May 01, 2024
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week.
Table of Contents
- Arden
- Battersea/Storrington
- Cloyne - Northbrooke
- Denbigh
- Godfrey
- Harlowe
- Harrowsmith
- Henderson
- Inverary
- Maberly-Bolingbroke
- Mississippi
- Ompah
- Parham-Tichborne
- Perth Road
- Plevna
- Sydenham
- Sharbot Lake
- Verona
by Wanda Harrison
Coffee hour continues at the Arden Church, 10am in the social room, and Bible study Wednesday at 3:30pm.
Springwood Cottage Resort will be putting on their Community Yard Sale and Craft Fair again this year on Saturday, May 11, from 9am to 1pm at 1018 Blue Heron Ridge Road, Arden. If you have items you would like to sell after your spring clean-up, or unique crafts for sale, please contact Jackie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to rent a spot as soon as possible (tables provided and space limited). If you are looking for furniture, water toys, household goods, crafts, and much more, come over on May 11th and get some great bargains. A cash canteen will be on site as a fundraiser for the Arden United Church.
There will be a youth Trash Bash on Saturday, May 4th at 1pm. Youth are invited to meet at Arden United Church wear gloves and bug spray. Bags will be provided for the clean up and juice boxes and snacks will be provided afterward. For questions, please be in touch with the church at 613-335-2474 or Brooke Chatwin.
The Kennebec Rec Committee and the Kids Klub program will be holding a Fundraising Mother’s Day Market, Saturday May 4, 10am to 2pm. At the Kennebec Community Centre. Along with the Vendor’s and their crafts, there will also be a bake table and a silent auction.
Connections Adult Learning is offering a variety of on-line and in-person courses this summer Some of the online programs are QuickBooks and starting a small business, with courses in smart phones and tablets and iPhone and iPad. There is also a program to help individuals decide if they would join into an apprentice and also PSW preparation. More information can be provided by phone 613-279-2499, 613-336-0691 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
If you are looking for something to do Monday evenings and are a Euchre fan, pop over to the Olden Hall, in Mountain Grove, 7pm to 9pm., sponsored by the District #2 Rec Committee. The cost is $1.00 per person and there will be some light snacks after the games. The Recreation Committee does fundraising to enhance their community and rely on your support to achieve these efforts.
This evening, Thursday, May 2, at the Arden Legion, there will be a “Double Pot: bingo. The games start at exactly 6pm. You never know, you might be a big winner.
With the first long weekend of the summer approaching, put Saturday, May 18 on your calendar. The Annual Victoria Day Fireworks, sponsored by the Kennebec Recreation Committee will take place in the Rec Park (behind the Post Office). The Central Frontenac Fire and Rescue will be setting off all of the fireworks, with everyone safety in mind. The show will start at approximately at 9am. The canteen will be open for snacks and a free will donation jar will be at the entrance and the Canteen. Your donations help pay for the show so a donation would be appreciated.
What kind of bow is never tied or untied? A rainbow!
On Sunday, May 5, from 10-2, take the time to stop into Back to Health Wellness and help celebrate a Battersea small business success story! Allie Montgomery started her business from her home in 2014, offering massage and equine therapy. In 2023, she took the leap of faith and opened a store front in Inverary, expanding her services. Offering our community pain relief, pure relaxation, help with sleep, nutrition, movement, emotional support, or all of the above; they are here to support and guide you through massage therapy, chiropractic care, yoga, health coaching and exercise classes. Stop in on Sunday for fun, free draws, door prizes, yummy treats and information for everything they offer! Weather permitting, outdoor yoga will be offered at 10:30 and exersice at 10:45. Congratulations Allie and your amazing team!
