Jeff Green | Dec 20, 2012
Back to HomeChristmas Edition - December 22, 2012Christmas 2012
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Christmas Messages for the Clergy
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Early Literacy:Holiday Books for the GivingThe Stablehand's EventualityBy Antonia Chatson
Christmas Messages from the Clergy
A Christmas Message by Rev. Jean Brown
No sense keeping ‘Christ’ in Christmas Without Easterby Rev. Judson Bridgewater
Christmas PS By Rev. Raymand Klatt
A Christmas Messageby Rev. Jean Brown
The first Christmas celebration came unexpectedly to the participants Mary, Joseph, shepherds, wise men who all responded to God's messages to “Fear not”. It has been wisely noted that when God's messengers say “fear not”- it's time to listen, give up our fears, pray ferociously and put the future into God's hands. Such is the case in the Plevna Ompah United Church, who somewhat unexpectedly in mid-November motioned to request a congregational vote on December 3 that would close both worship sites at the end of December 2012. We could almost hear the angels' reminder of “Fear not” as we prepared to vote and also pondered up-coming Christmas celebrations. How in the world we wondered, would we celebrate Christmas this year at our two worship sites? When the vote passed, we added the pressure of a service of deconsecration on December 16 and a future of looking at best possible usage of our two worship sites, and their holy contents. We certainly understood more clearly the dilemma of Mary and Joseph, two frightened young parents who set off on a donkey, ended up giving birth to the Saviour in a barn, were visited by shepherds, wise men and angels and then had to flee for their lives to escape a jealous dictator. Certainly when they set out they had no idea of all that awaited them, and neither do we as we now set out on a journey of church closure, pondering the future, making decisions that honour God and our ancestors dreams. We don't know what the future holds, but we do know that God holds the future and just as God guided our ancestors to build the churches, so too will God guide us as we journey into closure and moving in with other existing area churches. Like Mary, who had no real plans to give birth, we had no real plans to give birth to a church closure- but with God's help, prayer, discernment, discussion we will persevere- just as our ancestors did in past years.
This might not be the Christmas we had imagined, however I always wonder just how Jesus would want us to celebrate his birthday? We know that Mary “pondered” and together they prayed and sought direction. In our Plevna Ompah United Church, we too have been pondering, praying, worrying, laughing and crying, but mostly we have been brought to our knees in prayer. One thing about church closure- it brings us closer to God and to one another and it allows the Christmas scriptures to point us in new directions.
So, if ever there was a Christmas when God's message spoke to my heart personally and to our closing churches, this was the year. We sure let go of the tinsel, lights and glitter and asked God to help us get through and God met our needs. So many kind folks offered and continue to offer their prayers, and to extend invitations to worship at their locations. So many folks have suggestions on future plans for our two churches and their contents and with God's help it will all be revealed. We have every confidence that God will open a new door and a new way to be a Church in our area. We are, in a frightened kind of way, excited for all that God has in mind for us and like Mary continue to ponder all these things, to pray, and to trust in God.
In closing, thank you dear folks of the area for your kindness. In the short time of 15 months of service in your area you have stolen my heart and the heart of my husband Allan as we've ministered with you.
My contract finishes on December 31, 2012. A well known Presbytery representative Bruce Hutchinson who has helped us out in the past will then prayerfully start to meet with the Trustees to determine just what will happen to the church buildings, and contents. In the spring of 2013 another farewell to the churches is planned when more summer folk return. God bless everyone and thanks ferociously.
No sense keeping ‘Christ’ in Christmas Without Easter
By The Reverend Judson Bridgewater, Parish of Loughborough
“Roses are reddish, violets are bluish if it wasn’t for Christmas we’d all be Jewish.” This politically incorrect and sexist ditty from British comedian Benny Hill’s TV show shaped my early understanding of Christmas and Christianity...even after my Dad tried to set me straight.
“No”, he said, “People aren’t Christians because of Christmas. It’s because of Easter. And why were you watching Benny Hill?” (I was 9 at the time.)
You should know, I did not grow up in a religious household; neither was my father a historian nor a theologian. In fact, he identified himself as an atheist. And yet, he was quite sure that the reason people revered Jesus many years ago and why generations of people today continue to follow and worship Jesus has little to do with the spectacular birth stories retold each year at Christmas.
