Oct 27, 2021
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week.
Table of Contents
- Arden
- Battersea/Storrington
- Cloyne - Northbrooke
- Denbigh
- Harlowe
- Harrowsmith
- Henderson
- Inverary
- Maberly-Bolingbroke
- Mississippi
- Mountain Grove
- Ompah
- Parham-Tichborne
- Perth Road
- Plevna
- Sydenham
- Verona
by Wanda Harrison
Have you registered for the series of Health and Wellness education programs offered by RFCS. The last one this month is on October 28 with guest speaker Gabrielle Deschenes, Nurse Practitioner at SLFHS. The program on November 15 features Saman Shaikh, Registered Dietician. Register at 613-279-3151 for the link.
The Rural Frontenac Community Services is hosting a Home Alone Training course designed to help youth ages 10-13 be safe while staying home alone. It will run from 10am - 12noon at The Child Center and cost $10. For more information or to register, you can call 613 279-3151 EXT 305 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Applications for the Christmas Hamper/Toy Distribution program will be taken until November 19. You can apply or make a donation. Please call 613-279-3151 between 8:30am to 4:00pm for more information.
Keep your eyes peeled for all of the Halloween ghosts and goblins Sunday night. The little ones are so excited, sometimes they forget to be careful !!
by Amanda Pantrey
There are still a few days left to pick-your-own-pumpkin before Halloween at Sands Produce Farm. Check out the patch at 4322 Battersea Road, for more information call 613353-2877.
The Spooky South Frontenac House Decorating Contest is back for its second year with three new fa-boo-lous categories: Spookiest (most frightening display), Give ‘Em Pumpkin to Talk About (best jack-o-lantern display), and Bold & Boo-tiful (best fall themed display). The winners will be announced on Friday, October 29, all entries will be promoted on the Township’s website and social media pages and families will be encouraged to take a tour of the community and celebrate the spirit! Visit www.southfrontenac.net/ spooky/ for more details.
The Friday Night Open Mic is back. Join the gang at Storrington Community Centre (the fire hall). Details: Time 6-10pm (doors open at 5pm). Admission is $2 per person. Proof of full vaccination required. Adults only. Dancing allowed. Masks must be worn unless you are sitting in your chair eating or drinking. We’ll see you there!
CANCELLED: The VON seniors exercise program held Tuesday and Thursday morning at Storrington Centre is cancelled until further notice.
Indoor pickleball is returning to the Storrington Lions Club on November 1. Call the club at 613-353-6920 for more information!
What do ghosts wear when their eyesight gets blurred? Spooktacles.
Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper
The Flinton Public Library is celebrating Halloween with Pumpkin Carving for children up to the age of 12 year on Saturday, October 30 from 10am to 11am. Space is limited and registration is a must. Please call the library at 613-3361091.
The 4th Annual Trunk or Treat will be happening on October 31, 2021 at the Flinton recreation Hall parking lot from 5:30 to 7:30pm. Trunkers are wanted! Come hand out candy to kids of all ages. If you would like to give candy but cannot attend, no problem; as there will be a community trunk where candy is handed out. The Lions Club of Land O’Lakes will once again be serving hot dogs, free of charge! They will gladly accept donations with all money going right back into the community.
Trick or Treat at the Red Barn Zone. Get ready for scary treats. Come and scare the owners and you will get a double treat! Come out between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. The Red Barn Zone is located at 2471 Highway 506.
The Land O' Lakes Garden Club will be holding their AGM on Wednesday November 10th at 7:00pm. Please check our website https://landolakesgardenclub.com for the venue as we will be complying with the Public Health Covid guidelines at the time of the meeting.
There will be a Holiday Maker’s Market at Joje Café on November 14, 2021 from 10am to 4:00 pm. The Vendor lineup is amazing. You will not want to miss this outdoor event. Mark your calendars!
Land O’Lakes Community Services is excited to let you know the Northbrook Diners Club is back at the Northbrook Lions Hall! Come out November 30 from 10am to 2pm and socialize with family, friends, and community members. The cost is $10 per person. Please bring your own plate and cutlery. Spaces are limited. Please RSVP with the newest member of the LOLCS team, Shelby Summers at 613-336-8934 ext. 229. COVID rules will apply.
Burn Baby Burn! Weight loss, cardio endurance, strength and healthy eating classes every Tuesday and Thursday beginning at 4:30 at the Lions Hall in Northbrook with advanced personal trainer and physiotherapy assistant Jill Weese. For more information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 613-888-8922.
The Community Santa Claus Parade is back! Everyone; businesses, families, services, individuals, etc. are welcome to enter a float! The date of the Santa Claus parade is December 11, 2021. It begins at the Lions Hall at 10am. To enter your float or for more information, please call Lion Teri at 613-336-9100, or message her on Facebook, or go onto the Facebook page of the Lions Club of Land O’Lakes. If anyone knows of a marching band or another form of music for the parade, please contact Lion Teri.