Touch the Truck is only a week away! On Wednesday, May 8, from 4-7, come out to The Point in Sydenham! For young and old alike, this is an opportunity to come out to see, touch and tour all the BIG equipment our township uses! As well as township equipment, expect to see fire trucks, an ambulance, a school bus and more! Parking is available at both Sydenham schools, and throughout the village, with shuttle buses running to The Point. (Thank you Robert Hogan Bus Lines!) Admission is free, however families are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item to help Stuff-the-Truck for the Southern Frontenac Community Services food bank. Also available will be a cash BBQ, with proceeds going to the Maltby Centre, a local agency providing autism and mental health support for all youth in Frontenac County. Be assured, this will be a silent event, with no horns or sirens, so that it is enjoyable for all!
Amazing job on the pop can drive, folks! Storrington Lions Club was able to raise over $700 with your pop and beers cans, supporting their essential guide dog program! Not only was the bin full, but 17 bags of cans wouldn't fit in! The Lions Club thanks each of you! This will be an ongoing fundraiser, with cans collected approximately every 3 months. Start saving now...with the goal of beating this months total!
Battersea Pumpkin Festival is officially hard at work, planning our 30th Annual Festival this fall! WOW! Our first spring planning meeting is Monday May 13, 6pm, at Battersea United Chruch Hall. There is an incredible amount of work that goes into our beloved festival every year, and many hands make light work! If you would like to contribute in anyway, please plan to come out to our meeting. Everyone welcome! Would you like more info? Please contact Chris at 613-353-6653.
Storrington Stinger News... just a reminder that kindergarten registration is now open! If you have a child who will be 4 or 5 before December 31st of this year, now is the time to get them into school! For any information you need, please contact the school directly at 613-353-2868.
Thanks to the support of the Storrington Lions Club, the youth dance held on April 19, raised $775 to support Storrington Public School. Student council will certainly be putting that money to good use! Thank you to all who helped with this endeavor! Tersea
What kind of bow is never tied or untied? A rainbow!
Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper
News from Pine Meadow Nursing Home: “A heartfelt thank you goes out to the Lions Club of Land O’Lakes for their generous monetary donation, along with beautiful raised garden beds for our folks! We are so grateful and excited to get planting!”
May 8th - The Land O’ Lakes Garden Club’s speaker is Bonnie Moore from Woodland North Lavendar Farm in Madoc. Many of us have tried with little success to grow that most fragrant of herbs, lavender. Bonnie will tell us where lavender does grow best in our area and will explain the many uses for lavender and share samples of the products she produces locally. All are welcome. Location, the Barrie Community Hall, 14225 Hwy #41, Cloyne, mix and mingle at 6:45pm, the speaker will start at 7pm For more information, our e-mail address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
News from the Flinton Recreation Club: May 15th we are hosting a Sign Painting Workshop at the Flinton Hall. It will run from 7pm-10pm. The cost varies depending on the size of the project. Please contact Stephanie Marrisett to register or for more details. On May 25th we will be hosting our first ever ATV/UTV Ride. The ride will begin at the Flinton Hall at 10am (registration starts at 9:30) and will head to Lingham Lake, Cooper, Madoc, Tweed and back to Flinton. There will be chili available for a donation at the Hall upon return. Cost is $15 /bike. Your bike must be plated and insured to ride. You ride at your own risk. May 31st we will be hosting a babysitter’s course at the Flinton Hall. It is available to youth in grades 5-8 and runs from 8:30-3:30. Cost is $79.10 and the Rec. Club will cover $40 of that cost. Registration is limited to 26 youth so be sure to register early to ensure your spot. For more information or to register contact Sonia McLuckie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or text 6136617429.
News from the Lions Club of Land O’Lakes: Music and Friends will be held the first Sunday of the month on May 5th 2-5 pm so as to free up folks wanting to celebrate Mothers Day with their families on the 12th. Next time it will be on June 9th Lions are having Pancake breakfast on Saturday May 18th 8-11am. The cost is $10 per person, $25 for a family of 4 (2 adults, 2 children), children under 5 years old are free. This is a fundraiser to buy a generator for our upcoming Emergency Centre.
