Feb 13, 2025
Table of Contents
- Arden
- Battersea/Storrington
- Cloyne - Northbrook
- Denbigh
- Godfrey
- Harlowe
- Harrowsmith
- Henderson
- Inverary
- Maberly-Bolingbroke
- Ompah
- Parham-Tichborne
- Perth Road
- Plevna
- Sydenham
- Snow Road
- Sharbot Lake
- Verona
by Brent Fehr
Email - after 28 years of loyalty with Rogers, my email address has been cancelled. Yep! Logged out. Has this ever happened to you? Let me know your story. To communicate with this columnist for Arden, please add This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to your contact list. Send me your events, activities, gatherings, celebrations, etc… I will be happy to share in the Arden Column.
Friday Night - Wings! Arden Legion opens at 4pm, FOOD SPECIAL 1 lb of Wings & Beer for $15 followed by Darts at 7:30pm.
Tax Volunteer! Rural Frontenac Community Services needs volunteers for the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program. Every year, people in need count on free tax clinics to get the important benefit and credit payments they may be eligible for. When you volunteer with Rural Frontenac Community Services through the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program, you can make a difference to someone’s life! Please call 613-279-3151.
March 15th – St. Patrick’s Day! Come share an Irish tradition and enjoy a full Irish breakfast with eggs to order, honey glazed ham, Irish potato scones, black pudding, toast, juice, coffee & tea. Catch up with friends and get ready for spring. Saturday, March 15th from 8 to 10:30am. Arden United Church 1076 Railway St., Arden, ON K0H1B0 Free will donation gratefully accepted.
March 15th – Music at Arden Legion. McCullough Brothers Trio Band, Saturday Night from 8pm to 12am.
March 29th – Arden Legion #334 General Members Meeting at 11am. Arden Legion is at 5967 Arden Road.
April 26th – Ham Dinner at Arden legion @ 5pm. Tickets are $15 available at The Legion. Includes; Ham, mashed potatoes, scallop potatoes, gravy, buttered carrots, caraway cabbage and rolls. Of course, Pie for dessert.
by Chris Pantrey
What time does a duck wake up? At the quack of dawn!
Don't forget the clocks "spring ahead" on Sunday, March 9th.
March certainly came in like a lamb last Saturday. Will we hear the lion roar at the end of the month? I hope not!
John P from Battersea celebrates a milestone on March 9th! Happy birthday, Hunny!
Transition Storrington presents, The Power of Permaculture, on Saturday, March 8th from 1-3 at the Storrington Centre on 3910 Battersea Rd. Permaculture is a harmonious integration of landscape and people providing their food, energy, shelter and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way. It is based on 3 ethics: Take care of the earth; take care of the people; and return of surplus! Presenter Bob Chambers has been a permaculture designer for 10 years and has designed 3 projects in the region including his own at Edible Forest Farm in Inverary. $5 suggested donation. Refreshments provided.
March break seems early this year, with students off next week. There is public skating at Frontenac Arena Tuesday to Friday. Check out the South Frontenac Township website for times and details. Everyone enjoy their week!
Line dancing at 7pm on Monday nights at the Storrington Lions Hall. Cost is $5. Just show up and join the fun!
Open mic! A fun evening of music and friendship every Friday night at the Storrington Center. Doors open at 6pm and everyone welcome! Admission charge is $2.
Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper
The Flinton Rec Club is pleased to invite you to participate in the new Flinton Seniors' Club; Connecting, Engaging, and Thriving Together which will meet weekly on Wednesdays starting March 26th from 2pm to 4pm at the Flinton Hall (Lower level). Whether you are looking to make new friends, stay active, or learn something new, there is something for everyone.
To celebrate the arrival of spring, North Frontenac Historical Society & Archives are inviting the public to Clar-Mill Hall Plevna on Sat. March 29th (1pm start). Whether you like Rock & Roll, Country, Bluegrass or Gospel music, you will hear them all as The White Family Classic Country and Stephen Goodberry, accompanied by, Debra Currier entertain. Tickets are $15 each and on sale now electronically at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phoning (613) 479-0586 and (613) 479-5549.
