Jul 28, 2021
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week.
Table of Contents
- Arden
- Battersea/Storrington
- Cloyne - Northbrooke
- Denbigh
- Harlowe
- Harrowsmith
- Henderson
- Inverary
- Maberly-Bolingbroke
- Mississippi
- Mountain Grove
- Ompah
- Parham-Tichborne
- Perth Road
- Plevna
- Sydenham
- Verona
by Wanda Harrison
On September 1, 2021, Ontario optometrists are prepared to reject OHIP-covered eye exams for people under the age of 20, 65 and older, along with those who have specific medical eye conditions. They feel that the $44.65 provided to them through the Ontario Government does not cover the approximate $80.00 cost they incur for each exam, and apparently negotiation between the two parties are at a standstill. The Ontario Government says they have been engaged with the Optometrists Association and says that it is the Optometrists decision to withdraw their services. The bottom line is that this is a decision which will directly affect us, so we have to do our part and let the Ontario Government know that this is not a matter of who we lay blame on. Get in touch with our local KFL&A Public Health folks, Dr. K. Moore, Minister of Health Christine Elliott (christine.elliott@ontario,ca), your optometrist, and Premier Ford himself. There is also a petition you can sign and submit at saveeyecare.ca. We can’t let this slide… Do your part.
Are you ready for the kids to return to school? Rural Frontenac Community Services is offering the “Back to School Backpack Program” to those families with school age children who are unable to provide the necessary items required for back to school. To register, please call 613-279-3151 x 305. Registration closes August 13, 2021.
How about a Community BBQ and parade? Will this help you get your community spirit back? The date is August 21 at noon and the place is the Kennebec Rec Park. Presently, a car show, food and drinks, music and a hay ride are some of the scheduled events. If you would like to contribute by way of participation and/or a donation of money or your time, please get in touch with Jordon Chatwin.
The North Frontenac Food Bank is holding a “Bike Raffle”. 8 bikes will be awarded to the lucky winners. Tickets are $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. The draw is Friday, July 30 at 4pm. As of this printing, tickets can only be purchased through Facebook messenger.
Hope your garden is doing as well as mine is. If you have more produce than you can use, please share it with your neighbour. They will appreciate your homegrown treasures.
by Amanda Pantrey
I got this message from our friends from Parham: There will be a Vendor's Market on the Parham Fairgrounds Saturday, August 21st from 9am to 3pm. More artisans and vendors are signing up each day, but there are now already well over 30 people registered who will be selling all types of items. If you want to get a head start on Christmas shopping, you will be able to find anything from pottery, stained glass, forged metal items, handicrafts, home baking, flea market items, and lavender products to pierogi's and jewellery. Interested vendors can still register at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Have you checked out the Park Day’s Program, hosted by South Frontenac’s Recreation Department? Get the kids out of the house and join them for some fun and games at your local park! Register today at http://www.southfrontenac.net/.../swim-and-daycamps.aspx
Starting in August, the South Frontenac Museum is excited to welcome visitors once again to the historical one-room schoolhouse at 5595 Road 38 in Hartington. Featuring exhibits of everything from farming tools to tea sets, the Museum has something interesting for all. Visit www.southfrontenacmuseum.ca for updated operating hours and COVID-19 protocols.
How does a cucumber become a pickle? It goes through a jarring experience.
Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper
The Lions Club of Land O’Lakes congratulates Lion Carl Lane for receiving the Melvin Jones Fellowship award. This award honours the legacy of the Lions founder, Melvin Jones. The Fellowship is the highest form of recognition and embodies ideas consistent with the nature and purpose of Lionism. It is presented to someone who has demonstrated dedicated humanitarian services by providing kindness and service to their club and to those in need.
Finnegan’s General Store is hooking up with Kim’s Crafts. Drop by the store and check out the handmade treasures.
More news from Finnegan’s: “A young family with 2 kids came in the store last night. Their 4 year old wasn’t feeling well. We helped him and then called the non emergency ambulance to double check before they headed back to their campsite. Thank you to our emergency services here in Cloyne. Our small business might be a general store but our outlook is holistic and community is everything. Grateful for your quick response and the lady on the phone who took our call. You were calm, patient and kind.”
Congratulations to Finnegan’s General Store for being voted 1 of 10 cutest country stores in all of Ontario!