The Little Church Thrift Store in Northbrook has opened! Let the season begin! The schedule will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am – 2pm weekly. This may be subject to change. We are community serving community.
Gail Fritsch
The 3rd Annual Eastern Homesteading Conference is Saturday, May 3, 2024 9am until 4pm at the Addington Highlands Community Centre 31 Centre St. Denbigh. Entry is by donation and there will be over 30 Vendors and many Demonstrations throughout the day. This event is sponsored by Small Farms Canada. Please take the time to enjoy this special event in our community.
The Denbigh Library is hosting a Mother’s Day Craft and Story time on May 8, 2024 from 6 to 7pm. Please register by calling 613-333-1426 as space is limited.
St Luke's United Church is having their Annual Memorial service on June 9th, 2024. Anyone wishing to light a candle in memory of a loved one, please contact Evelyn Petzold at 333-2291 or Judy MacPherson at 333-2762.
And some updates from the Denbigh Recreation Committee. First, there will be Cards this Friday, May 3, 2024 at 7pm at the Denbigh Hall. Please come and join in all the fun. Second, the ATV Poker Run on Saturday April 27, 2024 was a huge success and we thank everyone for attending or helping at the event. The best poker hand was won by Liam Levair with a straight flush $200, second prize was won by Kyle Holliday with the highest Full House $150, and third prize went to Tim Gervais with the 2nd highest Full House $100. There were 213 riders with lots of family and friends riding along. And third, there will be a Mother’s Day Tea on Saturday, May 11, 2024 from 1 to 3pm at the Denbigh Hall, with a donation at the door. Enjoy a selection of sandwiches and desserts with a cup of tea. There will be prizes for the fanciest hat or fascinator and best dressed. And forth, there will be a Horse Pull at Heritage Park in Denbigh on June 2 starting at 1pm. There is also a dance at the Denbigh Hall that evening. More details to follow in the next few weeks.
The Denbigh Griffith Lions Club 2024 Bursary will provide up to $500.00 in assistance to high school students who are continuing their education in College or University after leaving high school. Any graduating high school student who is a resident in one of the former geographical townships of Denbigh, Abinger, Ashby, Griffith or Matawatchan may apply. For further information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Kelli McRobert
The next SALT presentation will be Tuesday, May 7th, 2024 at Clar-Mill Hall in Plevna at 11am. The presentation will be on Maring Safety with OPP Constable Robert Martell. For more information, contact Laura Huffman at 613-279-3151 ext. 201
FRONTENAC WOMEN’S CHORUS Sings Songs of Life and Love- Saturday, May 4, 7pm at the Trinity United Church and presents MELODIA - on Sunday, May 5, at 2:30pm, at Cross Roads United Church in Kingston.
Marie White
No column; check back next week!
Gregg Hamelin
Saturday, May 04, 2024 come celebrate Life and Love with the Frontenac Women’s Chorus (FWC) as they present their spring concert at 7pm at Trinity United Church, 6689 Road 38, Verona. Admission by free will donation, plus an item for the food bank. The main doors at the front of the church are fully accessible. There is parking at the rear of the church and on the street. Highlights of the evening include special guest, Anne Palmer, flautist, and a World Premiere composition by the FWC’s director, Stella ter Hart.
Wednesday, May 8, 2024, from 4 - 7pm is "Touch the Truck" at the Point Park in Sydenham. Give the kids a chance to get up close to the big trucks. Admission is free but families are encouraged to bring cash for a BBQ fundraiser for the Maltby Centre and a non-perishable food item to help stuff-a-truck for the local food bank.
Saturday, May 11, 2024 is the Social and Athletic Club's Euchre night at 4041 Colebrook Road, Harrowsmith. Start time is 7pm, so come early. Members are $5 and non-members are $7. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.
Sunday, May 12, is the Old Tyme Fiddlers Open Mike at the Golden Links Hall, Harrowsmith, from 1 to 5pm, followed by dinner. Cost is $15.00. Please bring a dessert to share. For information call 613-372-2410.