The Land O’Lakes Rescue Petting Farm wants everyone to know that they have lots of FREE fertilizer manure ready for pickup for next year's gardens. Many people have benefited from their organic manure and have had plentiful vegetables and beautiful flower gardens that thrived so well. Bring your trailer and they will load it for you. Donations are always welcome. They are also looking for your pumpkins; please do not throw them away. Bring them to the farm as the animals will love eating them!
Angela Bright
Anyone out there looking for a new book to curl up with? These are some of the new titles at the library: 2 Sisters Detective Agency by James Patterson, A Line to Kill by Anthony Horowitz, An Impossible Dream by Jude Deveraux, The Burn by Jonathan Kellerman, Dear Santa by Debbie Macomber, God Rest Ye, Royal Gentlemen by Rhys Bowen. Visit addingtonhighlandspubliclibrary.ca for the link to the full library catalogue and other valuable information.
The Food Bank dates for the month of November are the 9th and the 23rd. Contact Gail at 613-333-2224 in advance. Pick up time is 11am at the Addington Highlands Community Centre. COVID rules are in place.
Have you placed your order yet? The Denbigh Griffith Lions's Club will host a Drive-Thru Hunter's Lasagna Dinner by Schmidt's Catering from Pembroke, on Friday, November 12th, 4:30-6pm. For $20, you get lasagna, garlic bread, salad and a yummy dessert. Pre-order by calling 613 333 1984 or 613-333-1423 or e-transfer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Come and socialize with friends and family at the Denbigh Diner's Club, held at the Denbigh Hall. A hot meal, coffee and tea, will be served on November 15th and 29th, 10am to 2pm. Cost is $10 per person. Please bring your own plate and cutlery. RSVP to Shelby Summers at 613-336-8934 ext.229, as spaces are limited. COVID protocols in place.
The Cloyne and District Historical Society has the 2022 historical calendar available for purchase on their site, pioneer.mazinaw.on.ca. This would make a lovely gift for Christmas, or otherwise. While on the site, browse through the many books and other gift ideas they have.
Marie White
The story of my mother-in-law Lee-Anne White. When her son Dan could not reach her on the phone on thanksgiving weekend, he went to her house. There he found her lying on the floor. The ambulance took her to Napanee hospital, where they found she had two cracks in her spine and two cracks in her pelvis. She is scheduled to go to Kingston’s St. Mary’s on the Lake. The staff have found her to be grumpy. She is a tough young lady, 106 – 107 in January, old enough to be grumpy, even if nothing is broken.
Saturday was the day for the vendors to sell their products and baking at the Henderson United Church and Hall. When I arrived the church parking lot and the front of the hall were full. I bought some jars of jam and baking goodies, it sure was delicious. I dropped in to see Leta Parks on my way home. She’s improving, still a bit dizzy, but she is looking great.
Marilyn Goodberry
No column; check back next week!
Jean Brown
Your old reporter got the wrong info on the Wed. Oct. 20 vaccine by Lakelands Family Health Team, so I want to apologize for my error and give the correct info. On Wed. Oct. 20 it was the new flu shot that the Lakelands team administered so fantastically in a drive by style, and not the Covid 19 vaccine that I mistakenly reported last week! So sorry folks for my error and the confusion caused. We all appreciated our health team coming out to our cars to do the flu vaccination and applaud all of their efforts big time!
So many fantastic folks braved the cold and the weather to attend the outdoor Vendors event in aid of the Henderson UCW Hall on the weekend and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Such great team work really made it super duper successful and we appreciate everyone’s help, support and attendance. It was like the good old days- folks chatting away out in the ball diamond, sampling wares, enjoying grab-and-go lunch, and buying Christmas presents. Thanks everyone, “We done good!”
Special thanks to our own Angela Deline for donating a picnic table to the Henderson Hall. Many are enjoying it tremendously.
I know we’re all wanting to show proof of vaccination and the enhanced vaccine certificate with QR code can be downloaded at https://covid-19.ontario.ca/proof-covid-19-vaccination. One can either download to a phone or print it up and show it where required. It’s so super duper important for us all to get the vaccine and to download proof of this to show about town as a badge of honour to help everyone and kick Covid to the curb! The original vaccine receipt that folks got after their vaccine is still valid proof. We’ll soon have Henderson herd immunity!
Herd immunity is our dream as is herds of deer and moose in hunting season. Speaking of hunting season, moose season was on last week bringing folks to our area and our cooks responded with good meals and tasty treats. November brings that two week family vacation of deer hunting and our population almost doubles, as does our weight after eating all their tasty goodies!