News from Mazinaw Lakeside Resort: “Happy to announce that this weekend, the camp store will be opening Fri/Sat/Sun, 10 to 2pm. Ice, worms, firewood, homemade bread, sandwiches, candy, and drinks will be available. We are working hard to get the Eatery open soon, as well, with regular hours. Keep you posted!”
News from the Lions Club of Land O’Lakes: “A big Lion roar to all who came out to support our Fish Fry Fundraiser. We hope you enjoyed the tasty fish and fries. We served 237 meals. Thank you for your support. Without you, we could not serve and support our surrounding communities.”
The Flinton Library is having a book sale on Saturday, July 31, 2012 from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Please bring a bag. $2.00 for a small bag, and $4.00 for a large bag. Please wear a mask and adhere to social distancing while at the sale. Thank you for supporting the library!
St. Kilian’s Church is having a Bake Sale on Saturday, July 31, 2021 from 10:00am to 1:00pm. Do not miss out. You can pre-order a favourite treat by calling 613-479-0070 or by leaving a message on St. Killian’s Church’s FB page by July 25, 2021.
Bence Motors is celebrating their 75th anniversary on Saturday, August 14, 2021 beginning at 11:00am. Check out their FB page for more details.
The Parham Agricultural Society is not hosting a Parham Fair this year because of the Covid issues. What we have decided to do, instead, is to host a Vendor's Market on Saturday, August 21st. We are now seeking artisans of any description, people who might want to sell garage sale items, or flea market vendors. They can set up a tent or sell off their tailgate. The display is up to them. The cost for each vendor is $25.00 and it will be reimbursed the day of the event. The market will run from 9am to 3pm on the Parham Fairgrounds. To register, they are to send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Angela Bright
It's time again for peaches! Jon Williams will travel to the Niagara region to pick up peaches. This is a fundraiser for the Golden Lake kids camp. A basket is $7.00, 24L or 25 pounds-$39.00. Peaches will be delivered to the Fritsch Farm in Denbigh on Friday, August 13th at 9am. There will be coffee and treats; come and visit with friends! Orders must be picked up and paid for on delivery day. Please place your order with Gail at 613-333-2224 (leave a message) or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Friday, August 6th.
The Denbigh Library's book sale will take place on Saturday, August 7th, 9am till noon. Books are $1 each, or you can fill a small bag for $2, a large bag for $4. Please wear a mask and social distance. The TD Summer Reading Program is running outdoors at the Denbigh Library from 6-7pm on Thursdays. Please wear a mask. Call the library at 613 333 1426 to sign up. The program is also available for weekly curbside pick up.
Welcome back! Family worship at Vennachar Free Methodist Church will reopen on Sunday, August 1st at 10:30am. For info, call 613 333 2318. Looking forward to seeing you again!
Food Bank dates for the month of August will be Tuesday, August 10th and Tuesday, August 24th. Pick up time is 11am at the Addington Highlands Community Centre. COVID rules in place. Please contact Gail at 613 333 2224 in advance.
Playgroup in the Park happens on Tuesdays, 10am to 12 noon at Heritage Park, 48 Lane Street. This free program is offered to families with children ages 0 to 6 years of age. Please register with Morgan at www.picktime.com/LARC, or for more info, contact Morgan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also visit the Lennox and Addington Resources for Children Facebook page for details. Due to restrictions, drop ins are not permitted at this time.
Marie White
No column; check back next week!
Marilyn Goodberry
The Parham Agricultural Society is NOT hosting a Parham Fair this year because of the Covid issues. What we have decided to do, instead, is to host a Vendor’s Market on Saturday, August 21st. We are now seeking artisans of any description, people who might want to sell garage sale items, or flea market vendors. They can set up a tent or sell off their tailgate. The display is up to them.
The cost for each vendor is $25.00 and it will be reimbursed the day of the event. The market will run from 9:00am to 3:00pm on the Parham Fairgrounds. To register, they are to send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Our idea is to get the economy rolling again, not as a money maker for the Fair, but as a venue where our community can sell their products and start getting life back to normal.
If you have birthdays or anniversaries you would like to include in the column, please call Pam Redden 613-372-0675 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Jean Brown
A warm welcome back to Joan Flieler, who now resides at Pine Meadow, where she is receiving excellent care.