Saturday, May 25, 2024 the postponed Social and Athletic Club's Chinese dinner and auction at 4041 Colebrook Road, Harrowsmith. Advance tickets only via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Doors open at 5:30pm, dinner at 6pm. Members $24 non-members $27. Come out and join the fun!
Saturday, May 25, 2024 Summer Kickoff Music Festival from 4 - 10pm in Centennial Park in Harrowsmith featuring the region's best music, food and beverages. There will also be a Kid's Zone for the young. Plan to be there!!!
Jean Brown
A family trash bash for all ages is happening on Sat. May 4 at 1 to clean up Arden United Church and also the Kennebec Recreation Park. Rock on and pass on community caring and cooperation to the next generation.
The “super duper” Little Church Thrift Store in Northbrook, run jointly by Land O'Lakes Emmanuel United Church and the community is now open Tuesday and Thursday from 10am to 2pm. Get some bargains and have a visit.
Area churches/organizations are busily promoting the Good News as Henderson United welcomed back the Rev. Kaitlyn Ostrander from study leave, while Land O’Lakes Emmanuel United in Northbrook hosted the Rev. Mike Putnam of Selby United Church for an afternoon service of worship. Pineview Free Methodist Church in Cloyne featured Coleman Boomhour in music and addiction ministry testimonies. Looking to the future, set your calendar for Sat. Aug. 17 when Arden Wesleyan Church is teaming up with the Kennebec Historical folks, and area vendors at the Kennebec Hall to offer a gospel musical and historical event that will feature gospel music groups, singing families, vendors and historical artifacts, food. Super duper spiritually inspiring indeed!!
Our Pine Meadow people are adoring their raised garden beds gifted from the Lions Club of Land O’Lakes whose builders rock!!
by Judy Borovskis
Bob’s Breakfast Buffet! Saturday, May 4th from 7am until 10am. Cost $10 per adult, children 12 and under $5. Scrambled eggs! Fluffy pancakes! Golden sausages! Served with toast, tea, coffee, juice and local maple syrup. Meet old friends, make new friends! Community Spirit is what we are all about!
Great Success with Fill The Bin! Storrington Lions Club says thank you to all who made donations. Your support raised $701.20! Next Fill The Bin will be on August 25th so start saving those cans. You can drop off anytime at the Lions Hall in Sunbury or to any member of the Storrington Lions Club.
First Year Anniversary Event May 5th 10-2. Pop in at Back to Health for free Yoga, prizes, treats and fun! 3810 Perth Rd. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or
Enrol Now to Learn Self Defence! Class on Self-Defence using techniques from Karate, Krav Maga and Aikido at Inverary United Church Hall on Saturday May 11th from 1-4pm.. For info or to enrol call 613 328-6742 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Annual Tree Sale!: The Dog and Cranberry Lakes Association (DCLA) has trees and shrubs for sale, at $4 each. Each bare root sapling is about 12 inches tall. Pick up will be near Battersea, in early May. There are a limited number of 11 different species available. Visit the website for all the details.
Community BBQ every Thursday beginning May 16th at the Storrington Lions Hall from 5 to 7 pm. Enjoy a burger or hot dog, salad and a dessert for $10. Entertainment by Melody Makers and special guests will be visitors from Fairmont! All proceeds for Frontenac 4H and K for Paws.. Cash bar available. See you there!
Spring Market at Gerald Ball Memorial Park on Saturday June 1st from 10am to 3pm. Vendors welcome. Text or call Marie at 613-449-4744.
