Nov 10, 2021

These columns from our community reporters are updated every week.

Table of Contents

by Wanda Harrison

Rural Frontenac Community Services is restarting their Early On program Tuesday, November 9, 9:30am to 1:00pm at the Arden Community Centre.  To see the full schedule and to register, please go to

The next Health and Wellness scheduled presentation, on Zoom, is Grocery Shopping for Healthy Eating.  The guest speaker will be SLFHT’s Saman Shaikh, Certified Diabetic Educator.  The meeting will take place Monday, November 15, 10:30am to 11:30am.  Please get in touch with Catherine Tysick, Adult Centre Manager at 613-279-3151 x 201 for more info or to register.

RFCS is still taking applications for the Salvation Army’s food voucher and toy distribution.  To apply or to make a donation, please call 613-279-3151 Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:00pm. 

Please don’t forget about Circle Square Ranch’s Christmas Market.  There will be a large variety of crafters with homemade goods, and will also have family friendly activities such as bunny and horse petting and smores making.  The admission is free, so please head out to the Ranch for early Christmas shopping from local vendors.

Have you made your reservation for the community’s first Christmas dinner, Thursday, November 25, 6:00pm at the Ranch?  RSVP is necessary for either a seated dinner or one to go.  Please call the Ranch at 613-335-5403 or email to assure your reservation.

Please email Kaitlyn at if you would like to be part of the carolling group being formed for this Holiday season.  Everyone is welcome to join.

The kids now have an additional way to receive a letter from Santa.  Have your kids write their letters and bring them to the Ranch’s Christmas Market.  The Pony Express will deliver all of the requests to the North Pole for Santa to answer.  Make sure your return address is on the envelopes.  Postage is not required.  There will be a drop box for your kids to put their letters in.

The S.L. Lions are hosting a meet and greet with Santa and Mrs. Claus, December 4, 1:00pm to 3:00pm.  Please line up on the rail bed across from the Township Office on Elizabeth Street.  You can stay in your car and keep warm.  The kids will get a treat and some hot chocolate.  A donation to the Food Bank would be appreciated.

The Lions are again selling their famous fruit cakes and cherry cakes.  Please call Dawn at 613-375-6318 or email her at to reserve your order.

Always listen to your heart.  It may be on the left, but it is always right.

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by Amanda Pantrey

The Storrington Remembrance Day service at Sandhill Cemetery will begin at 10:45 am. The reception has been cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. For more information, contact Reverend Heather at 613-353-6609.

The Storrington Lions Club is hosting a foodbank drive in support of the Battersea United Church foodbank on December 10th. Drop off is from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm at the Lions Club hall. The drive will go towards supporting the Church’s Christmas Basket Program. See the Facebook event for information about the items most needed (Facebook account not required to view).

Indoor pickleball has returned to the Storrington Lions Club! Call the club at 613-353-6920 for more information!

How do you see a deer behind you? With hind-sight.

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Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper

Fire Chief Casey Cuddy reminds us that along with changing our clocks, it is time to check and change the batteries in our smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Check the dates on both as they do not last forever.

The Lions Club of Land O’Lakes will hold a Remembrance Day Ceremony at 13:00hr on Thursday, 11 November in their hall.  The fence parallel to Hwy 41 West has been decorated accordingly.  As per previous years before COVID-19 restrictions, members of the audience will be given an opportunity to ask questions of the people whose lives have been affected by the effects and traumas world conflicts have caused. Please note that COVID protocols are in effect and that proof of vaccination is required to enter the hall.

Euchre is back at the Lions Community Hall every Tuesday! Doors open at 6:30pm with the game beginning at 7:00pm. Participants are asked to bring their own lunch.

There will be a Holiday Maker’s Market at Joje Café on November 14, 2021 from 10:00am to 4:00pm. The Vendor line-up is amazing! You will not want to miss this outdoor event! Mark your calendars!

Hurrah, the Lions Club of Land O’Lakes Christmas Market Extravaganza is back on Saturday, November 20, 2021 from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Check their FB page to see a complete list of vendors. All Covid protocols will be followed. Proof of vaccination and identification is required.

