| Nov 02, 2016

Willowbank Subdivision

Inverary Council approved the amount of $3,364 for the required cash-in-lieu of parkland for Phase 1 of this subdivision which is located on Perth Road near Davison Road.

Right-of-Way Closure

Storrington In a close vote, Council agreed to reduce the costs for the sale of a portion of Township-owned road allowance to Ron Campbell, to match the selling price of a neighbouring piece. Deputy Mayor Sutherland objected, on the grounds that this seemed to amount to a double standard in regard to others who had been charged higher amounts. Sleeth referred to the property as “a worthless strip.” Vandewal reminded Council that the wording of the policy gives Council the option to reduce costs if deemed reasonable to do so.

Fence Viewers

Council agreed to appoint the two Township by-law officers as fence viewers, a role that is separate from their job in bylaw enforcement. Together with the currently available viewer, Tasha Lloyd, this will provide the three fence viewers needed by the planning department. The remuneration will be increased from $75. to $200. per day, and will include mileage.

Sydenham Walking Tour to Go Online Soon

Council made a motion to ask the County’s mapping services to develop a digitalized version of the self-guided historical walking tour of Sydenham, which was published several years ago. It could then be placed on the County and Township websites so it will be readily available to cellphone users.

Park Model Trailers

Councillor Revill introduced a motion to to request a report from the Planning Department confirming amendments required to the Zoning By-law to prohibit park model units in the Recreational Resort Commercial Zone. These park model units do not conform in size and construction to the intent of trailers being either transient or seasonal.

Financial Policy:

Budget Management Since May, the CAO, Treasurer, Public Works Manager and supervisors have been meeting monthly to review year-to-date financials. Council approved a formal policy for continuing this process, with the goal of “addressing the need for flexibility to respond to unforeseen demands or unexpected opportunities, while balancing the need to ensure that budgets are adhered to and the direction of Council is not altered.”

Glendower Hall, Front Entrance

Council agreed to release $5,000 from the capital budget for the design and engineering of a new accessible front entrance for Glendower Hall, in Bedford.

Community Caring: Quietly Effective

Commenting on Community Caring’s annual financial report, Council Liaison John McDougall called them “A quiet group that goes about the job with no fuss.” Run by volunteers, the group rents space in the Princess Anne Building from the Township for $2400 a year. They collect, sort and sell donated clothing and small household items for $5.00 a large plastic bag, thus providing many customers with good affordable clothing, and donating their profits back into the community. Last year, they gave almost $30,000 to a variety of social service related groups. ($9,000 went to SFCSC, $7,000 to the South Frontenac food bank, $4,000 to New Leaf Link, $4,000 to Almost Home, $2,000 to Interval House.)  

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