Community Columns - February 23rd, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison I hope that all folks in Arden read the article in the Frontenac News,… READ MORE
Community Columns - February 16th, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison With Family Day weekend now upon us, please be advised that the Kennebec Lake… READ MORE
Community Columns - February 9th, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison Hope everyone survived the Polar Vortex. It was hard to believe that one day… READ MORE
Community Columns - February 2nd, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison Please mark Sunday February 5 on your calendar because the Arden United Church will… READ MORE
Community Columns - January 26th, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison For all of you folks who are enjoying our beautiful new outdoor rink, please… READ MORE
Community Columns - January 19th, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison Come one, come all!! The new Arden Outdoor Rink is open for business. The… READ MORE
Community Columns - January 12th, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison Happy New Year to all. Hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday season.… READ MORE
Community Columns - December 22nd, 2022
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison Here is the feel-good story of the year. Shirley Mowers, of Arden, had some… READ MORE
Community Columns - December 15th, 2022
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison Please accept my apologies for the mix-up of last week’s column… Festival of Trees… READ MORE
Community Columns - December 8th, 2022
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison Thanks to the United Church, the Wesleyan church and the Friends of Arden for… READ MORE
Community Columns - December 1st, 2022
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison What a fantastic turnout Saturday, when the Christmas tree in Arden was lit up.… READ MORE
Community Columns - November 24th, 2022
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison On Saturday November 26, the Arden Legion will be hosting a Euchre Tournament, with… READ MORE
Community Columns - November 17th, 2022
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison A beautiful but somber ceremony was held at the Arden cenotaph on Remembrance Day.… READ MORE
Community Columns - November 10th, 2022
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison What Great weather we’re having. Hope the hunters enjoy it! The Sharbot Lake and… READ MORE
Community Columns - November 3rd, 2022
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison The Kennebec Rec. Committee would like to thank all of the kids, and the… READ MORE
Community Columns - October 27th, 2022
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison Do you love Bingo?? If so, Amherst Island Radio Charity Bingo is coming to… READ MORE