Please mark your calendars and spread the word about the 2nd Summer Spectacular Outdoor Market Fundraiser at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Flinton! Date: Saturday, June 7th, 2025 Time: 10am – 2pm **VENDORS NEEDED!**If you're interested in being a vendor or have any questions,
Please contact Maude at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call/text 905-449-2160 for your vendor package. Thank you!
The Lions invite you to mark your calendars for a fun Casino Night at the Hall on Saturday March 29th. The entrance fee is $20 and you will be given $1000 in “play” money. The bar will be open and there will be a light luncheon part way through the evening. More details next week. Maybe you’ll have a bit of Irish luck when you purchase your Catch the Ace ticket this week. The estimated jackpot is $8500.00!
Gail Fritsch
The Denbigh Recreation Committee will be hosting a St. Patrick’s Day Irish Stew Dinner with a Bun and Dessert on Friday March 14 from 5:00 until 7:00 p.m. at the Denbigh Hall, 222 Highway 28. Adults $18, Children $8 and under 4 free. Gluten free is available.
Shake Your Shamrock at the St. Paddy’s Day Dinner and Dance on Saturday March 15 at the Matawatchan Hall 1677 Frontenac Road. Some great entertainment with Canadian Fiddle Champion Robbie Dagenals and Kerry Vaillancourt vocals and guitar. The event is from 5:00 to 12:00 p.m. $10 entrance with a Cash Bar. Irish Stew is served from 5:00 until 7:00 p.m. for $10 a person.
The Vennachar Free Methodist Church will be hosting Open Mic on Sunday March 16 at 2:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to join in or just come to listen and visit.
Please let me know if you have any news or a special celebration you would like to share.
Kelli McRobert
This is a friendly reminder that the Cole Lake Free Methodist Church will host a fundraiser breakfast for the Parham Fair Society on Saturday, March 22nd, from 8:30 to 1100 a.m. The breakfast is by donation, and all proceeds will go to the Parham Fair Society. See you there!
The Easter bunny is coming to Piccadilly Hall at 1025 Oak Flats Road on April 12th from 10-12:00. Brought to you by the District #4 Recreation Committee, there will be a hot dog lunch, crafts, games, and an easter egg hunt for children!
On April 5th there will be a puzzle contest at 2 PM. Teams of 2-4 people using a 500-piece puzzle. Prizes and snacks! $20.00 per person. Oso Hall. Contact Erin McGregor on FB for more details and to register.
Happy Anniversary to Mark & Denise Redmond!
The POLAR PLUNGE has been rescheduled to Sunday, March 30th at 11 am and instead of the Sharbot Lake Marina, it will be held at the Sharbot Lake Oso beach. The event is hosted by the Central Frontenac District # 3 Rec Committee with all pledges and donation proceeds going to the North and Central Frontenac food bank and to the Sharbot Lake Pickleball Club.
Marie White
No column; check back next week!
Gregg Hamelin
Maple syrup New Leaf Link fundraiser is on again this year! Prices for 1L - $22, for 2L - $38, for 4L - $70. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to order. Order by April 13th and pick up on April 19th at a location near you. Thanks for your support!
The Golden Links Hall in Harrowsmith has been booked for all of March. There will be no public events such as the youth dances, Ole Tyme Fiddlers or monthly dinners.
Saturday, March 15th, 2024 join us at the Harrowsmith Social and Athletic Club at 4041 Colebrook Road, Harrowsmith for St. Patrick's Day. Potluck dinner with Karaoke from 6 to 10pm. Members are free and non-members $10 (and you can become a member). Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let us know if you're planning to join us.
Wednesday, March 26, 2024 there is a Painting Workshop at the Grace Center, Sydenham 4295 Stagecoach Road. The theme is Easter Eggs. Bring an apron, paper towels and a sense of fun! Everything else is provided. Beginners to experienced (55+) donation $5.00. Please register a few days in advance with Natalee at the South Frontenac Community Services, 613-376-6477, Ext 310.
