.
In addition to that I have other concerns with these tax increases every year and the fact that council seems to have a target of 3% or under; the target should be 0%. How hard have staff been looking to keep taxes down - can they not come up with some efficiencies? How about the fact that they moved the finance people to the new offices in Sydenham? What happens to the old office building? Is that still being kept open, heated, etc? Is there no staff efficiency by having everyone in one place? In the past few years things have been tough for many people: pensions have been reduced for some, investment income has taken a hit both with the stock market and interest rates, private sector wage increases have been little or nothing is some cases. What about our staff, do they have to have a 2.1% increase just because that is what was negotiated for the unionized workers? I don't propose to have all the answers, but I can think of all the meetings that councillors attend, can they be reduced, do councillors have to be at them? What about the new tax program that is costing thousands? Why does every municipality have to go on their own? Can these programs not be shared? The purpose is the same, only the names and property details are different. Why do building inspectors require half-ton trucks? Would small fuel-efficient cars not do? Does the Public Works Manager need a truck? A car would give him room to carry passengers when required? I think the Omaha Orange mentality and this $340,000 truck should be changed and that staff need to take steps to get taxes down to 0 for once. Many are having tax increases each year from the assessment changes that are being phased in as well. Our civic employees are very fortunate in these uncertain times with decent paying jobs, pensions, benefits etc while many others in our community of South Frontenac are taking a hit and I believe this should lead to a concerted effort to do whatever they can to keep costs down.
Bill Flynn
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