| Mar 12, 2025

Trump just wants our resources. All the ones he says ‘America’ doesn’t need. He wants the geographic territory because he believes that economic power comes with control of resource-rich territory that feeds production for consumption essential to their economic model. If we accept monetary economics as the only measure of quality of life we will be mislead. It is not just monetary. How do you sense quality of life? We do need to satisfy minimal budget needs but filling them (or overfilling them) does not demonstrate high quality of life. What does?

What has kept some folks here for four generations? What makes aging adults return to this region or plan to do so in the near future? Certainly money is a major element but the basic drive to come back arises from other, complicated forces. Many of those elements are rooted in the landscapes where we live, not in political or economic or media notions.

To base our decisions entirely on trade balances and economic politics would be accepting the consumer values of the U.S.A. Our values for qualities of life in eastern Ontario are less monetary. They must be if we want to save the quality of life that attracted many of us.

Both the effects of economics of other nations and the influx of people from urban populations will push our region to surrender our high quality of life to their materialism.

We will be forced to choose between sunsets that we value highly and profitable gadgets with no real value.

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