Our own Rev. Judith Evenden of Kashwakamak Lake preached her final sermon at Crossroads United Church, Kingston, before retirement on Oct. 24 .
by Judy Borovskis
Drivers Beware of witches, goblins and other strange characters scurrying in the dark on Sunday evening! If you get a knock at your door with the magic words trick or treat, a treat will mean you escape a witch’s spell.
Flu Shots: Inverary Pharmasave is welcoming walk-ins for the regular flu shot. The higher dosage flu shot for 65 and older is presently not available due to supply and demand.
Thank You to the Storrington Lions Club for their donation of $2000 to the Ken Garrett Park Washroom Campaign.
Donate eyeglasses and hearing aids anytime by giving them to a member of the Lion’s Club. Help the Lion’s Club to help others in need.
The Free Seniors Fitness Classes held at Storrington Centre Tuesdays and Thursdays are cancelled until further notice.
Martial Arts classes at Inverary United Church hall Thursday evenings from 7 to 8pm during October. Kids Karate classes will begin on November 4th in the hall from 6:30 to 7:30pm and the adult classes will then be 7:30 to 8:45 pm. For more info call or text Hamid Nam at 613-328-6742 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Trailer for LCBO Inverary Returnables will be in place at 3950 Round Lake Road until October 31.
Karen Prytula
Why do people from as far away as Tichborne, Watson’s Corners, and MacDonald’s Corners come to Maberly in the wintertime? Why, to skate on Maberly’s outdoor rink of course! The volunteer firemen of this place and Bill McCooye have been keeping the ice rink in good condition by sealing cracks, painting the surface, building up the boards, and maintaining it for ice skating during the season. Tay Valley Township supplied the budget. Thank you to the volunteers, for their dedication so that all from far and wide can enjoy this outdoor activity.
by Pearl Killingbeck
I want to thank my friends for coming to visit me on Saturday. I had a wonderful afternoon of gabbing, eating and just laughing with Bev Ladurantaye, Eleanor Echlin, Elaine DeLisle and Olive Allen. Thank you Elaine for getting my mail as my car is still at A&B Ford.
Carol – I did see the Pearl Avenue sign on the computer. I just don’t know how to use the computer to answer and let you know. Please say hello to your mother Shirley in Windsor.
Kathy, Barb and Brandy spent Sunday afternoon with their mother Olive Allen.
I heard from Esther and Kip in Newfoundland. They are adjusting well to urban life (dogs not adjusting quite as well). They say “hello” to all their friends here.
Elaine’s house looks beautiful. She and her grandkids decorated last weekend. It is really spooooooky!
Get well wishes to Stephen Goodberry (my Elvis) who had knee surgery on 15th October. Hope you are not “all shook up” and are trying to “make it through the night”. I will phone you soon.
Alice and Ron have been enjoying birthday meals with grandsons Liam Gilchrist on the 15th, Dawson Gilchrist on the 21st and son Lloyd on 25th October. I heard through the grapevine that Lloyd had a cute little friend move in on the weekend. Don’t know her name but apparently she is a real sweetie – enjoys the outdoors and riding the ATV.
The Elphin and Snow Road Presbyterian Churches are once again taking part in the Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox Campaign. You can fill a shoe box, or send a donation by mail or online.
To all my friends, thank you for the sunshine and the smiles you bring to my life.
Mountain Grove
Marilyn Meeks
No column; check back next week!
by Linda Rush & Marily Seitz
No column; check back next week!
by Elijah Abrams
A major drag to hear about yet another break-in/theft/property damage situation up here in the Buck Bay/Green Bay Road area. A family who are trying to fix up their home were the target on Thursday October 17th around 8pm. Their trailer was trashed and many of their belongings stolen. The biggest sting was their Green 2017 Yamaha Viking 700 EPS SxS. The family is offering a $2,000 reward to anyone for information leading to the recovery of their side by side. You may email them; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You may also report to the OPP and reference the case number E210808409. As this is not the first break-in recently, I encourage everyone to look out for their neighbours, as I’m sure they will do for you.
I hope kids and adults alike, find a way to enjoy Halloween this year (if they’re so inclined). I remember being a little guy and wanting to be a Jedi. Growing up in Canada reminds you that generally by October 31st, you can’t simply be a cool Jedi Knight for Halloween, you’re likely to be a Jedi Knight with a parka on. Looking back on it, it would be a more practical idea to dress as something more weather appropriate. Perhaps a Yeti this year, since The Farmer's Almanac is calling for snow before the end of the month.
Perth Road
by Peter Bird
Perth Road United Church welcomes you back to in-person services. While in Stage 3, in-person services are limited to 25 people in the church. All COVID restrictions/protocols will be in place. Upcoming services: Remembrance Sunday, Nov. 7 at 10am.