A Vendors’ Event! Happening on Saturday, August 24 from 10 – 3pm. at the Storrington Lions Hall, Sunbury. Book your spot now either indoors or outside. Tables and chairs provided. Vendor fees are in support of the Capital Fund for improvement to the Lions Hall. Vendor Coordinator Marie Wilkins 613-449-4744 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Yoga Class every Wednesday at 6pm at the Inverary United Church Hall. More Yoga, Pilates and Foam Rolling classes in other locations. Spring session starts April 29th. Full schedule and sign up at or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Pickleball Courts available at Storrington Lions Club. Call 613-353-6920 to book yours!
Hall Rentals: Inverary Church Hall – contact Judy Borovskis 353-1768 or cell: 613-545-5017. Battersea Church hall – contact Roberta Smith 353-2846.
Karen Prytula
CPHC Fitness Classes for Seniors at ABC Hall. These are FREE classes held at the ABC Hall. Please bring running shoes and wear comfortable clothing. Bring a water bottle, and weights (optional). Call Margaret at (613) 273-9244 for more information. From now to May 27th, 2024 (except Holidays)
Bridge - Monday: 1:30 – 3:30pm (except holidays) at the ABC Hall. Cost: $5 toward the hall maintenance. Beginners are welcome! Free lessons are available on request. For more information contact Freda Russell at (613) 273-2571 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tay Valley Bird Watching - Get ready to spread your wings and explore the beauty of nature with our upcoming bird watching program in Tay Valley Township. This is an excellent opportunity to connect with fellow nature lovers and discover some of our many birds that call Tay Valley their home. Space is limited so be sure to sign up today be calling 613-267-5353 ext. 110 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and, it's FREE! Guided tours will begin at 6:30am on the last Tuesday of April, May and June.
Book Club with Emily! Join us on the last Tuesday of every month from 1pm - 2pm at the Maberly Community Hall - 180 Maberly Elphin Road, Maberly Ontario. Check out here to register
Early On! Playgroup at Burgess Hall, 4174 Narrows Lock Road, Perth, first Wednesday of every month and it’s FREE for ages 0-6 years of age! 9:30am - 12pm drop in. Please bring indoor shoes.
FoodFit is a budget-focused program that brings people of diverse ethno-cultural and socio-economic backgrounds together to learn, get active, cook and share healthy meals. The program combines fun, hands-on cooking sessions and food-based activities with take-home recipes, easy-to-understand nutrition information, group exercises, shared meals, individual and group goal-setting, and reflection and feedback loops that monitor and reinforce progress. FoodFit’s approach is to meet people where they’re at – providing simple, useful tools to help participants make sustainable lifestyle changes that will support their health and help them navigate an increasingly complex food environment. Join us Wednesdays starting May 1st from 10am - 1pm at the Maberly Community Hall, 180 Maberly Elphin Road. To sign up contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 613-267-6428.
Register for Pickleball 101! Master the Basics in this Six Week Session! Register for this free six week course by calling 613-267-5353 ext. 110 Limited space available (Preference given to Tay Valley Taxpayers)
American Mahjongg - Thursday: 1 – 4pm. Cost: $5 at the door for hall maintenance. Mah Jongg (or Maajh as it is usually called) is a rummy-like game played with tiles rather than cards, typically with four players. Join players from Renfrew, Snow Road, Perth, Scotch Line and the local area for fun and laughter. Once a month we play at an area restaurant and enjoy lunch out. We can teach you how to play. Contact Freda Russell at (613) 273-2571 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Musician’s Circle -Thursday: 7 – 10pm - Cost: $5 at the door which goes towards hall maintenance. Play and sing along with fellow musicians. All musicians and all genres of music (country, jazz, blues, folk, easy listening, blue grass) are welcome. A fun learning and networking venue. Contact Dave Pollard at (613) 273-2464 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Line Dancing at ABC Hall - This is a great way to get a fun workout! Beginners are welcome. $5 at the door toward hall maintenance. For more information, contact Rhonda Aisbitt (613) 885-8543 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
by Pearl Killingbeck
No column; check back next week!
by Linda Rush
A huge thank you to Marily and Linda for being the Ompah columnists for many years on behalf of our community. Congratulations on your retirement from this important task. I am happy to announce that I am taking over as the Ompah Community Reporter. If you have any news or events that you would like me to share, please contact me, Leane Bailey.