Some comings and goings this past week included Howard Gibbs of Mountain Grove, Sharon MacDonald of Sharbot Lake, and Ron and Sharon (Compton) Peterson of Odessa, who happened along with their freshly extracted honey. It was yummy in the tummy.
Our neighbours in Arden at the Kennebec Recreation are blazing a trail to offer a community barbecue and parade on Sat. Aug. 21 in Arden, starting at noon. Food and drinks, music, hay rides, and vehicle show will be some of the features. It’s been a long time of Covid lock down and we surely appreciate all the area groups who are now starting up and back again!
Congratulations to the Lions Club of Land O’Lakes, who served up 237 fish fry dinners on the weekend, the proceeds of which aid community and area projects. You folks rock!
Stay safe, folks, and let’s keep Covid at bay by practicing all the health guidelines. We must persevere!
by Judy Borovskis
Martial Arts classes at Inverary United Church hall Thursday evenings from 7 to 8pm beginning August 5. Anyone interested, call or text Hamid Nam at 613-328-6742.
Parham Agricultural Society is hosting a Vendor's Market on Saturday, August 21st from 9am till 3pm on the Parham Fairgrounds. Open to artisans, people selling garage sale items, or flea market vendors. Sellers are responsible for their own set-up. Cost per vendor is $25.00 which will be reimbursed the day of the event. To register, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Hand crafted cards for sale by the Inverary Youth Activities Group. A package of 5 assorted cards for $10. Blank on the inside for your personal message. Order from any member of Inverary Youth Activities Group. All proceeds will support Ken Garrett Memorial Park.
Pickleball introduction sessions - Register now for both Beginner Level I and Beginner Level II. Contact Kelli at 613-545-5288 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.
EarlyON programs are free for parents and caregivers with children ages birth to 6 years. Most programs are 9:30am until 12:30. To register or find a locations near you: Marcie Webster at 613-279-3151 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Free Seniors Urban Poling Fitness Classes held Tuesdays & Thursdays from 10:30 to 11:30am at the Storrington Centre in the parking lot. Dress comfortably, wear walking shoes and bring water. Note: washrooms are not open. Poles are available. Let’s keep fit!
Bicycles, please! The Canadian Cuban Friendship Association is collecting used bicycles to be sent to Cuba in the fall. Adult or children’s bikes gladly accepted. To donate, call Al Rankin at 613 353-6650 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bottle drive continues with the trailer at 3950 Round Lake Road. All proceeds for the new washroom building at Ken Garrett Memorial Park.
Library boxes at the gates to Ken Garrett Park. Take, borrow or donate. Two boxes are children’s books and two are adult books.
Great week at Clearview Cottage Resort, Young’s Point. Have been going there off and on for 48 years and now my kids and their families do the same. Extra special this year, as a certain guest came down the road just after we were all unpacked – none other than my eldest son, Brent, who lives in West Chester, Ohio, and we have not been able to see him in almost two years! Sure made this Mom very happy!
Karen Prytula
FISH FRY – Another great summer tradition is back… FISH FRY at the ABC Hall Saturday, August 7. $16 per meal. Pre-order online now, and curbside pickup that day. All details at www.abchall.ca, or for more info, Lynne Lang 613.273.8834. Time: 5:00pm – 7:00pm. Again this year, Mike Mundell’s of Kingston will be onsite to prepare the delicious New Zealand cod. As this will be a curbside pick-up event, our crew of volunteers will deliver the packaged meals to your car window for you to bring home and enjoy. Meals are $16 and each include the following: 2 pieces of fish (incl. tartar sauce, lemon wedge), french fries, 2 salads, roll and butter, dessert. We ask that you indicate your preferred pick-up time on the order form and we will try to accommodate everyone. You will receive an email closer to August 7 with your confirmed pick-up time. A 50/50 draw will also be held. Last month, $710 dollars was won by Terri H. of Perth. Tickets can be purchased on the same form. Don’t miss out, order now. Everything we do at the Hall is a fundraiser. All our events are aimed at raising funds to keep the Hall going for activities such as exercise classes, card games, music concerts, etc. for the benefit of everyone in the community.
by Pearl Killingbeck
Where did July go? Yesterday was July 8th and now it is July 26th. Pretty soon, we will be in that season where we have to wear mitts, hats and boots. It is only 5 months until Christmas. Brrrr. I thank Mary Gemmill for her visit on Thursday and the lovely tarts – they were delicious. Thank you for the visits - I enjoy them so much.
