Margaret Dochoda | Aug 07, 2024

Do reassure the Christian offended by living tableaux opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics: it was not mean to evoke "The Last Supper", but rather, "The Feast of the (Olympian) Gods" (Jan van Bijlert, from 1635, see image).

The heathen Gods have gathered on mount Olympus for a feast. Sun god Apollo is recognizable by his halo, Bacchus (Dionysus) by the grapes, Neptune (Poseidon) by his trident, Diana (Artemis) by the moon, Venus (Aphrodite) by Cupid. You can also see Minerva, the godess of wisdom, and of course Mars, the god of war (next to Venus, the godess of love who had a well known relationship)...

There certainly is some resemblance with "The Last Supper' by da Vinci from 1495. Van Bijlert was apparently inspired by it to depict a heathen feast...

So this tableau vivant is in no way an insult to Christians. If anything one might claim that the pagan gods are insulted because the often somewhat effeminate Apollo is depicted as a plus-sized woman.

All in all, this depiction of Bijlerts piece of art seems fitting, since its about the gathering of the Greek gods on mount Olympus and this is where the Olympic games originate..."

- Margaret Dochoda

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