On April 26th, there was a lovely retirement celebration at the Township of North Frontenac for Barbara Sproule to thank her for her many years of dedication and service to the Township. Brian Bailey of Art By The Baileys was honoured to have been asked to create a special pastel painting of her beautiful cottage as her retirement gift from the Township. Congratulations and best wishes Barbara from your Ompah community.
On April 26th, Marily and Leane sang with the Tay Valley Choir in their spring concert “A Journey Through Song” at the Maberly Community Hall. It was a great evening of music under the direction of Rebecca Worden and accompanied on the piano by Mary Lou Carroll.
The next Seniors and Law Enforcement Together (SALT) presentation on Marine Safety is taking place on Tuesday, May 7th, from 11am to 1pm at Clar-Mill Hall, in Plevna. To register please contact Rural Frontenac Community Services at 613-279-3151 or e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The event is free for seniors, and snacks will be provided.
The May Pot Luck/Birthday Bash will be held on Wed. May 15th., at 6pm at the Ompah Community Centre. It’s so much fun to share a meal together with neighbours and friends from the community. Everyone is welcome to attend, even if it’s not your birthday month.
Please join us for Wednesday morning coffee, at the Ompah Community Centre at 10am where we meet and chat over coffee, tea and treats each week (except the 1st Wednesday of the month). After your coffee, you can drop in to the library which is also open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10am to noon.
The Snow Road Community Centre Music Night featuring singer/songwriter Jon McLurg and friends, is on Friday, May 24th, at 7:30pm at the Snow Road Hall. Tickets are $15 in advance or $18 at the door. Order your tickets at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Unofficial Bug Index: As of April 28th, there are no Blackflies here, so it’s a good time to get outdoors. (They usually arrive once the Trilliums are blooming)
by Christine Teal and Colleen Steele
Big thank you to the Township Crew who moved the big cement blocks and graded the track around the Parham Fair Grounds! This will make walking the track much more enjoyable.
Also big thank you to those who celebrated Earth Day by caring for our environment. Sure looks good!
At the Lions All You Can Eat Breakfast, volunteers who had done roadside clean up were treated to a free breakfast - thank you so much to all involved.
A smaller than usual turnout attended GREC's Bingo on Friday night but still fun was had by all from the sounds of all the giggles. Its so great to help support the kids at both Land o'Lakes and GREC - thank you to the organizers and all who attended.
The OSO Hall was jam packed with people supporting the Rural Frontenac Youth Program and District #4 Recreation Committee - and the laughter filled the air. Thank you to the volunteers, organizers and all those that came out to support events in our area. Congratulations to all the lucky winners.
Looks like everyone is starting to get into the Yard Sale mood with these popping up on the weekends! Some one's trash is another person treasures and what a great way of recycling.
Hopefully you have noticed the new signs along Road 38 into Parham as the Recreation Committee has purchased some new signs to advertise our upcoming events... with the first one being the Giant Flea Market Vendor Event at the Parham Ball Field on Saturday May 11th from 10am to 2pm. We have lots of great vendors with both new and used items up for sale....Plus District #4 Recreation Committee will have the canteen open and will also have baked goods available for sale... be sure to mark this on your calendars!!
Celebration of life was held last week for Don Tandy former resident of Mountain Grove.
Thinking of you to John Reynolds, Grace Wilby, Roy Warwick, Ursula Race, Linda Lowery and Curtis Fox.
Mark May 2th on your calendar as the Lowery Mills band are headlining the Summer Kick off Music Festival at Centenial Park in Harrowsmith from to 10. This is a free family friendly event and one which you won't want to miss. See you at the Park. For more details go to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 613-376-3027.
It was so nice to see and chat with Doug Bridgen and his wife on Saturday. Doug is (formerly of Tichborne) son of the late Howard Bridgen.
