Wilma Kenny | Aug 05, 2010
Deputy Mayor Vandewal chaired South Frontenac’s August meeting: both Mayor Davison and Councilor McPhail were absent.
Garbage Pick-up on Private Lanes?
The issue of garbage and recycling collection for private lanes in the township was raised by residents of O’Neil Lane in Storrington District. In the discussion that followed, Councilor Stowe noted that Council had agreed to limit private lane pick-up, and now that garbage and recycling services are to be offered equally to all of the township (Bedford will come on stream in late September), a decision to change pick-up in one area will set an expensive precedent for the rest of the township. Council agreed to ask Public Works Manager Mark Segsworth to provide recommendations for the next meeting which will address the concerns for safety and cleanliness at the junction of O’Neil lane and Perth Road. Fillion asked that at the same time, a motion be brought requesting the lane in question be grandfathered into the pick-up area.
Dangerous Intersections
A delegation asked for more stop signs at the corners of Railton and Stagecoach, Forest and Stagecoach, and Forest and Boundary: there have recently been two fatal accidents in this area south of Sydenham. Council asked Segsworth to study the area, and provide recommendations for their consideration at the next meeting.
Rezoning Application
Darryl Silver of Sydenham asked for commercial zoning on a portion of his property on the outskirts of the village, where he would like to construct an office building. He supported his request with letters from the Frontenac Community Development Corporation, which had received requests for office space in the village. Third and final reading of Council’s approval was withheld until a more specific site plan is developed.
Household Hazardous Waste Depot
Segsworth reported that the first tender call for construction of the HHWD site on Keeley Road got no bids: a second call received three. He recommended the lowest bid, from Shelley Home Improvements, for a total of $124,900. This is more than double the 2007 estimate of $50,000. It will be eligible for funding from gas tax fund, and should be recoverable over time, through the operation of the site.
Harrowsmith Speed Limits
Council approved Segsworth’s recommendation that speed be regulated on Wilton Road in front of St Patrick’s Catholic School, and on Colebrook Road in front of Harrowsmith Public School.
Sydenham Water Plant
Council awarded tender for the upgrades to Sydenham water treatment plant to DB Mechanical (Kgtn) Ltd in the amount of $1,009,881.
The upgrades include: more energy efficient low lift pumps, improved switching and valves, ultraviolet disinfection, introduction of chloramination to reduce disinfection byproducts, and granular activated carbon to provide seasonal taste and odour control. XCG Consultants designed the upgrades and prepared the tender documents: Hargrave & Co were retained to provide peer review on the design.
Next Meeting
Next Council meeting will be Tuesday September 07.
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