Land O’Lakes Emmanuel Church @ 108 Addington Road 2 will be holding a bake sale and selling various Christmas items on Saturday, November 20 from 10-2pm. Covid rules will apply.

Land O’Lakes Community Services is excited to let you know the Northbrook Diners Club is back at the Northbrook Lions Hall! Come out November 30, 2021 from 10:00am to 2:00pm and socialize with family, friends, and community members. The cost is $10.00 per person. Please bring your own plate and cutlery. Spaces are limited. Please RSVP the newest member of the LOLCS team, Shelby Summers at 613-336-8934 ext. 229. COVID rules will apply. The Lions Club of Land O’Lakes is gearing up for this year’s Santa Claus Parade on December 11, 2021. At this time, there are not many floats entered! Let’s do our part to bring back a sense of being normal into the lives of our children both young and old! Businesses, services, families, individuals, EVERYONE is invited to participate with a float, with festive costumes, with music! Please contact Lion Nawar at 778-384-3381 or to let her know of your participation.

Yay! The Land O’Lakes Community Services Foot Care Program is back! Contact Shelby to book your appointment at 613-336-8934 x229.

Burn baby burn! Weight loss, cardio endurance, strength and healthy eating classes every Tuesday and Thursday beginning at 4:30 at the Lions Hall in Northbrook with advanced personal trainer and physiotherapy assistant Jill Weese. For more information, email or call 613-888-8922.

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Angela Bright

Before you start reading this column, grab your calendar, planner or phone!  There are lots of things planned for our community that you want to be a part of!

Denbigh Recreation invites you to a social time on Friday, November 12th at 8am at the Denbigh Hall.  Coffee, tea and muffins will be served.  Proof of vaccination is required and will be checked at the door.  Call Gail for info 613 333 2224.

Come out and socialize with friends and family over a hot meal, coffee and tea at Denbigh Diners Club on November 15th and 29th, 10am to 2pm.  Cost is $10 per person.  Please bring your own plate and cutlery.  RSVP to Shelby Summers at 613 336 8934 ext.229, as spaces are limited.  COVID protocols in place.  Please note: the library will be open from 1-3pm for anyone wishing to come pick out a book, use the computer or shrink and laminate their proof of vaccination cards.

The Denbigh Griffith Lions Club is having its annual Christmas Hamper program to serve individuals and families in the Denbigh, Griffith, Matawatchan and Vennachar area.  If you feel you need a Christmas Hamper or know of someone or a family in need please call Lion Gail at 613-333-2224.  The deadline to apply is December 10, 2021.  If you would like to make a donation to this program, please call Lion Jan at 613-333-1748, or Lion Gail at 613-333-2224.  You can also make a donation via e-transfer   Your contributions will help make Christmas this year a joy for someone or family in need.

The Denbigh Griffith Lions Club is hosting an Outdoor Christmas Market on Saturday, December 4th from 11:00am until 2pm at the Lions Hall in Griffith.  Santa and Mrs. Claus will arrive at noon and they will be busy visiting and handing out loot bags.  We are looking for vendors and would love to have you join in the Christmas fun. Please call 613-333-1984 or 613-333-1094 for information.  At this market, the Lions Club will also be celebrating the season by selling homemade tourtieres for $15 each. If possible, pre order them by calling 613-333-1984 or 613-333-1409.

The Denbigh Recreation Committee is hosting a Christmas Lights Contest for Addington Highlands Ward 1.  Get into the Christmas Spirit by decorating your home and you could win 1st-$100, 2nd-$50, 3rd-$25.   Please have your Christmas lights on the evenings of December 19 until 22, as that is when Santa’s helpers will be driving around checking out all the wonderful decorations.  Winners will be notified before Christmas.  Good luck!

The Denbigh Recreation Committee is also hosting a stationary Christmas Parade of Lights on Saturday, December 11th from 6-7:30pm at Heritage Park in Denbigh.   The intent is to keep all the activity outdoors, space the stationary floats out around the park, spread the volume of people out over a longer period of time, ensure the event is accessible to everyone, respect the health and safety of all, and to meet all the Covid rules in place at the time.  Santa will be there visiting and giving out loot bags.  There will also be free treats for everyone.  Help us celebrate the Christmas season by entering a float or joining in the fun.  If you wish to enter a float, please call 613-333-2224.  We hope to hear from you!

