Laurabel Miller | Apr 06, 2017

In response to the article in the March 23 edition (Heading to New Gate @ Kaladar waste site- Addington Highlands Council)

In the article it referred to the attendance of a resident at the council meeting. That person was, and is, me.

Yes I did say I would like to buy compostable bags at Walmart; perhaps the word compostable was not clearly heard. Also I could choose a more compatible size, as the large “dump bags” are too large, forcing me to use 2 bags for one bag’s worth of garbage. Not only for the weight, but also for the price. Thirdly the compostable bags compost themselves, adding a lessening of residue in the dump. I do believe this is what the objective is?

As for putting furniture etc in the dump it should be treated instead as a part of recycling, as done in urban areas. Designated days/month in which residents put articles out at roadside to be picked up by organization which recycles some and just plainly discards some of it. Paying a “tip” to the township to put these articles in the dump is like robbing Peter to pay Paul or cutting off your nose to spite your face”. As the saying goes.

Couches, etc; chairs; all have metal, plastic and numerous chemicals in their composition. Secondly, the site will eventually be full.

Yes, I did mention garbage pickup “ which everybody else has”. “ not urban” as garbage pickup is in effect about 3 km from my place- rural in Renfrew County. I guess Renfrew County is more difficult than KFLA county?

I did not realize that I needed an “agenda” form for permission to speak at council meetings, in fact I didn’t know what one was, or that it existed. So, if I stepped on any toes hopefully forgiveness has been allotted to me.

I believe in standing up for what one believes-that is “Stand up and be counted”. Everyone is talking or I shound say “chattering” about the waste site dilemma but one should stand up and be counted in order to prevent exacerbation of the dilemma. Hmmmm?  I wonder what happened to Denbigh dump that it was so offensive to the “ministry” that it had to be closed? Think about it…

Dare I raise further ire by suggesting this--- we do what Mother Nature does?  If she wants an area in the forest cleared – lightning starts a forst fire and clears it. Burning wood and branches etc, in a pit like we used to do? Of course, foolish pipe dreams that is. If a chipper was at the dump it would provide an excellent alternative. I don’t thin the Ministry would disapprove of that. And don’t whine about the cost of buying one.

Well I’ll just have to go with the flow, keep on trucking; and no more suggestions to council: Remind myself “Fools rush in where Angels fear to trod” and don’t beat my head on a stone wall.

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