Jean Brown
The third revision of the safe property by laws is under review and input will be received until the end of March and it will return to the Council on April 8. Please follow the process of revision in a friendly manner to let your voice be heard. Special thanks to Jeff Green and our “news” for such accurate and kindly reporting on this sensitive matter.
Our Harlowe folks will be bopping on at an open mike this Saturday March 15 in the newly renovated Harlowe Hall from 1:00 – 5:00. Come and check it out.
Our sister church in Arden hosts their yummy St. Patty’s breakfast also this Sat. morn March 15, from 8am – 10:30am by a free-will donation. It features an Irish breakfast of eggs as you like them, black pudding, glazed ham, coffee, tea, toast, home made Irish potato scones, plus visiting. Come and have a hoot!! Free will offering.
Deepest sympathy to the family of the late Boyd Tryan whose parents the late Archie and Nora I knew so very well. We thank God for Boyd’s life.
by Judy Borovskis
Self-Defence! Classes at Inverary United Church Hall on Thursday, March 13th. Learn regular Self-Defence and knife-defence. Class is from 630-745 pm. To register or for info call 613 328-6742 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. All the proceeds for the Kingston Military Family Resource Centre.
Youth Dance! Grades 5 to 8 at Storrington Lion’s Hall from 6:30 to 9:30 on Friday March 21st. Hosting school is Storrington Public School. Adult supervision. Cost is $5 per person
Spring Sale! Saturday, March 22nd at Inverary Church Hall from 10 – 3. Over twenty tables of garage sale/flea market items, crafts, gently used clothing, household items and the list goes on! Come take a look – great buys! Donations for the church table are welcome.
Fill the Bin! on March 23rd. Calling all pop cans, as well as alcohol beverage containers. Storrington Lions Club thanks ANS Scrap Metal and Environmentall Contracting Services for their support. Funds raised are for the Lions Foundation of Canada Service Dogs program.
Pancake Dinner by Perth Road Public School Council on Tuesday March 25th at Inverary United Church Hall from 5 to 7pm. Pancakes, sausage, baked goods, tea, coffee & juice. Adults $8, 12 and under $5 and 2yrs and under free. Proceeds in support of classroom needs and Grade 8 Graduation.
Chili & Euchre! Sunday, March 30th from 2 to 5pm. No partner necessary. Cost is $15.00.
Bob’s Breakfast Buffet next Breakfast is April 5th from 7 to 10am! Enjoy scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and pancakes with local maple syrup for $10 per adult. Children 12 to 5 $5 under 5 free. The first Saturday of every month except July & August!
Sale in the Park! May 3rd from 10 -3 at Gerald Ball Memorial Park. Still a few spots left – call Marie at 613-449-4744.
High Tea! at the Storrington Lion’s Hall on Saturday, May 10th! Reserve your tickets – call Shirley at 613-353-2257. Tickets $25.
Line Dancing Lessons at 7pm on Monday nights at the Storrington Lions Hall. Cost is $5.00. Just show up and join the fun!
Monday Night Euchre at the Storrington Centre. Starting time is 7:30pm. Four handed euchre. Cost is $6.00. Join us for a fun evening of Progressive Euchre – a partner is not necessary.
Karen Prytula
2nd Annual Yuk Yuk's Stand-Up Comedy Show, March 13th, 2025 from 1:30pm - 3pm at Maberly Hall! 180 Maberly Elphin Road. Admission is free! We only have 100 spots available, so be sure to register before we run out of room. Register by calling the Municipal Office at 613-267-5353 EXT 110 or email the Corporate Assistant This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Partial funding provided by the Seniors Active Living Centre.
St. Patrick's Day Dinner & Open Mic! & Games, with optional Irish stew supper, Friday March 14th from 5pm - 7pm at Maberly Hall (180 Maberly Elphin Road) in support of the Bright Strings Community Fiddle Orchestra (previously Blue Skies Fiddle Orchestra) on. The fiddle orchestra is now a separate entity from the Blue Skies organization and has to fund itself 100% as it brings music and musical training to adults and kids alike in our communities. Contact Cindy McCall at 613-278-2448 to reserve your dinner!