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Marie White

No column; check back next week!

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Marilyn Goodberry

No column; check back next week!

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Jean Brown

We’re all so thankful that so many are getting vaccinated, attempting to get the third Covid booster and maintaining all the Covid protocols. Even our little outpost hospital at Manitoulin has enforced the idea that all employees, hospital board members, tenants and contractors must provide evidence of having received vaccines, and same as here- everyone is in agreement. Let’s all do our part so we can remain open and able to celebrate Christmas fully this year.

Our two week family vacation of hunting season is bringing so many folks home to hunt and I couldn’t possibly list them all here! Our cooks are really rocking the kitchens with pickled eggs, butter tarts, homemade bread, and lots of variations on how to cook venison. It’s old home week for sure. At my home in Manitoulin, deer hunting starts Nov. 15.

Special thinking of you and prayers for Lee Anne White, Elaine (Deline) Cowdy who are in hospital and to all who are ailing.

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by Judy Borovskis

Flu shots!  Inverary Pharmasave is welcoming walk-ins for their flu shot. You can also register on-line now for your Covid booster 3rd shot at  You qualify if you were born in 1951 or earlier and it must be 6 months since your 2nd vaccine.  Google Covid -19 booster shot for more details.

Yoga and Pilates classes at Inverary United Church.  Pilates on Mondays at 6:15pm and Yoga on Wednesdays at 6:30pm. View a full schedule and/or register at or call 613-453-4195.

 Eye glasses! Hearing aids!  Donate anytime by giving them to a member of the Lion’s Club.  Help the Lion’s Club to help others in need.

Martial Arts classes at Inverary United Church hall on Thursday evenings.  Kids karate classes  from 6:30 to 7:30 and the adult classes from 7:30 to 8:45pm. For more info, call or text Hamid Nam at 613-328-6742 or email .

Soulful Singing from 7:00pm – 8:30pm on the fourth Tuesday of the month. Singing capabilities are not evaluated.  Next session on November 23rd .  For more info:   613.353.2889 or

$13,811.80 ! That is the total the Washroom Campaign received from YOUR donations of LCBO returnables. Ten cents a beer can or bottle and twenty cents for wine or liquor bottles. Huge thanks to the community for keeping the trailer full and our sincere appreciation to the staff at the Inverary Beer Store with special thanks to the guys out back, Mike, Josh and Hayden.  This was a team effort by all!  This total does not reflect the many cash donations which we received as well.

Storrington Lions Club new members are always welcome!  The Storrington Lions Club Hall is located in Sunbury and is available for rent. To inquire, call 613-353-6920 or visit To learn more about Storrington Lions Club, visit us at     

As you are reading this, I will be a year older!  Where does the time go! Four more days and we are half-way through November with Christmas and the holiday season right around the corner.  Was nice this morning to run with some light in the sky, but what a scramble to get the grass all cut before dark!  I think I enjoyed my extra hour of sleep Saturday night – but with 4 grandchildren and two puppies visiting I really cannot remember!

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Karen Prytula

November 8 was Indigenous Veterans Day. The rate of Indigenous participation in Canada's military efforts over the years has been impressive. These determined volunteers were often forced to overcome many challenges to serve in uniform, from learning a new language, to having to travel great distances from their remote communities just to enlist. More than 4,000 Indigenous people served in uniform during World War I. Indigenous recruits joined up for a variety of reasons, from seeking employment or adventure to wanting to uphold a tradition that had seen their ancestors fight alongside the British in earlier military efforts like the War of 1812. Indigenous men brought valuable skills with them when they joined the military. Patience, stealth and marksmanship were well-honed traits for those who had come from communities where hunting was a cornerstone of daily life. One unique example was being a "code talker." Men translated sensitive radio messages into Cree so they could not be understood by the enemy. Another Cree-speaking "code talker" would then translate the received messages back into English so they could be understood by the intended recipients. Indigenous service members would receive numerous decorations for bravery during the war. Indigenous people also contributed to the war effort on the home front. They donated large amounts of money, clothing and food to worthy causes and also granted the use of portions of their reserve lands to allow for the construction of new airports, rifle ranges and defence installations. The special efforts of First Nations communities were recognized with the British Empire Medal to acknowledge their great contributions. [from the blog Indigenous Veterans] To read more on Indigenous Veterans please visit the Veterans Affairs webpage at:

