Marilyn Crawford | Jul 28, 2011
The Bedford Mining Alert (BMA) is a group of concerned citizens in Bedford District, South Frontenac Township, who have been working for over 12 years to bring about changes to the Ontario Mining Act. The goal of BMA is to allow property owners and local communities greater input into land-use decisions and environmental protection issues, so that the full economic and societal potential of the land is protected and realized.
BMA is holding a public meeting on Saturday, August 6 at 10 a.m. at the Bedford Community Hall, 1381 Westport Road.
This year's format will feature officials from the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines & Forestry; Clive Stevenson, Provincial Mining Recorder; and Robert Merwin, Executive Director of the Mining Act Modernization Secretariat. Clive Stephenson will give an update on Mining Act modernization, and will discuss some of the specific program items. Robert Merwin will be able to answer questions regarding the secretariat and how the overall initiative has and will roll out.
Invited guests will include members and individuals interested in the work of BMA; MP Scott Reid; MPP Randy Hillier; and North, South and Central Frontenac Township mayors and members of council.
After review through hearings held by the Standing Committee on General Government, the Mining Amendment Act received Royal assent in 2009. The Act enables processes that will be detailed in the regulations, a process that is still ongoing.
BMA has continued to provide input and monitor proposed changes to regulations. With over 30 active mining claims in Bedford district, BMA continues to be vigilant. There are over 30 active mining claims in Bedford district held by Cardinal Exploration Inc., claims that were previously held by Graphite Mountain Inc. Claimholders must carry out exploration/assessment in order to keep these claims active. The majority of these claims were staked in the 1980s. Many of these claims have been given extensions by MNDM&F to perform work and file exploration reports.
Sandy Cameron, the Chair of BMA says, “It promises to be an interesting and informative meeting. It will provide an opportunity to learn about the Mining Act and proposed regulations relating to exploration, rehabilitation and community input. It is important to have a good representation from the community and elected officials in order to show that we continue to be concerned about the impacts of exploration and potential for mining in our area. The power of the new mining rules will be in the regulations. It’s important to have BMA continue its involvement in understanding and influencing their development.”
This is an opportunity for you to see how your property might be affected and what you can do to help protect its value. Come out and participate and provide your input to make positive change happen.
For more information visit
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