Sympathy to the Millar family on the sudden death of John Millar from Snow Road Station.
Welcome to Marc and Emilie, who have been staying at their little house on the corner in Snow Road. Perhaps next time will stay long and be able to visit with your friends and family in the community.
So glad to hear Ruth Jackson, who used to live here in Mississippi Station, and her family missed the impact of that tornado that hit Barrie last week. So sorry for all the others who had so much devastation to their homes and community.
Get well wishes to Danny Stewart of McDonald’s Corners, who broke his ankle. He is now in Carolina Court for some rehabilitation. Get well soon, Danny. Can’t wait to see you back home and out at the side of the road waving to everyone again.
Thank you to Ron and Alice for getting my groceries last week and thank you to Alice (aka Beep Beep the Road Runner) – she sure got in her mileage last week taking me to all my doctor appointments in Smiths Falls for a CT scan and Kingston for a bone scan, and Tuesday we had a fun day road tour. We also had a few meals in a restaurant. It felt wonderful to almost feel free again or back to normal.
Has anyone noticed the lovely new paint job at the Snow Road Presbyterian Church steps? All thanks to Bob DeLisle, who did a wonderful job, and I am sure many people have noticed.
Thank you for the visits, Elaine, and for your lovely muffins. I enjoyed both [the visit and the muffins]! It was a busy day at Pearl’s on Saturday. I had company all day long. Elaine was the first, and then Denzil and Evelyn, Rob and Vanessa and Wendy Crain. I had a great day visiting with family and friends and loved it. Thank you, Wendy, for the cake and the beautiful Elvis necklace.
I heard casinos are opening up – I can’t wait to hear those casino sounds that I love so much.
And this news just arrived: The Snow Road Community Centre plans to resume Friday morning coffee, outdoors, starting Friday, July 30th, 10-12 noon. At this point, they will not be serving coffee and snacks. Instead, attendees must bring their own beverages and a chair. According to stage 3 protocols, physical distancing should be maintained while conversing with others. The Association will purchase a second picnic table. Both tables will be positioned in the shady area at the back of the building.
Now just a little smile - everyone needs at least one smile or laugh every day. I was thinking about old age and decided that old age is when you still have something on the ball, but you are too tired to bounce it. When people see a kitty litter box they always say, “Oh, you’ve got a cat.” And I just say, “No, it’s for company.” Aging – eventually we will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it. Sometimes, people try to turn back their odometers – not me – I want people to know why I look this way. I have travelled a long way and lot of the roads were not paved. Lord, keep Your arm around my shoulder and Your hand over my mouth.
May you always have love to share, cash to spare, tires with air and friends who care. I am so lucky I have all the above.
Mountain Grove
Marilyn Meeks
No column; check back next week!
by Linda Rush & Marily Seitz
Now that we are in Step 3 of the reopening plan, the Community Centres are open again with the usual distancing and masking. The Ompah Community Centre will host the weekly Coffee Group on Wednesday morning from 10 to 11:30. It is a good chance to get caught up on the village news and what everyone is up to. There is a $2 fee.
The Equipment Exercise/Hiking group will be using the equipment in the hall for exercise on Tuesday and hiking on Thursdays. Contact Kathy at 613-479-2897 for more information.
VON, SMART Exercise Classes are back! Monday and Friday 10:00am to 11:00am. If you have questions, call Elaine at 1-519-3588 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The beautiful mural beside the dump has not yet been returned. If you have any information that can help with its return, please contact the Township office at 613-479-2231.
Sold signs are popping up all around Ompah. It is sad to see old friends leaving but lovely to add new neighbours to the community.
by Elijah Abrams
As the world seems to be reopening and life gets back to some sort of relative normal, I found myself travelling for work quite a bit this week. I was playing music at Calgary Folk Festival and Ness Creek Music Festival. Everyone was so happy to be out together enjoying the perfect weather and wonderful music, food and vendors of all kinds. The fact that I could see people’s faces and share a smile made that much easier to confirm! The airports were quite active this week as I flew from Toronto to Saskatoon and on to Calgary before I returned home to Buck Bay Rd. Saskatchewan and Alberta had neither social distancing restrictions, nor were you required to wear a mask in shared public spaces like stores and restaurants. It was a literal breath of fresh air. Is it too soon? Is the Delta variant set to put us back into another lockdown? It’s tough to tell, and I defer to the experts. But, I’d like to stay optimistic and look forward to seeing friends and family I haven’t seen in too long. I’m sure I share this sentiment with just about everyone.
