Herbert W. Kent | Jul 01, 2015

"I SAY NO"...How about a referendum

I say NO to NextEra Energy, I say NO to all Wind Turbine Companies and I say NO to the Wynne Ontario Liberal Government. I live in North Frontenac and am thrilled to be part of the citizens who said NO. Lawrence Flynn was “right on” in his letter about "the danger to the incredibly diverse environment of North Frontenac". I also agree with Mayor Higgins who said "the big picture here is not electricity but land". I too, want to preserve our land, not just for now, but for the future of our children and their children.

I also wish to add another view point. What about the cost to all taxpayers down the road? I believe, before ANY grants are given to ANY turbine company, the Wynne Liberal Government has a obligation to us tax payers to have these questions incorporated into all grant applications. After all, in the end, these grants are been paid by the very tax payers who voted the Liberals in.

1. What duration of continuous uninterrupted power are you prepared to guarantee for any given 24 hour period?

2. What exactly is the cost the user will be billed per kilowatt excluding the monies they have already paid to cover the grants?

If the Liberals are so convinced this is the best for Ontarians, then let the people of Ontario decide. How about putting our tax dollars to work and have a Referendum! Join the "NO TEAM"!

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