Remembrance Day – We should take the time to remember the following military veterans from the local area who were in the Great War, World War II, & the Korean War: Arden Fournier, Arthur Warrington, Bill Ritchie, Burns McDonnell, Clarence Hall, Craig Greer, Daniel Linton, Delbert Warwick, Earl Tysick, Edwin Burns Gordon, Elwin Gordon, George E. Morrison, Gilbert Blair, Gladstone Linton, Harold Walker, Harry Moore, Herb Charlton, Irene Kirkham (Strong), Ivan Wheaton, Jack Fleming, James Lackey, John Fleming, Kenneth Allan, Melville Kirkham, Miller Warrington, R. A. Buchanan, Robert Greer, Wyn Truelove, and those who we might have missed.

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by Pearl Killingbeck

Halloween has come and gone.  It was nice to see the moms and dads out with their little ones.   There are less and less children coming out every year.  We do not have very many here. 

Congratulations, Jeff, on your deer hunt and bagging your first deer and congratulations to George and Dillon on getting a moose.

Donna is slowly getting back on her feet and doing hair again. 

Olive Allen sold her car – her Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and she will probably have to go by horse and buggy to get around now.

I finally got my car back from Ford.  It is nice to get out for a drive again.  I visited with Chuck and Penny on Friday.  It is so great to be out and about again.  Thanks a million to Bob and Elaine for taking my car in and bringing it home to me.  Just hoping the snow stays away so I can drive a little longer.

Olive Allen spent the weekend in Sharbot Lake with her daughter, Barb.  Sympathy to Cheryl and Olive on the death of their beautiful dog, Allie.

The Elf Inn Express is all locked up for the winter.  They had a wonderful busy season and want to thank all the people for coming out and making it another successful season and hope to see you all again next spring.

I didn’t see any people outside drinking coffee at the Community Centre on Friday.  I guess outside coffee is all over for the season.  Maybe we will be able to have our coffee in the hall soon.  The bathroom renovations seem to be moving along.

Remember the war vets on November 11th and buy a poppy.  These wonderful people lost their lives for our freedom and attend a service if you can.

November birthdays:  Chloe Roux, Phyllis Buchanan, Pastor Phil, Linda Russell, Ryan  DeLisle, Raymond Riddell, Ethel Clark, Stan Sargeant, Karen Woodman, Gracie Hannah, Bev Elliott, and my great great grandson, Jack, who was six years olds on November 5th.  He is such a sweetie.

Steve Goodberry is going to put on a concert for me and friends at the end of November, or first week of December as soon as we figure out a date that we can all get together.

A thought for the day:  No matter what happens or how hard it seems today – life goes on and it will be better tomorrow.

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Mountain Grove
Marilyn Meeks

No column; check back next week!

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by Linda Rush & Marily Seitz

The Ompah fire station had a different look the last week of October, as it was decorated to celebrate Halloween. Firefighters were on hand to shell-out candy to the trick-or-treaters who stopped by. The firefighters greeted 16 very creative and amazing costumes. One trick-or-treater (who might be a future recruit) was dressed in a Sparky costume. Many thanks to all who participated - it was a fun night for all.

I was talking with a friend in late September and she said, "The fall is such a busy time."  And so it is.  What with work in the woods, garden harvest and clean up, medical appointments, winter tires on the car... And so it continues.

Downtown Ompah has been busy the last while.   First Aid training for the fire fighters was held for two weekends at the Community Centre. And the same two weekends, 9 OPP cruisers were parked at the Rest Stop as the police officers were doing ATV trail training.  And now it is hunting season.  Hope everyone stays safe and has good luck.