Please feel free to share your events, congratulations, births, deaths and whatever else you would like to see printed here.
Keep on enjoying summer! It’s never here long enough.
Perth Road
by Peter Bird
Perth Road United Church will remain with podcasts only until further notice. For the podcast, please tune in from home at 10:00am Sundays on the Perth Road United Church website at: www.pruc.ca.
The Perth Road United Church Anniversary Service (usually held on the second Sunday in August) will be postponed until further notice.
HAPPY 60th ANNIVERSARY to Ken and Vera Shepherd.
Birthday wISHES to those who have birthdays this week.
Continuing “Perth Road United Church – A History”
Part 2: Perth Road United Church
Then came the huge task of preparing the site, dismantling the Opinicon Church and rebuilding it. Clarence Lethbridge, our student minister at the time, brought fellow students from Queen’s Theological College for a couple of hours now and then to dig the basement and help with the foundation. Several “bees” were held to dismantle and move the church. As related by William Kibbe, the bricks were removed, and then the walls were cut down between the windows, the sections placed on volunteers’ trucks – those of Gordon Silver and Charles Hughson, and hauled to the site in Perth Road, where the sections of wall were assembled on the foundation. Lorne Caird and William Kibbe were paid 75¢ per hour to finish cleaning up at Opinicon, and $1.00 per day to work at the new site every day so someone was always there. They put in the floor joists, the windows, and put the roof on after another bee of workers had put up the rafters. Many volunteers gave hours of their time whenever they could. Robert Green, a local carpenter, and his family had to be hired to put in the wainscoting and the ceiling – all original wood from Opinicon. The church pews, pulpit and ceiling wood etc. were stored in Dobbies barn until they were needed.
(Used with permission of Vera Shepherd)
(Part 3 next week)
by Rhonda Watkins
Don’t miss out on the Fernleigh Community Hall Yard Sale this Civic Holiday Weekend!
It runs July 31 and August 1 & 2 from 9am to 3pm on Hwy 506 in Fernleigh. There is always something for everybody; including antiques, furniture, household items and so much more! COVID protocol rules will be followed. Physical distancing when possible and masks will be worn inside.
On Saturday July 31st, after you have worked up an appetite in Fernleigh, don’t forget to head on over to St. Killian’s Church at 5984 Ardoch Road from 10am – 1pm for their yummy Bake Sale! Goodies galore!!
There will be a Vendors Market on the Parham Fairgrounds Saturday, August 21st from 9am to 3pm. You will definitely want to circle this date on your calendar! Artisans and vendors are signing up each day and as of now, there are already well over 30 people registered who will be selling all types of items! If you want to get a head start on Christmas shopping, there will be anything and everything to find! Including pottery, stained glass, forged metal items, handicrafts, home baking, flea market items, lavender products, pierogis and jewelry! Interested vendors can still register at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Mark’s Buddy Bench was placed at Sand Lake Public Beach in Plevna last weekend! Baseball for Dad wants to send big thanks to all the businesses who donated, RJK Welding for fabricating the bench, as well as Brooke and Heidi Hawley for breathing life into the wonderful project to inspire kindness, friendships and inclusivity! Sparking up conversations to create mental health awareness is a blessing!
I hate to mention the dirty S word in July, but I saw that Rural Frontenac Community Services is offering a wonderful back to School Backpack Program for North and Central Frontenac. Families with school aged children who may otherwise not have access to, or are unable to purchase a backpack and back to school supplies, can register at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 613 279-3151 ext 305. The deadline is Friday, August 13th!
If you haven’t already heard the fabulous news: North of 7 Restaurant is open for both dine in and take out again!! As far as I know, the restaurant hours are Friday - 11am to 7pm, Saturday - 9am-7pm and Sunday - 9am to 3pm!
I would like to end this column this week by sharing with you about a very nice mystery voicemail message from a gentleman who never left his name and only said he was an avid reader of this Plevna column. He wanted me to put in a huge thank you to Bill James and staff at the North of 7 for keeping good quality food available to our community through the pandemic and to the Township and all of the other businesses for helping to keep our little community operational through such difficult times! He is so right! Hats off to all!!
by Karen Brawley
We did it - made it through July. It's sure been a rollercoaster of weather. Mother Nature must have menopause with her fluctuations in weather.
