Leo Ladouceur | Oct 19, 2016

If County Staff and Council wants to know what residents think or know about Frontenac County, this survey will not provide many answers. Many potential responders are seasonal property owners and they will not know this survey even exists. Most permanent residents actually have some serious thoughts and opinions but they will go unheard because they can’t meet the imposed 21 Oct deadline. That’s eight days or less to obtain the document, think about it, make comments and get the survey back to County.

With these restrictions, this is not a survey. It will be just another consultant report based on a consultant’s opinion that the County has to pay for. If County really wants to know what we think then they can facilitate a survey that is available to everyone and has a reasonable or flexible response time for submissions. By the way, we who pay the County tax bill do care what the warden and her Council colleagues spend our money on and if they waste it.

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