We just got news that the Community Centre is opening up.  Proof of vaccination and masking will still be required but we can return to pre-Covid numbers in the hall.  The Hall Executive is meeting this week to make decisions on future activities.  Stay tuned.  Marilyn Dunham, long-time hall caretaker, has retired.  She was involved over the years in not only cleaning but in booking, planning, and helping out at events both in the hall and in the community.   Marilyn was a true Care-Taker. She is already missed.  Welcome to Taylor who takes over from her grandmother!

On Monday, November 15, the Sharbot Lake Health Team and Rural Frontenac Community Services will hold a workshop on 'Shopping for Healthy Eating' presented by Registered Dietician Saman Shaikh. The workshop will be a Zoom or telephone event from 10:30 to 11:30.  For more information or to register, call 613-279-3151.

Rural Frontenac Community Services are also presenting a 'Winter Driving' workshop at the Ompah Hall on November 18.  The guest speaker will be Melanie Trottier from the Ministry of Transportation.  There will be a free take-out lunch.  RSVP my Nov. 11 at 613-279-3151.

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by Elijah Abrams

Mark Dec 4th on your calendar. There is a Christmas Vendor Show at the OSO Hall in Sharbot Lake, where 12 vendors will be on hand to help you with your Christmas shopping. Food bank items will be collected at the door - come shop from 10am to 2pm. For more information, contact Rose LaPointe.

District #4 Recreation Committee is planning a Drive By Santa Claus Parade to be held at the Parham Ball Field. Floats will be placed around the track and visitors are asked to drive slowly around the track and then be greeted by Santa! If you are interested in putting in a float, please contact Christine Teal at or 613-375-6525 by Nov. 22nd. The parade will start at 2pm. Masks will be required and social distancing of 2 m.

While reading the paper a few weeks back, my girlfriend and I discovered an advert for Forest and Fields Dog Retreat. We called Cheryl not long after to arrange overnight care for our pup, Merle. After a chat on the phone (as is seemingly always the way), we discovered that we have mutual friends, and certainly share a love for canine companions.
Cheryl was happy to come pick up our pooch and take him to her beautiful property at 3047 Westport Road in Godfrey. Merle is going to be excited to get back there to the explore the trails with the rest of the four legged and bipedal crew. Be sure to check out the open house, which will be an on-leash dog event there on Saturday, November 13th, 1-3 pm. Cheryl asks that you email to register for the event.

Hope Daylight Savings didn’t cause anyone too much upset. It certainly has been known to get the better of me. Thankfully, it’s always on Sunday.

Let me know if you like to see anything printed here, and have a great week!

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Perth Road
by Peter Bird

Perth Road United Church welcomes you back to in-person services. While in Stage 3, in-person services are limited to 25 people in the church.  All COVID restrictions/protocols will be in place.

BIRTHDAY WISHES to those who have birthdays this week.

The Perth Road Village Crafters: Looking to get involved? You don't have to be crafty to join us. New members are always welcome. We meet at the Harris Park Clubhouse on Perth Road Crescent, Wednesdays from 9:30am to 11:30am. Please feel free to drop in during the meeting times, or call Peggy at 613-353-2635.

The Wilmer Cemetery Board is requesting for names of residents in South Frontenac who are interested in becoming a Board member. Persons with ownership of “Interment Rights” in the cemetery would be preferred. The Wilmer Cemetery Board is also requesting tenders for grass cutting services: Basic grass cutting service for the full cemetery each time. Also grass trimming around monuments and other objects as required. Please submit proposals for Board membership or Grass Cutting Services to: K. S. Shepherd (Chair, Wilmer Cemetery Board) 1646 Shales Rd., Perth Road, ON.  K0H 2L0

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by Rhonda Watkins

Today, Thursday November 11th, is the most unforgettable day of the year. We pause together to honour those who have served and continue to serve for our peace and freedom.

The Annual Township of North Frontenac Remembrance Day Ceremony is happening today at 10:45am at the North Frontenac War Memorial (6598 Buckshot Lake Road in Plevna). Let’s Remember and honour our Veterans today. Covid Protocols will be in place.

The Plevna Christmas Craft Show last Sat, Nov 6th had lovely weather for their day! There were so many great gift ideas! The hall was full of lovely handcrafted items! I always find the amount of talent we have in our community so impressive!! I was able to check off a few people on my Christmas shopping list and it felt good to be supporting our local economy, too!! Thank you to Betty Hunter and Debbie Emery and all of the Vendors who put this wonderful event together for us!

