Apr 22, 2015

I have been reading letters to the editor and feel I must express my opinion regarding assisted suicide.

I sat beside my mother, two sisters, a sister-in-law, a brother and a few friends dying with cancer, never wishing any one of them to depart before their natural time.

What is the matter with trying to work things out when sometimes they may face some fear? Fears don't have to be overwhelming when proper medication is used to relieve their pain and there is a loving family beside them.

Are we too busy in our own lives to care for our families' needs and be with them in their time of pain and suffering? Do we just kill them in place of taking time out of our own lives to love them, like those before us have done?

I guess I could have done a lot of killing in my life but my decision has been to love them in their last days. I want to leave this world myself with a clear conscience that I have loved and not killed.

Ileene Mouck

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