Sympathy to the Ashurst family on the loss of Brian.
Mark June 1st down for the Spaghetti Dinner at the CE Building Parham for the Outreach Programme.
Don't forget the 3 Pitch League Registration on Thursday Evening at the Parham Fire Hall at 630 for those interested in participating.
This Saturday Friends and Family are joining together to celebrate the upcoming Retirement of Liz Steele-Drew. Be sure to drop by to wish her well on her retirement, maybe catch a great game of volleyball and buy tickets to win some of the great raffle items that have been donated. See you there.
Central Frontenac District 4 Firefighters Association is hosting a Fish fry at Station 4 (Parham) on May 19th 2024, from 4-6pm. Adults - two piece fish and chips is $20. Children 16 and under - one piece fish and chips is $10. These pieces include , fish and chips, salad, desert and a drink. Address for Station 4 is 1282 Wagarville Road, Parham. If anyone has questions and would like to buy tickets in advanced they can reach out to 613-214-5663 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. This is a fundraiser, to support our association. We often use these funds to purchase new equipment and support those in need after an unfortunate disaster.
Parham United Church enjoyed a Soup Luncheon after their service today.
Baseball season will soon be starting... coaches have their lists so you should be contacted shortly about your team and upcoming practices. Please remember to send your payment in before the child can be on the field. Notices to those with outstanding amounts will be sent out - payment can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We are looking for more volunteers to assist with the committee. If you have a child playing please consider stepping up to help out in order to keep the committee going.
Perth Road
by Peter Bird
PERTH ROAD UNITED CHURCH: Sunday services continue at 10am. Address: 5614 Perth Rd Crescent, Perth Road, ON K0H 2L0.
Happy Birthday to those with April/May Birthdays
TUESDAY LUNCHES at Perth Road Sunday School Hall, Closed for Summer, returning in the Fall … Date TBA
Upcoming Events:
Enjoy an afternoon of Bluegrass, Country and Gospel music, Bill White and his band, BLUEGRASS Four U., with Grace Timmerman, Joe White, and Ted Pelow, at the Perth Road Sunday School Hall, 5622 Perth Road Cr. Sunday, May 5th, 2pm-5pm. Free Will Offering. Refreshments will be served.
For information about The Sunday School Hall rentals, please call Vera Shepherd at 613-353-2470 or Stephen Bach at 343-364-1033
by Rhonda Watkins
No column; check back next week!
Sharbot Lake
by Greg Rodgers
Kick & Push Brewery: Upcoming Art Course Events: May 5 - Pints and Linocut Printmaking (2:30 - 4:30pm) June 2 - Painting and Pints (Paint Donuts) (2:30 - 4:30pm)
Upcoming Seminars at Opening Minds Innovations. "Get Your Art On" - Liz Bonser will be conducting a number of workshops in the coming weeks. More information will be available here in the coming weeks, but learn more now about Paverpol at
by Karen Brawley
Welcome May… April showers bring May flowers. So hope you’re up to the challenge.
Easy peasy lemonade fix. Rumour has it Lennys deli will be serving not only their ice coffees this summer but fresh squeezed homemade lemonade. How awesome is that? Another awesome reason to live in Sydenham.
Brenda Crawford wanted me to shout out to Jo-Anne who works at Foodland, and thank her very much for the yarn donations. Very much appreciated and what Brenda creates with the yarn benefits so many. Kudos ladies.
Got your tickets for Jeff Code? May 11th at the Legion, only $10 per ticket. Treat your moms to a night out and some good tunes. Tickets are moving fast though, we expect a sell out crowd indeed.
The dock at the boat launch is in down at the point, as we enter boating season, as well as other water fun. Please be kind and respect others enjoying our lovely lake. As well as the residents on our lake. We’re truly blessed.
