Wilma Kenny | Nov 04, 2010
Traffic issues in the Sydenham area
Public Works Manager Mark Segsworth presented his analysis of traffic volumes and speed at the intersections of Stage-coach and Railton and Forest and Bound-ary, which he has done in order to establish appropriate signage and intersection con-trol. He noted that additional signage has already been installed, and his department will continue to monitor these intersections with the goal of reviewing other measures that might further reduce the danger of col-lisions. He recommended against installing stops on Stagecoach, because neither traffic volume nor collision record came anywhere near the Provincial guidelines for four-way stops. Also, stop signs on through roads can sometimes actually increase the danger of an intersection. Alternative measures might include: improving sight lines, lighting, paint-ed stop bars, larger signs.
However, Segsworth said that speed was definitely a problem, as it is on many township roads: more than half the cars on Stagecoach were travelling above the speed limit. He said the OPP was continuing to try to control speeding on township roads, but could only do so much.
Peter Bridgeland, a resident of Stage-coach Road, speaking as a delegation to Council, thanked Segsworth for the improved signage, but criticised the report, repeating residents’ request for a four-way stop.
Council did not accept Segsworth’s rec-ommendation against a four-way, but neither did they direct him to install one.
Segsworth also gave a verbal update of his department’s ongoing traffic study on Rutledge Road in the Sydenham area. There are a number of potential and proposed de-velopments along this corridor, including the new ambulance base and the Sydenham High School expansion, which in the next few years will have a significant impact on the existing infrastructure, especially the in-tersections. One immediate concern is park-ing in front of the high school, which creates a blind intersection. Signage needs to be up-dated and sidewalks should be installed on both sides of Rutledge Road wherever pos-sible through the village. Traffic counts will be updated. Eventually, the intersection of Sydenham and Rutledge Roads may need a traffic circle or roundabout.
Next Step for Sydenham Subdivision
Further to a public meeting and Council’s detailed discussions of an application to sub-divide the former Goslin farm in Sydenham, Council agreed to forward the planner’s re-port to the County for draft plan approval. All agencies have commented favourably, and the twenty-two attached conditions address residents’ and township concerns as well as issues raised by the project’s inclusion of a protected wetland area. Following county approval, there will be another public meet-ing to discuss zoning details, and make the conditions more specific.
Two New Barrier Free Entrances
Following receipt of a $5,000 grant through the Land o’Lakes Tourist Association, coun-cil awarded contracts to Fort Glass for instal-lation of barrier free entrances to the coun-cil chambers ($6,900) and the Storrington Library entrance ($2,400) The grant money will be topped up from the township’s acces-sibility reserve fund.
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