De-throne winter and ring in spring with a “Second to Naan - Butter Chicken Diner's Club”! Life is butter with chicken! Join us for Tay Valley's Diner's Club – Free Butter Chicken (mild), basmati rice, green salad & naan bread! Maberly Community Hall, 180 Maberly Elphin Road on March 20th, 2025 from 11:30am - 1pm. Call the Municipal Office 613-267-5353 ext.110 to let them know you want to go! Limited space available so be sure to register right away. Music by Peter Brown - Lanark-based jazz and blues pianist/singer Peter has performed at the Ottawa jazz festival nine years running. Funding provided by the Seniors Active Living Centre.
Special event at ABC Hall - Trivia Night with a Chili Dinner, Saturday April 5th starting at 5:45pm. Trivia only $15 and trivia and dinner $30. For more info please go to the ABC Hall website www.abchall.ca
by Leane Bailey
If you are new to the community or have never been to the Ompah Community Centre, please consider joining with us. We are always looking for new ideas and suggestions of ways that we can provide fun family activities at the Centre. Some of the events that are taking place this year include: Ompah Snow Stomp, Canada Day Picnic, Corn Roast, Music Night, Bicycle Safety Day, Monthly Potlucks, Weekly Coffee Groups, Fitness groups, and more. Annual Membership is only $1.
The March Ompah Snow Stomp (Outdoor Dance) will be held on Sat. March 15th from 4pm to 5:30pm. It’s such a fun event, with Meredith leading Zumba dances in the Ompah parking lot, and a warm firepit nearby so people can warm up with refreshments. Please park at the Rest Stop, and join in the outdoor fun. Refreshments will be provided. (No alcohol please.) Contact Liz for more information 613-806-4745
On March 17th, Melanie Hindson, from Smiles 4 Miles will be offering dental hygiene services at the Ompah Community Centre. Contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book your appointment.
Join us on March 19th for the Birthday Bash/Potluck. Bring a dish to share and $2 and join in the fun as we enjoy a community meal together and celebrate the March Birthdays.
The Ompah Community Cupboard fridge in the foyer of the Community Centre has many types of canned goods, carrots and apples. The Ompah Community Centre Association is purchasing milk, bread, fruit and veggies to add to the offerings. Feel free to come and take what you can use or drop off what you have to spare. The use of the Cupboard is intended for everyone in the community.
Please join us for Coffee on Wednesday mornings at 10am, it’s a fun way to meet your Ompah neighbours. While you are there drop by the library which is open on Wednesday’s and Saturday’s from 10am to 12noon. Our library has a wide selection of books, DVDs, and other items. We also have some free books, and puzzles available inside the Hall entrance.
by Christine Teal and Colleen Steele
Despite the blustery weather on Friday the World Day of Prayer was well attended. Thank you to all who took part and to the Free Methodist Church for hosting it and the luncheon afterward. Remember "We All are Wonderfully Made" Reminder of the Coffee Time held every Tuesday morning at the Free Methodist Church.
The Ham Supper takes place this Saturday, March 15th at the United Church in Parham. Hope to see you there.
Hope all are enjoying the March Break. Safe travels to all those that are able to get away.
This Friday, March 14th don't forget to don your "Irish Colours" when you attend the Bingo at the OSO Township Hall in Sharbot Lake. It starts at 645 but come early to get your cards ready and your daubers warmed up!
The flu bug has made and is still making its rounds. Have you ever had your measle shot? Some cases are getting close to our area. It is a nasty serious disease. So do take care.
If you enjoy the McCullough boys music, plan on attending the Arden Legion on Saturday, March 15 at 8pm.
Thinking of you to Siobhan Weatherby and family on the passing of her mom.
Thinking of you to Lillian Hartwick. Hope you are feeling better soon.
District #4 Recreation Committee are hosting 2 vendor markets this spring. The first one will be Saturday, April 26th from 10 to 2 at the Frontenac Community Arena and the next one is Saturday, May 10 from 10 to 2 at the Parham Ball Field. If you are interested in being a vendor, please email Christine at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive a copy of the form to fill out. The table proceeds for the May 10th event will be donated to the Parham Fair.
