June Akey | Mar 02, 2016

In answer to the letter that Vicky Layfield sent in (Re: Syrian refugee fundraiser, Feb 11/16). I admire the fact that you are one of the first to express concern about Syrian refugees entering our country. I feel sorry for your housing situation. You are one of many and it will only get worse.

With prices of housing rising and food rising to the point that parents cannot afford to feed their children nutritious food, examples: cauliflower $6.99, apples $5.99. Need I say more?

I feel very sorry for the Syrian refugees. Hunger is a horrible thing and the cruelty of war is beyond our imagination. Any one of us with a heart agrees these people need help.

However, you would think our country’s leaders would know their financial limit without putting our country in severe distress. Instead, they’re “showing off” and putting our country in peril in the process.

Furthermore, what about the hungry people in our own country?

What I find truly disgusting is hearing on the news that some of our Canadian soldiers are homeless here now. Canada should hide their heads in shame if any of our soldiers who fight for our freedom are homeless here in Canada.

A household working family needs to make over $100,000 a year in order to pay cash for renovations or new appliances, and 80% of Canadians do not have all brand new furnishings in their homes. I believe the Syrian refugees need to be made comfortable here and all their ADLs (activities of daily living) met, but not to go and buy $6000 double oven stoves, $4000 plush chesterfields suites or the best appliances on the market for their needs. How many of us have that? I believe our country is on the brink of a severe depression, and, we should know who to thank for that. Although it will be too late, then and only then will the voting citizens wake up.

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