With another long weekend upon us, let’s be mindful that we are still working on coming out of a pandemic, so caution and kindness goes a long way. Our village has done an amazing job. Kudos to each and every one of you. It’s been a long haul, but together (and even apart), we have done amazing.
Hit me with your best shot! Thanks to everyone who has been involved in making sure we all get vaccines if we choose to do so. Our local community has some options for getting your jab, as well. So please, if you are wanting to get your vaccines, check out the drug store here in Sydenham or even Harrowsmith. As the bigger vaccine clinics are wrapping up, we still have options.
Been seeing and meeting some new faces in our area, with the real estate market we experienced this year. Welcome to Sydenham and area, newcomers.
With step 3, our local Legion branch is able to open again. They sure have missed everyone. Maybe now is the time to check out something new and see what our local legion has to offer.
Hey, I assume everyone knows of it by now, but if not: Sydenham, Ontario has our very own Facebook group. Give it a check out. Search for “Sydenham, Ontario” on Facebook. A great place to be, just like where we live.
Didn’t get your hands dirty in your own gardens this year? Critters attacked your bounty? Check out the market at the grace centre, every Thursday from 12-2, or while quantities last.
It’s garlic season, and we have bundles of fresh garlic, as well as greens, beets, zucchini and fresh herbs. Cash and carry only and masks required, please.
Ok, so we couldn’t have a Santa Claus parade, we lost out on a Canada day parade, what about a spooktacular parade for Halloween? Anyone willing to organize this?
Debbie Lingen
Art in the Sawmill will be held on Saturday, July 31 and Sunday, August 1 from 12pm to 4pm at 6037B Verona St. There are many new artisans this year. They will be following COVID protocols. Masks will be mandatory inside the mill.
The Verona Free Methodist Church are having drive-in movies every FRIDAY during the summer. On July 30, they will be showing "Facing the Giants". Location is the Verona Free Methodist Church (parking lot). Free admission! All welcome! Donations accepted! Canteen available from 8:15 to 8:45pm. Movie starts at 8:45pm. In case of heavy rain, the movie will be cancelled. For a list of all the movies, log into the VFM website https://www.veronafreemethodistchurch.com/
The Parham Agricultural Society is NOT hosting a Parham Fair this year because of the Covid issues. Instead, they will host a Vendor's Market on Saturday, August 21st. They are now seeking artisans of any description, people who might want to sell garage sale items, or flea market vendors. They can set up a tent or sell off their tailgate. The display is up to them. The cost for each vendor is $25.00 and it will be reimbursed the day of the event. The market will run from 9am to 3pm on the Parham Fairgrounds. To register, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
There is a Vendor Village every Saturday from 9am to 2pm at 4309 Maple Drive in Verona. 12+ vendors. Visitors can pick their own produce. This week, seasonal vegetables will be sweet peas, tomatoes, green peppers, beets, carrots, yellow beans, white and red onions, herbs, or fresh green garlic. The other vendors will be selling pillows, blankets, kitchen towels, wind chimes, bird houses & feeders, sewing, fairy & zen gardens, jewellery, knitting, wood working, lamps, gift cards, gift baskets, christmas ornaments and much more.
Enjoy a TAKE OUT lasanga dinner on Sunday, August 15 at the Golden Links Hall in Harrowsmith. PICK UP between 4:30 and 6pm. Advance tickets only, with a cut off date of Aug 11, cost $15.00. Tickets available at Sydenham One Stop, Harrowsmith gas station, Hartington gas station and Asselstine Hardware in Verona. For info, call 613-372-2410.
More Stories
- Lois Emond wins volunteerism award for dedication to Foodbank
- North Frontenac Community Service – Growth in the 1980's
- South Frontenac Township Names New Director Of Finance
- New Leaf Link’s Annual Maple Syrup Fundraiser Now Open for Orders!
- On the Ice Road to Restoration: Walleye Habitat Enhancement On Big Clear Lake
- Addington Highlands Council – Mar 4/25
- Food for Thought in Frontenac
- Memorial Centre Plan Scrapped
- Donors needed for April Blood Clinic in Sharbot Lake
- Polar Plunge Rescheduled to March 30th at Sharbot Lake Beach