Perth Road
by Peter Bird
Perth Road United Church: Sunday services continue at 10am. Address: 5614 Perth Rd Crescent, Perth Road, ON K0H 2L0. SUNDAY SCHOOL program is available for children. Newcomers welcome.
Happy Birthday or Anniversary to those with March Birthdays or Anniversaries.
Events in Perth Road Sunday School Hall 5622 Perth Road Cres.
Tuesday Lunches weekly at 12noon. Enjoy home-made fare including a choice of two heart-warming soups, and a variety of sandwiches and delicious deserts. Come early for Euchre.
Upcoming: NEW: COMMUNITY MARKET to open bi-weekly, beginning Saturday, March 29th, 9am to 2pm. For vendor inquiries/details call Jane at 613-353-7818.
Maple Syrup Festival with breakfast of sausage, pancakes, maple syrup + strawberries, coffee or tea. Children’s games, face painting, tattoos, sucker pole, and fish pond. Learn how to Juggle, plus other juggling activities. Visit the famous Votary Sugar House and see how Maple Syrup is made. Also home baking +raffles + syrup for sale at the Sunday School Hall. Date and time; Sat. Apr. 5. 8:30am – 2pm. Cost; Adults $12, Children $5, 3 years and under eat free.
For information about The Sunday School Hall rentals, please call Vera Shepherd at 613-353-2470 or Stephen Bach at 343-364-1033.
by Rhonda Watkins
NFHSA is announcing a musical afternoon at Plevna Clar-Mill Hall, on Sat. March 29 (1pm start). The group invites you to enjoy a concert to celebrate the end of winter. Featured musicians will be Steve Goodberry and Debra Currier and the White Brothers Classic Country. Tickets are $15 each with proceeds to support NFHSA projects. Paper tickets are available from many committee members such as Heather (613 479-5549) or Brenda (613 479-0586). Electronic tickets are also available at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
River of Life Christian Fellowship at 7064 Road 506 invite you to enjoy the musical stylings of New Journey in concert on Sun, March 30 at 10:30am. For more information, you can call 613 479-0059.
Please mark your calendars and spread the word about the 2nd Summer Spectacular Outdoor Market Fundraiser at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Flinton on Saturday, June 7th from 10am - 2pm. **Vendors Needed. If you're interested in being a vendor or have any questions, please contact Maude at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call/text 905-449-2160 for your vendor package. Thank you!
Sharbot Lake
by Greg Rodgers
Saturday, March 22 - The Central Frontenac Township Recreation Committee (of Sharbot Lake) will be is hosting a “community games” afternoon at Soldiers Memorial Hall. Come out and enjoy euchre, crokinole, backgammon and cribbage. Snacks will be provided for $10. Come out for some social interaction and we get the last of the winter behinds us and prepare for a happy and healthy spring season.
Saturday, March 15 – St. Patty's Day Party with The Togs at K&P Brewery from 5-8pm. 20% off all food & pint combos.
Reminder: Last week we reported about the “Good Food Box” program, a project of the Sharbot Lake Family Health Team. To order a GFB for March, make sure to place your order by Friday (March 14th) by phoning 613-279-2100, ext. 124 (Phone this number for more info as well).
The snowshoe/walk group changed their planned route and took a challenging trek on the snowmobile trail from the schoolhouse through the bush to the snowmobile clubhouse and back. They earned their lunch! Apparently those hills go UP in both directions. The trekkers were joined by a few others and then spent a more relaxing afternoon enjoying games.
The next Games Afternoon at Snow Road Community Centre will be Tuesday, March 18 at 1pm. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy a couple of hours with friends and neighbours.
What a morning it was at the Snow Road Snowmobile Club on Saturday, March 8th. A record crowd of three hundred and twenty-five came to breakfast to support Britton Price and his family from McDonald's Corners. As of this writing, a total of $6,904 was raised from the combination of breakfast proceeds, two raffles and a donation jar. Thanks to Tammy Crain and Lori Poole for donating the raffles, to McAdoo Construction for sponsoring the breakfast, to everyone who attended and to all the volunteers who worked.
