Dr. Jerry Ackerman | Oct 01, 2015

If the voters in our riding choose you to represent our interests both locally and nationally, can we expect you to do exactly that? Or, will you just "follow the leader" of the party in everything you say or do?

For example, if you learned:

- that a major lawsuit against the government because all borrowing for government goods and services since 1974 has been from the private banks (domestic and foreign) at prevailing rates of interest, rather than borrowing from our publicly-owned bank, the Bank of Canada, interest-free;

- that every deficit has been added to the nation's debt and the interest charges have been compounded so that $1,100,000,000,000 (that's 1.1 Trillion) of unnecessary interest charges has been paid;

- that the nation's debt (federal, provincial, municipal) amounts to more than $600,000,000,000 (that's 600 Billion) with each deficit added and the interest compounded;

- that the muzzled media has been forbidden to attend or report from the hearings in Federal court in Toronto over the past four years, and that will certainly be the case for the FOURTH hearing Oct 14.

- and that you were told that the constitutional lawyer pleading the case against the government has successfully sued this government over the wrongful appointment to the Supreme Court and is determined to react accordingly to the C-51 legislation,


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