The Perth Road Village Crafters meet at the Harris Park Clubhouse on Perth Road Crescent, Wednesdays from 9:30am-11- :30am. Looking to get involved? You don't have to be crafty to join us. New members are always welcome. Please feel free to drop in during the meeting times, or call Peggy at 613-353-2635.
The Wilmer Cemetery Board is looking for volunteers to be board members in South Frontenac as well as requesting tenders for grass cutting services: Basic grass cutting service for the full cemetery each time. Also grass trimming around monuments and other objects as required. Please submit proposals for Board membership or Grass Cutting Services to: K. S. Shepherd (Chair, Wilmer Cemetery Board) 1646 Shales Rd., Perth Road, ON. K0H 2L0
by Rhonda Watkins
In case you missed the Township of North Frontenac heartfelt Ceremony on Thursday September 30th at the Municipal Office honouring National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, you can view the ceremony by looking up 2021 Truth and Reconciliation Ceremony on Youtube.
My husband Lonnie’s hip surgery last week went well and he is home recuperating and following doctor’s orders. We are both very grateful to Dr Beaule and his staff at the Ottawa General Hospital.
Kinsman Bingo started back up on tv. You can purchase your cards and then tune in at 7pm on Saturdays to enjoy a fun half hour. Huge Congratulations to Angie Cowdy, who was the Big Single Jackpot Winner of the $3500 last Saturday. She purchased her ticket at the Esso in Sharbot Lake.
by Karen Brawley
It’s that time of year again: flu shot clinic. The Sydenham medical clinic and Queens nursing will be hosting a drive thru clinic on November 2 and November 9 at The South Frontenac Public Services Department located at 2490 Keeley road. Please bring your valid health card, remain in the car at all times and wear a short sleeve shirt. Clinic times are: November 2 from 10am-4pm and November 9 from 1pm-7pm.
Wow, thank you Sydenham and area, the candy donations were amazing this year. Please if you need a “top up” see Christine at Memory Lane Flowers on Thursday or Friday 10-4 or Saturday am to pick up some top up candy. Hope to see a bunch of joy-filled kids out on Halloween this year. Remember there will be increased foot traffic on the road and sidewalk on Halloween evening, let’s be mindful and let them enjoy themselves.
Sun and Bloom photography is doing a photo booth at the haunted barn on Oct. 31. from 4-5:30 located at 2932 Rutledge road. There is no cost for this, however if Mother Nature isn’t in our favour and sprinkles rain, it won’t be held. The haunted barn will go on rain or shine starting at 6 pm.
Santa Claus is coming to town. Yeah, yeah, Halloween has barely come and gone, but let’s keep festive. Why not put a float in this year's Sydenham Santa parade? Let’s make this the biggest one yet.
Debbie Lingen
The winners were announced recently for the annual Verona Community Association Flower Barrel Contest. The first place winner was Asselstine Hardware. Second, third and fourth place winners were Rona Hardware, Service Ontario and Davy Well Drilling. Many thanks to all the merchants and private residents who spent time and energy maintaining their flower barrels on Main street all summer and fall. Their efforts produced a wonderful cascade of colour and beauty to our community.
BellRock Hall is 160 years old! The former schoolhouse is one of the few wooden buildings of that age that remain in the area. They are holding an open house to celebrate. There will be light refreshments, door prizes and a chance to see the improvements they have made to this special place. Date is Saturday, November 6, from 2-5 pm. Drop by and join in the celebration. Covid-19 protocols apply for this event.
Bellrock Hall is available for bookings for special events. Equipped with a kitchen, accessible washrooms, a stage, and, now, a deck It could be the place to celebrate a family event, have a meeting, or put on a performance. To find out more about bookings, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
There will be a Flu shot clinic at the Verona Medical Clinic on Wednesday, November 3 from 2-7 pm. Please bring a valid health card.
The Verona Community Association will once again be hosting the Verona Remembrance Day Service. This will be a preregistered event and the cenotaph will be cordoned off. Participants attending can preregister at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. There will be a pre-wreath laying at 10 am with the last eight laid during the service. Once they reach capacity in the cordon area you can also attend around the outside area and enter to pay your respects and place your Poppy once the service is completed. If you wish to have your wreath prelaid please contact the VCA.
South Frontenac Township Council is eager to host the 2020 Volunteer Appreciation Event on Saturday, November 13. This year’s event focuses on honouring the volunteers that contributed to the community during the pandemic. The event will be held at the Verona Lion’s Hall, located at 4504 Verona Sand Rd, from 12-2 pm. Pre-registration and proof of vaccination will be required for all attendees over the age of 12, and COVID-19 safety protocols will be followed, including limited capacity. For more information and to reserve tickets for the Volunteer Appreciation Event, please visit www.southfrontenac.net/volunteerrecognition/.
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