Wilma Kenny | Apr 24, 2024
Mayor Vandewal opened the meeting by acknowledging volunteer week: “South Frontenac has a large number of volunteers. Some you see, but there are many more out there we don’t see, and our lives would be a lot more difficult without them. I want to recognize them, and all they do for our Township and its communities.”
Public Meetings
Public meetings were held, to hear comments about proposed by-law amendment applications. One was for 1048 Shallow Lane, in Loughborough district, to permit a severance which would create two 2-acre non-conforming lots from an already awkward parcel of land. This is described as a strictly technical issue, which represents good planning for the subject lands. There were no comments or concerns from either the public or Council. Later in the meeting, the by-law amendments were passed.
The second public meeting was in regard to a Sunbury subdivision being developed next to Gerald Ball Park by Fo-tenn: the request was to remove the holding symbol in order to permit one additional dwelling unit on each of 9 remaining lots, “when it has been demonstrated through an appropriate hydrogeological assessment to the satisfaction of the Municipality that the lot has both an adequate supply of potable water and adequate nitrate quantities.” (The other lots have already been shown to meet Municipal requirements.)
One individual, Adam Balzak (sp?) attempted to bring up issues about the ‘significant pressure the subdivision will create on neighbouring wells.’ Mayor Vandewal intervened, saying that these concerns had already been addressed at previous public meetings. There were no other comments from the public or Council.
A third meeting a Property related to rezoning a property in Bedford District to Rural-special provision (RU-79) involving a railway right-of-way; this involved requirements for setback, secure fencing and a landscaped berm. This was described by Planner Christine Woods as “good land use planning.” There were no comments or questions from public or Council.
4th Quarter Planning and Building Services
Councillor Pegrum queried the lowered rate of housing starts; Mayor Vandewal said that ’21 & ’22 had been record-breaking years; we seem to be returning to pre-covid numbers now. He said staff morale was good, and the building department had been able to be more proactive in their work.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:47
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