Wilma Kenny | Jun 12, 2014
“More moves than a can of snakes.”
Mayor Davison made no secret of his disapproval that all townships except South Frontenac will now be using the County planners. He pointed out that South Frontenac Planner Lindsay Mills’ comments on the County’s proposed Official Plan revision had led to some valuable changes that would not otherwise have come about. Councillor McDougall had earlier commented that if the townships and the county all use the same planners, “There’s nobody to push back.” Davison also asked what the County Planners had been doing with their time the over past two years, if they have time to serve all four other townships. County planning services to the townships from now on are to be done on a full cost recovery basis.
Portland District Quarry Question Addressed
In March, a public meeting was held regarding an application for an Official Plan amendment which would allow a quarry on Petworth Road to expand its operations. One member of the public wondered why her family was not permitted to create a new residential lot in proximity to the quarry, yet now the quarry company is proposing an expansion in proximity to the residences: she wondered why the rule didn’t work both ways. Accordingly, the township wrote to the Ministry of Natural Resources, asking that any decision on the proposed expansion be deferred until the Official Plan and rezoning applications have been finalized.
Planner Mills brought his interpretation of the MNR’s reply to Council. The MNR confirms that the licence indeed cannot be issued until the township has amended the Official Plan and the Zoning by-law to permit it. Mills added that section 6.20 of the township’s Official Plan states: “Where possible, influence areas will be based on Provincial guidelines. Council, through the review of development applications within influence areas will ensure that land use compatibility issues are addressed.” Mills summarized that: “Ultimately, the problems of coexistence…have been recognized in both the Aggregate Resources Act and the Planning Act and a process (for their resolution) has been well set out.”
Portland Heritage Committee
Councilor McDougall reported that the structure of the stone school house has been assessed as secure. The committee is presently planning their contribution to the County’s 150th celebrations next year.
Volunteer needed
Mayor Davison said the County is still looking for one more volunteer for their 150th celebration planning committee. Interested individuals should contact either the township hall, or the county.
Summer meeting schedule
Unless further need arises, Council will meet twice during the summer: Tuesday July 8, and Tuesday August 5.
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