| Jan 16, 2025

Staff reports from Clerk/Planning Manager Tara Mieske and Chief Building Official Donald Reed at the regular North Frontenac Council meeting Jan. 10 in Plevna suggest that, in terms of planning and building permits, etc at least, 2024 was a pretty good year for North Frontenac.

First up, Mieske’s report indicated that compared to the covid-fueled activity of previous years, things are beginning to stabilize, thus reducing demands on staff time and streamlining processes for residents.

“This is an interesting report,” said Dep. Mayor John Inglis, who was chairing the meeting in the absence of Mayor Gerry Lichty.

“The trend is settling from during covid (when) we had huge numbers of applications and we weren’t sure if that was going to be the way we were going to be or whether it was going to stabilize,” Mieske said. “It looks like it has stabilized and we’re still busy but not to the levels we were during covid.”

In 2024, there were 43 total planning applications as compared to 36 in 2023 but 59 in 2022.

One aspect where things have been streamlined is in the area of pre-consultation meetings. Previously, pre-consults involved County Planning Staff but now North Frontenac staff can handle most of those questions, requiring fewer involvements with County staff.

In 2022, there were 55 pre-consultation meetings. There were 35 in 2023 but only 3 in 2024.

“Previously, every application required a pre-consult involving the planners,” Mieske said. “But now, staff can handle most of it and we only involve the planners for more complicated applications.

“This is a good thing.”

This hasn’t translated into reduced planning costs however as the Township has a $98,000 agreement with County Planning for services but only collected $54,000 in fees.

But that’s OK, Mieske said.

“The services we’re getting from the County cost more than what we can collect in fees,” she said. “But some things are just providing a service to the community.”

However, building permit numbers are strong, and those things do translate into revenue.

In 2024, there were 148 permits issued (224,706.80 in revenue , the same number as in 2022, which only produced $189,689 in revenue. In 2023, there were 130 permits issued for $185,129 in rvenue..

“We were able to have a really good fall compared with some of the other building managers in the area,” Reed said. “A lot of people are selling homes in the cities and moving here.

“Plus, cottages aren’t cottages any more.”

Double Drum Street Roller

Council approved the purchase of a double drum steel roller (used) and trailer for the Public Works Department  at a cost of $50,000

Public Works Manager Darwyn Sproule told Council that the Township does not have such a piece of equipment and it will be invaluable in road edge repair.

Grant Application

Council approved the Community Development Manager applying for a Seniors Community Grant — Community Hall Technology Updates (100 per cent funding). The application will be for smart TVS for each of the five community halls as well as a speaker system for each.

Coun. Fred Fowler questioned whether Snow Road would need one since it already has a projector type TV system but Manager of Community Development Brooke Ross said the smart TVs have a lot more capabilities.

“This is something that’s not going to make anybody mad,” said Dep. Mayor John Inglis.

Hall Booking Controversy

Council heard objections from the Ompah Community Centre Association regarding the new hall booking system.

Executive member Marily Seitz told Council that as far as they were concerned, having one of their membership handle booking at the Ompah Community Centre worked well for them and they worried changing things wouldn’t necessarily be for the better.

“The new system will create much work for us,” Seitz said.

“I think it’s important we respect our volunteers,” said Coun. Vernon Hermer. “If they’re happy using it, they should be allowed to.”

“We did spend money on the software,” said Coun. Roy Huetl. “Booking Clar-Mill Hall for my lake association works good.”

“Four out of five halls will happily use it,” said Dep. Mayor John Inglis. “(But) the booking system has to be used by all five halls.

“The communications will have to be worked out.”

Under the new system, bookings at all halls are handled online at a central location.

Manager of Community Development Brooke Ross was tasked with bringing back a report.

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