| Oct 09, 2024

Tim Laprade introduced a representative from Sierra Planning, by saying that his report on recreation fees and facility allocation would be an asset to the Township: “Our existing fee structure lacks consistency and is a challenge to administer; this report offers a detailed, thoughtful, well-laid out structure, recommending an allocation of fees that is fair and equitable to all.” 

This report needs Council’s approval-in-principle so it can be brought to a public meeting. The presenter did not mince words, noting since amalgamation, the Township has ‘muddled through’, trying to maintain a degree of equity and responsiveness, but it is ‘coming apart at the seams’. He said as an example that non-paying groups have the highest level of use, and the user agreements that do exist are seriously out of date.

“This report is not about cost recovery, but about achieving a balance between user fees and taxes.” Fees and facility allocation policies ensure fairness in universal access to well-maintained facilities.

Facilities included Glendower, Harris Park, Princess Anne building, Storrington Centre, Sydenham Library, and 14 municipal parks and open spaces. Over the lengthy study period (May 22/23-Aug 22/24), the Township’s Recreation Committee and 23 user groups were consulted, public meetings were held, and 32 completed surveys were received. The presenter noted “There was a lot of good will in the community, and overall, the Township’s standard of service was described as high; there is a strong recognition that ‘nothing is free’.”

When Councillor Ruttan complained of the lack of recreational facilities in Perth Road, the consultant’s response was that this is not a master plan, but an assessment of existing facilities.

Recommendations were that a fee schedule be developed that in principle applies to all users, with by-laws addressing subsidization and allocation policies, and non-residents. This schedule should be modest and rational, defining fees by category of user; a 3-year model with the second and third year subject to escalation.

Councillor Roberts asked about fee exemptions; The response was that these could be established but with care, based on the activity, which could include local fundraising events, celebrations of life, blood donor clinics, foodbank or other charitable activities, but not necessarily exempting an organization simply because it is listed as non-profit.

The next step will be to bring this report to a public meeting.

Grant Application

Council approved a staff application for a Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) grant of $250,000. If approved, the Township’s contribution would be $62,500, for a total project funding of $312,500. This grant would be earmarked to complete the assessment of need for affordable housing in Verona, as well as supporting project  managers and design consultants in developing a detailed design of the project. Project manager Lindsay Blair is working on RFPs for these positions to be issued shortly.

Kingston Humane Society Agreement

Council agreed to renew the Township’s agreement with the Kingston Humane Society to 2029. This 5-year contract is for animal pound services based on an all-inclusive monthly fee of $1852.61 with annual adjustments to include pound services and 24/7 Animal Control Officer services, (notifying owner of impounded dog with municipal tag, collection of animal-at-large fines, etc.)

Tanker Truck Repair

Fire Chief Del Blakney reported on the need to draw $100,000 from equipment reserves to replace a deficient water tank on Tanker truck 35. In spite of repeated repairs, the tank continues to lose 1/4 capacity daily, and has multiple patches, welds and cracks. The 10-year-old truck itself is anticipated to last for another 15 years, and truck replacement is estimated to be $750,000.  

Designation of Recreation Hubs   

In order to align with Ontario Government language for future grant applications, the Township agreed to designate Storrington Centre and Glendower as Indoor Recreation Hubs, and McMullen, Centennial, The Point and Gerald Ball as Outdoor Recreation Hubs.


Council approved a budget request of $25,000 to update pavement ratings for the Township’s hard surfaced Road network. This will come from the $29,812 surplus left from the Spooner Road project, and will be completed in 2025.

Town Hall Expansion Project 

This project is underway; Wemp & Smith Construction Ltd was awarded the project. Budget of $3,500,000 has been approved.

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