As we plan our vegetable gardens for the season. Don’t forget to think of those around you, whom cannot grow. Sharing your harvest is almost as rewarding if not more so than watching them grow
Our popular Touch the Truck event is back on Wed, May 8 from 4-7pm at a new location: the Point Park in Sydenham!
Debbie Lingen
Come celebrate Life and Love with the Frontenac Women's Chorus as they present their Spring Concert on Saturday, May 4 at 7pm at Trinity United Church in Verona. Highlights of the evening include special guest, Anne Palmer, flautist, and a world premiere composition by the FWC director, Stella ter Hart. You won't want to miss this highly entertaining and fun musical evening! Admission by free will donation, plus an item for the food bank. The main doors at the front of the church are fully accessible. There is parking at the rear of the church and on the street. Refreshments served after the concert in Trinity Church Hall. All are welcome.
Style Revival Clothing Center will be open Saturday, May 4 and Saturday, May 11, from 10am to 1pm. Style Revival provides gently used clothing, free of charge. They are also open every Wednesday from 10am to 1pm. Location at the Verona Free Methodist Church. They are currently accepting clothing donations.
Don & Linda's Back Yard Gardens and Market is opening this Saturday May 4 from 9am to 1pm. Fresh rhubarb, onions, salad greens, herbs, perennial and annual plants, crafts and more. Donations for the Food Bank collected the first Saturday of each month. Located at 4309 Maple Drive in Verona.
The next Women’s Luncheon will be held at Moms Restaurant on Tuesday May 7 at 12:30pm. Call 613-374-2703 to register. Perfect topic for this season. We will be using crowd knowledge to improve our gardening skills. Everyone will be sharing tips and offering solutions to other's challenges.
Men's Fellowship will be held on Tuesday, May 7 at 5:30pm @ the Verona Free Methodist Church. Meal and Fellowship. All welcome.
Frontenac farmers Market Opening Day is Friday, May 10 from 3pm to 7pm at Centennial Park, Harrowsmith. Opening day activities feature a seedling sale, live music and onsite beer and food garden.
Enjoy the Mother's Day Fish Fry on Saturday, May 11 at the Verona Lions Club from 4:30pm to 6pm. Eat in. Fish, fries, beans, coleslaw and dessert. Adults $15, 7 to 12 $10, and 6 and under free. Advance tickets at Asselstine Hardware and Verona Hardware.
Ole Tyme Fiddlers Open Mike will be held at the Golden Links Hall ,Harrowsmith on Sunday,May 12, from 1 pm to 5 pm followed by dinner. Please bring a dessert to share. Cost is $15. For more info, call 613-372-2410.
Central Frontenac District 4 Firefighters Association is hosting a Fish Fry at Station 4 (Parham) on Sunday, May 19, from 4pm to 6pm. Adult two piece fish and chips is $20. Children 16 and under - one piece fish and chips is $10. These pieces include , fish and chips, salad, desert and a drink. Address for Station 4 is 1282 Wagarville Road, Parham. If anyone has questions and would like to buy tickets in advance they can reach out to 613-214-5663 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This is a fundraiser, to support the firefighteers association. They often use these funds to purchase new equipment and support those in need after an unfortunate disaste.
Bellrock Hall will be having a Rummage Sale and Vendor Fair on May 25 from 10am to 3pm. Spaces available for both options. $10 for a 10x10 space. Vendors will be outside and need to supply their own shelter and tables. The hall will be open for Canteen including BBQ hot dogs, chips, drinks etc.. They will also be holding a Silent Auction, Cake and Pie Auction, Raffle table and Bake Sale in the hall. They will gladly accept donations for baked goods, silent auction items and raffle items. Volunteers needed. Call/text 613 484 5977 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or message their facebook page @ Bellrock Hall.
Parham Fair is now accepting vendor registrations for the annual Fair on August 17th. If you have something creative to sell or are just clearing out your garage we would be happy to have you set up a tent or tailgate. Etransfers for $30.00 can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more info email Nancy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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