Wilma Kenny | Apr 04, 2013

Renewable Energy Proposals:

Council heard a presentation at Committee of the Whole from Jeff Allan of First Ontario Energy Inc, a company that is proposing to construct three or four large solar farms in the township. He said these installments are quiet, shielded from public view by well-maintained tree buffers (initial plantings must be 60% of total mature growth), set back a minimum of 20 meters from any neighboring residential property. The initial construction will provide short-term local employment. Provisions would be put in place to return the land to its original state at the end of the project’s 20-year lifespan.

This project is still in the early stages: Mayor Davison reminded Council they would likely get proposals from other developers.

Later in the meeting, Planner Mills showed maps highlighting township-owned properties where there is potential for the township to develop its own energy projects, either alone or in partnership, as a source of municipal revenue. Mills emphasized that it was coincidental that the two presentations came to Council on the same night. There was minimal discussion, as neither presentation required a decision. CAO Orr suggested Council might wish to develop a process for dealing with further similar proposals.

Ontario Parks Expropriation of Township Lands:

In late 2012, representatives of Ontario Parks approached the township planning department about acquiring all the township unopened road allowances that abut Frontenac Park. They have the right to expropriate these lands, but would be expected to pay fair market value: the township by-laws have established prices for sale of unopened road allowances. The price of road allowances lying within 300 feet of water is $2.41/square foot: bush-land is $0.21/square foot. Initial assessment shows the area of land in question would be just over 1,000,000 square feet: Parks is expected to come forward with an expropriation proposal some time this spring. Mayor Davison questioned whether the parks had ever purchased the many township road allowances that run through the park’s interior.

Canada Post Mailbox Assessment:

Canada Post will be conducting safety assessments on roadside rural mailboxes on RR#1 Hartington and RR#1&2, Sydenham some time in the next two weeks. When a mailbox is deemed to be in a location that compromises the safety of the mail carrier, the Canada Post team will try to find a nearby location that will be acceptable.

Portland Landfill Manager Resigns

Councilor Robinson said he wanted to make it clear that his wife had not been fired, but had chosen to resign from her position as manager of the Portland landfill site. Mayor Davison thanked Councilor Robinson and his family for their 21 years of service.

“Is that a sport, getting your mail?”

Councilor Robinson said that the land where the Harrowsmith mailboxes are located was originally donated to the township on the understanding that the property was to be used for sports, only. “Does that mean that Canada Day activities cannot be held there?” asked Mayor Davison. CAO Orr has agreed to check the wording of the deed.

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