The Snowmobile Club will wrap up their season by again giving back to the communities by donating proceeds to various charities. Proceeds on March 22nd will go to Alzheimer’s Society, April 5th will be for Wheels of Hope and April 19th will go to Melanoma. Pancakes and maple syrup will be included. Please support the club. The proceeds go to these charities in both Lanark and Frontenac Counties as the trail network winds through the scenic landscapes in both counties.
Get well wishes go out to former neighbour Jim Dix who is in Perth Hospital. Jim and Lorraine lived on “The Island” (Palmerston Heights) for many years. Jim is also a well-known musician in the area. We hope he is soon on the road to recovery.
Irish Blessing: May you be in Heaven a full half-hour before the devil knows you are dead.
by Karen Brawley
Join us for a shamrockin' good time, Friday, March 14th at the Sydenham Legion. St Paddy's Day Karaoke downstairs. $5 at the door. Green beer and good times to be had. Festive attire encouraged. 7-11pm. Good times, good fun and memories made. Drop in darts upstairs that night as well.
Let's grow together... Seeds to start indoors in Ontario this March:
March is the ideal time to start slower-growing varieties indoors in Ontario! Giving seeds an early start ensures strong, healthy plants that will be ready to thrive when it’s time to transplant outdoors. Here’s what to focus on this month:
Vegetables – tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and onions take longer to germinate and mature, so they need a head start. Brassicas like broccoli and cauliflower also benefit from early indoor seeding to be ready for the garden by spring. Herbs – slow-growing herbs such as rosemary and thyme do best when started early. Basil can also be sown indoors now for a jumpstart on the season.
March came in like a lamb... Be sure to check your sump pumps after the soggy weather... Lots of snow to melt.
Join us for Euchre at the Grace Centre! Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newbie looking to learn, come join us for a fun afternoon of cards March 13th, 27th from 1 – 3pm. Location: The Grace Center, 4295 Stage Coach Rd, Sydenham ON For more information or to register, contact Natalee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 613-376-6477 ext. 310.
Debbie Lingen
The Initial Concept Stakeholder meeting is being held on Wednesday, March 19th from 6-8pm at the Verona Lions Hall located at 4504 Sand Rd, Verona. This will be an opportunity to see the concepts in person, ask questions and provide any additional thoughts on the future of the site(s). It will also be an opportunity to learn about other potential opportunities that are being considered to highlight the history and stories of the Mills beyond the sites.
The Women's Social for March will be held at Verona Free Methodist Church on Tuesday, March 18 at 6pm. Sarah McCullough, Youth Worker from Rural Frontenac Community Services Corporation, will speak on services available locally. Please reserve by calling 613-374-3709 by March 15.
Family Fun Night - Adults & Children on Friday, March 21st - 7pm to 9pm. Bring your board games and light snacks. Children under 12 must be with an older sibling or parent/guardian. Verona Free Methodist Church.
Style Revival Clothing Center will be open Saturday, March 22 from 10am to 1pm. Style Revival provides gently used clothing, free of charge. They are also open every Wednesday. Location at the Verona Free Methodist Church.
Registration for Day Camp will open at 10am on March 24. Swim Lesson registration will open at 10am on April 28. To view the dates, rates and locations of the Summer 2025 Programs, please review the Day Camps and Swim Lessons page on the South Frontenac Township website.
More Stories
- Lois Emond wins volunteerism award for dedication to Foodbank
- North Frontenac Community Service – Growth in the 1980's
- South Frontenac Township Names New Director Of Finance
- New Leaf Link’s Annual Maple Syrup Fundraiser Now Open for Orders!
- On the Ice Road to Restoration: Walleye Habitat Enhancement On Big Clear Lake
- Addington Highlands Council – Mar 4/25
- Food for Thought in Frontenac
- Memorial Centre Plan Scrapped
- Donors needed for April Blood Clinic in Sharbot Lake
- Polar Plunge Rescheduled to March 30th at Sharbot Lake Beach