And sheepishly, I now have to admit that I was 19 before I experienced what my Dad was trying to tell me. And yet, I wonder how many people wanting to ‘keep Christ in Christmas’ today understand what my Dad was talking about.
Is the miraculous birth of Jesus really enough reason to celebrate ‘God’s gift to the world’ 2000 years later? Maybe this birthday is as good as any to throw an awesome party and visit with distant family & friends but really, is the birth of Jesus what motivates anyone to worship Jesus as God this Christmas?
I don’t think so. In fact, I am certain that the only reason we know anything about Jesus’ birth (or earthly ministry of healing the sick and feeding the poor) centres upon what the first followers experienced after Jesus had died on the cross. Something remarkable happened. Something marvellous occurred. Something miraculous and maybe even a little scary was witnessed by the first followers of Jesus.
I’m talking about the mystery of the first Easter, when Jesus was resurrected from the dead. What ever happened at the resurrection and subsequent days shook people to the core. This experience encouraged them to talk and eventually write about a Jesus who had defeated death and appeared to many people afterwards. For these followers (as for later generations) who claim that the Spirit of Jesus continued to empower, comfort, and reconcile them with the divine, Jesus is much more than a nice guy who did nice things for people long ago. Jesus is more than a baby born to Mary in a manger.
For some, baby Jesus will remain ancient history, a myth or fairy tale; however for others, the Risen Jesus is God’s gift of abundant life, peace, justice, and forgiveness now and forever. It is a gift that is experienced rather than read about, talked about, bought or sold - as I discovered while sitting in an old stone church one Sunday as a teenager.
And in an era where abundant life, peace, justice, and forgiveness seem in short supply, my hope is that more people will experience this type of gift. Merry Christmas and Happy Easter!
Christmas "PS"
By Rev. Raymond Klatt, Pastor of River of Life Christian Fellowship, Plevna
PROBLEMS: Joseph and Mary had some serious problems as they became the Christmas Story. Mary was pregnant - that was a problem because the child wasn't Joseph's, it was God's. Try explaining that to your family and friends. But Joseph and Mary were both obedient to God's will - both of them were willing to do their part in God's plan to send His Son to earth.
Let me share three obvious problems that Joseph and Mary faced and see if they don't sound like something you and I might face.
1. Taxes
2. Travel
3. Too many people.
The whole point in having to register was so that the Romans could accurately calculate how much tax they were going to levy against the Jews. On top of that, the Emperor was forcing everyone to travel to their family's hometown for the census.
The trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem was about 90 miles. So we have a financial burden, coupled with the burden of a long, and dangerous journey, and then on top of that, a mass of people that were all in the same situation.
Then Jesus was born in a stable and laid in a manger, which was a feed box for the animals.
PROMISE: When God sent angels to announce the birth of His Son He didn't send them to the religious leaders or the elite of society. He sent angels to shepherds. And yet, God chose these unlikely recipients to hear His message of promise.
All the Jews had been waiting for the coming Messiah. The angels spoke words of promise to the shepherds---the Messiah would be a SAVIOUR and His salvation would for all people.
The promise is still available today. God is still in the saving business and if you haven't claimed His promise, today is the day to do so.
PROCLAIM: The shepherds took off for Bethlehem to see it for themselves. They did not wait around. They simply got up and went straight to Bethlehem. What did they find? Exactly what the angels had told them and they also began proclaiming the birth of the Messiah to everyone who would listen. Wouldn't it be amazing if we were as faithful in proclaiming the message of Jesus as those shepherds were the night He was born?
The shepherds praised God because of what they had seen and heard. And they glorified God because they believed He had sent His Son for them. Can you offer that same praise today? It is God's gift of His Son to you.
It is possible that we could make a bigger impact for Christ in our world if we spent a little less time griping and complaining and a lot more time praising Jesus.
PONDER: In quiet contemplation Mary took all these events in and pondered what they all could mean. In faith she said “Yes”, and in faith she pondered on how God would use someone like her, someone like Joseph, someone like the baby she held in her arms to change the world.
If you really believe that Jesus Christ is God's Son, that He died on the cross for your sins, that He rose again to give you the hope of eternal life, and you are willing to repent of your sins, and receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, then you don't have to wonder anymore. Then you can really worship Him.
"The shepherds returned to the fields glorifying and praising God, for all the things they had heard and seen, which was just as they had been told." Luke 2:30
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