If you are looking for another fun Christmas gift idea, check out the fabulous North Frontenac t-shirts and hoodies at the Palmerston Lake Marina, created by Penny Hawley! They are super awesome! You can also contact Penny directly for colour and size options on her Facebook page: Creative Effects by Penny. She welcomes custom orders!!

The 2021 North Frontenac Santa Claus Parade is Saturday, November 27th at 6pm! The Parade route will be leaving the Ompah Rest Stop, travelling on the 509/506 highway ending at the North Frontenac Township Office. Everyone is invited to participate with a float in the parade or just come out and enjoy watching it go by! Please remember to practice physical distancing or remain in your vehicles. The Children’s Party and Visit with Santa will not take place again this year. For more information, you can contact Dillon Boles at (613) 650-7746.

If you want to start getting in shape before you start enjoying all the Christmas treats, don’t forget that Holly offers her Fun Fitness Class every Tuesday and Thursday night at 5:30 at the Clar-Mill Hall in Plevna. For more information, you can contact Holly at (613) 479-2166.

Finally, big congratulations to Dylan England and Tyler White on getting their first deers this year!!

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by Karen Brawley

Wishing all our hunters and huntresses a safe and successful second weekend of deer hunting.  And those who will be venturing out for nature walks, please be mindful of where you are and when in doubt, wear orange.

The members of the Sydenham Women's Institute invite you to their Christmas Craft and Bake Sale. Showcasing a variety of local vendors on Saturday, November 20th, 9am to 2pm at the Verona Lions Hall, 4504 Verona Sand Road. Free admission. COVID protocols will be practiced. Homemade soup and bun $5.00.

Spin2Win New Leaf Link – Lottery Licence # M635219

New Leaf Link (NeLL) is excited to announce our next fundraiser! Spin2Win New Leaf Link is a series of raffles hosted daily by Anita Alton.  Over a two-week period, beginning November 4th, a total of $9500 in gift cards will be awarded!

This event is hosted live on Facebook and the cost is $10 per ticket.  A limited number of tickets will be sold for each draw and the proceeds will be used to fund the organization’s programming.

New Leaf Link (NeLL) is a non-profit charitable organization located in Harrowsmith that offers educational programming to adults living with developmental and physical disabilities.

To learn more about our organization and programming, please visit our website at: or by email at:

For complete details and to participate in this fundraiser, please join the Spin2Win New Leaf Link Facebook group at:

Looking for a gift idea? Want to surprise that hard-to-buy-for family member? Get them a gift card and you can support New Leaf Link..

The Jerry Irwin Memorial Fundraiser for New Leaf Link is a year-round campaign that sells gift cards for over 170 local retailers, and in turn, the retailers donate a percentage of the value to New Leaf Link at no cost to you!  With the holidays just around the corner, please consider placing your order with the Irwin family before November 28th! The gift cards will be ready for pickup on December 4th in your choice of either Kingston or Sydenham.

For more information, please contact:

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Debbie Lingen

5th Annual Christmas Gift and Craft Sale on Thursday and Friday, November 18 and 19, from 10am to 6pm and Saturday, November 20 from 10am to 2pm. Location is at 6522 Road 38, Verona. 8 different vendors. Many unique items. All Covid restrictions in place.

The Sydenham Women's Institute is holding their Christmas Craft and Bake Sale on Saturday, November 20 at the Verona Lions Hall from 9am to 2pm. They are showcasing a variety of local vendors, from home-made artisan crafts to delicious home baking. Home-made soup and bun for $5. Free admission and free parking. Social distancing, masks and proof of double vaccine will be required.

The Rebekahs are baking again. 2 dozen Christmas sweets gift boxed for $12.00. Christmas cake $10.00. Cut off date to order is November 26. Pickup at Golden Links Hall on December 4 between 9am and 11am. To order and for info, call 613-876.1330.

Frontenac County will be making renovations on the Verona trailhead sometime after November 15. The trailhead will be closed during this work until early December.

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