Wilma Kenny | Dec 07, 2016
Treasurer Fragnito’s current report included two more capital projects to be added: a furnace for the museum and docks for the Point ($10,000 each), and an MPAC update in assessment with an increase in growth amounting to an unexpected additional capacity of $48,750. This, combined with adjustments by the township departments, creates a total of $87,525 of unallocated budget resources. Fragnito listed several options: lower taxpayer impact by .2%; fund added capital projects or CFDC’s request for one-time funding (had the County agreed to grant CFDC $35,000 South Frontenac’s portion would have been $20,000), or increase reserves, or fund ‘other projects’. This will be discussed at a later meeting.
Due to a lengthy closed session, the public Council meeting did not convene until 7:40. Other than to confirm that they met with the Township’s solicitor concerning two OMB appeals (Hartington subdivision proposal and proposed Official Plan changes to sections 5.10.2 / 5.11) and ‘property matters’, neither Mayor nor CAO would make any comments.
Councillor Norm Roberts of Storrington was sworn in as Deputy Mayor for the coming year.
Newly-hired Chief Building Official Ryan Arcand was introduced to Council.
Petworth Mill
A brief public meeting addressed zoning changes necessary to permit creation of two residential lots in the hamlet of Petworth. In this unusual situation, Council has decided to accept land to fulfill the parkland dedication requirement, in order to acquire the part of Lot #1 (.2 acres) containing the remains of the Petworth Mill, for future preservation: the lower stone arches of the structure have been judged noteworthy. There were no objections; only one request to consider imposing a speed limit on that part of the road running west through the hamlet from the bridge.
Public Works Q&A
Public Works Manager Mark Segsworth provided a report answering a number of budget-related questions from Council. Eg: Cost to operate a single streetlight? Approximately $0.13 per day. Cost to install them? Up to $10,000 per light if there is no pole present. Why install doors on salt domes being used for storage of vehicles or equipment? Lack of doors is deemed a health and safety issue, due to pigeon faces. All other attempts to deter the pigeons have been unsuccessful.
Applewood Parkland Fee
Council accepted the planner’s recommendation to accept $30,000. as the fee in lieu of parkland offered by the developers of Applewood condominiums in Storrington. This is 5% of the value of the land ($600,000), as appraised by M.W.Cotman & Associates.
OMB Reform
Council agreed, with little discussion, to support the two core principles and 9 recommendations put forward by the Ontario Association of Municipalities (AMO) in their paper; Ontario Municipal Board Reform. These will be forwarded to the Ministry as South Frontenac’s comments on the review of the OMB. The core principles are: 1) municipalities are a mature form of government and are in a position to take a more rigorous role in land use planning, and: 2) Planning in Ontario should continue to be a public, democratic process. Full details of the nine recommendations, intended to streamline and clarify the OMB process, can be found on the Township website in the agenda notes for the Dec 06 Council.
Canada 150 Community Leader Appointed
Council accepted the nomination of Pam Morey for this role.
Perth Road Fire Hall
The Fire Chief, Supervisor of Facilities and Public Works Manager evaluated four proposals for the design and construction administration of a new fire hall, to be located on Perth Road, north of Wilmer Road. Council approved their recommendation to appoint AWDE Architect of Bethany, Ont (near Peterborough) at a cost of $112,350.25, HST included.
January 2017 Meetings
There will be no Council meeting January 3: the regular schedule will resume with Committee of the Whole Jan 10 and 24, and Council January 17.
There will be no meeting January 31, the fifth Tuesday.
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