Community Columns - June 15th, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison There will be a roast beef dinner tonight at Circle Square Ranch. Your free… READ MORE
Community Columns - June 8th, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison Jeff Matson and the Kennebec Recreation Committee would like to thank everyone, volunteers and… READ MORE
Community Columns - June 1st, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison No doubt you have heard that the Kennebec Recreation Committee is in the process… READ MORE
Community Columns - May 25th, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison With Saturday’s all-day rain, the Annual Victoria Day Fireworks were postponed to Sunday at… READ MORE
Community Columns - May 18th, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison Hope all the moms had a great Mother’s Day. Happy gardening. With the first… READ MORE
Community Columns - May 11th, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison The Kennebec Recreation Committee would like to send out a huge thank you to… READ MORE
Community Columns - May 3rd, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison Thanks is extended to all the folks who participated in the April 25 Trash… READ MORE
Community Columns - April 27th, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison The Kennebec Rec Committee would like to thank all of those that participated in… READ MORE
Community Columns - April 20th, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison Apologies to all, but line dancing has been postponed until further notice. The Kennebec… READ MORE
Community Columns - April 13th, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison The Kennebec Rec. Committee would like to thank all the children, parents/grandparents, and the… READ MORE
Community Columns - April 6th, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison On Saturday, April 8, 10am, at the Kennebec Community Centre, the Recreation Committee will… READ MORE
Community Columns - March 30th, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison To those who drove to the Legion last Saturday morning; I apologize. I was… READ MORE
Community Columns - March 23rd, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison Coffee hour continues in the Social Room of the Arden Church Thursday mornings at… READ MORE
Community Columns - March 16th, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison It will be a jammed full couple of weeks for residents of Arden and… READ MORE
Community Columns - March 9th, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison Following up on the Sunday pledge to meet and organize events, please be advised… READ MORE
Community Columns - March 2nd, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week. Table of Contents Arden Battersea/Storrington Cloyne - Northbrooke Denbigh Godfrey Harlowe Harrowsmith Henderson Inverary Maberly-Bolingbroke Mississippi Ompah Parham-Tichborne Perth Road Plevna Sydenham Verona Ardenby Wanda Harrison The Sharbot Lake Lions have Chocolate Easter Bunnies for sale. Please call 613-375-6318. There… READ MORE