Jan 20, 2011

This January, the Mobile Health Unit operated by Community Primary & Health Care moved the location of its visits from the ABC Hall in Bolingbroke to the Town Hall in Westport. The RV mobile unit, retrofitted with a full exam room, is staffed by a nurse practitioner, program assistant and driver/mobile support. The unit has scheduled locations in communities on the same day of each month. This service offers primary health care to residents of all ages, with priority given to those who do not have a family physician. There is no fee for core services that the unit offers, such as blood work, flu shots, blood pressure checks, pre-natal care & more. The reason for the move is to serve more people. Bolingbroke is not within walking distance for anyone, whereas the town hall in Westport is within walking distance for some people, and those who have been driving to the Bolingbroke clinic will still be able to drive to Westport.

The Mobile Health Unit will be in Westport on the 1st Friday of the month, from 9:30am-2pm. The next visit will be on February 4. For information call: 613-803-1710.

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