Jeff Green | Nov 27, 2013
Sunday Lake Road to get full township service.
Residents from the Sunday Lake Association received an early Christmas present this week when Council reversed their long standing refusal to consider providing maintenance on the Sunday Lake Road.
The road runs between Road 509 and Sunday Lake, west of Ompah. It was built by the developer of the Sunday Lake subdivision back in 1983. At the time the road was deeded to Palmerston-Canonto Township under an agreement that the maintenance would be covered by the residents who lived on the road and not the township, although the possibility of the township taking over maintenance of Sunday Lake Road was left open.
After amalgamation in 1998, the roads department of North Frontenac did do maintenance on Sunday Lake Road without council approval for a time, but in 2005 then Mayor Ron Maguire learned of the practice and put an end to it.
Since then Sunday Lake residents have asked at least twice that the road join the regular roster of township-maintained roads. The latest attempt started in the summer of 2012 and has continued on this year.
The residents argue that the assessment of properties on the road tops $6,000,000, which leads to over $70,000 in taxation, and that the township also owns a boat launch and beach at the end of the road. The township's lawyer has advised that the township faces liability if they do not take responsibility for the road leading to a property that they advertise as a township asset open to the public.
A delegation came to council last month and once again requested that the road be maintained by the township. At that time Mayor Clayton told the delegates a decision would be made on November 25.
The item was not included in the council agenda package because although Clayton had made a promise to the residents no direction was given to staff to bring the item back to this week's agenda.
Public Works Manager Jim Phillips said he is preparing a report on the state of repair of un-maintained township roads and will be recommending how and when the township should take them on. The report will be ready in time for the December meeting of Council.
Nonetheless a motion was put forward to take on maintenance of the road immediately. Councilors Lonnie Watkins and Gerry Martin both suggested that the motion be deferred until Phillips' report is presented.
“I hate to see this go down because we don't have enough information and then it can't come back for a year” said Watkins.
The vote went through nonetheless. Four members of Council (Inglis, Hunter, Watkins and Clayton), supported the motion and two (Perry, Martin) voted against it.
Electronic voting coming to NF
Next year's municipal election in North Frontenac will feature a new voting system. Joining with townships such as Addington Highlands, Tay Valley and South Frontenac, North Frontenac voters will receive a unique Personal Identification Number (PIN), which give them one time access to Internet or telephone voting. The new system will replace the paper voting system that has been in place and will save staff time and money.
“It will also provide a better opportunity for our seasonal residents to vote because they will be able to vote instantly wherever they are,” said CAO Cheryl Robson.
“When I saw how much work was involved in the old system and how long it took for the results to come in, I thought there has to be a better way,” said Councilor Betty Hunter.
The township will put out an RFP seeking a provider for the new service.
Planning with the County
Council approved, in principle, severing ties with its current planner, Glenn Tunnock, and entering into a service contract with the Frontenac County Planning Department. Negotiations will now begin towards finalizing a formal contract with the County.
“This won't likely take effect until mid-way through next year,” said Clerk/Planning Co-ordinator Jenny Duhamel, “I think we should give Mr. Tunnock several months notice as a courtesy.”
Tunnock Planning has provided service for North Frontenac since the township came into existence in 1998.
Meeting dates for 2014.
Council will continue to meet every third week in 2014, and all meetings will be held upstairs at the Clar-Mil fire hall on Road 506 (adjacent to the township office).
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