Wilma Kenny | Jun 13, 2013
Waste Disposal Changes
Public Works Manager Segsworth summarized the feedback from the April public information sessions in Verona and Bedford. He said he had reviewed this material with the Public Services committee, and the committee’s recommendation was to continue with the new waste site operations for several months, before reassessing the program. Since the changes were instituted on May 1 , most of the complaints have been about not being able to take individual tagged bags to Loughborough or Portland sites without paying the minimum tipping fee of $20. Several councillors asked the reason for this rule; Segsworth replied that making waste sites available for individual drop-offs will over time result in higher costs: “We are trying to develop a cost effective, efficient system: we can’t do that and meet everyone’s individual requirements,” he said.
Councillor McDougall agreed, saying the only way to get people to adapt to the program was to remain consistent.
Another concern has been getting information to the public.
“Many people still don’t realize that the township provides weekly garbage pick-up,” said Segsworth.
The current tax bills contain a detailed information pamphlet concerning waste disposal.
On a positive note, Segsworth said there has been no significant increase in illegal dumping,
Council Compensation Review
The Township will be seeking volunteers to form a four-member working group which will meet five times over the late summer/early fall to research, evaluate and make recommendations on Council compensation for the Council elected in 2014. (see the ad on page 10 or contact the Township office for details.)
Township Library Wins Building Award
The Sydenham branch has won a New Library Building Award from the Ontario Library Association. These awards, given every three years, are for buildings that “encourage and showcase excellence in architectural design and planning.” Shoalts and Zaback of Kingston were the architects.
Summer Meeting Schedule
Summer Council meetings are scheduled for July 2nd and August 6th.
South Frontenac Day Camp and Swim program
Nate Moyse says he has one of the best summer jobs in the area: he’s summer Program Director for the day camps and swim lessons in Sydenham (The Point), Storrington (Gilmour Beach) and Verona (McMullen Beach).
Nate summarized the day camp programs as lots of outdoor fun in a safe, non-competitive environment. These programs run from July 2 to August 23, in 2-week sessions at all three locations, and are for children 4-12 years. Staff ratio is 1:3, and staff, most of them local high school or university students, are well trained and qualified. Like Nate, many come back for as many summers as they can.
The swimming lessons (in the mornings) are based on the constantly updated Red Cross programs which have been taught, in Sydenham at least, for over 60 years. Course instructors have national lifeguard qualifications, as well as CPR, First Aid and are fully trained swim instructors. Lessons include skill development in leisure and/or competitive techniques, survival strokes, and safety both in and on the water, including boating rules.
Both camp and swim programs have great community support and positive feedback: last year, a total of over 450 participants registered: Nate is aiming for 500 this year. His biggest problem? “Geese at the Point!” First thing every morning, township staff fan across the grass, scooping slimy green goose droppings before the kids arrive.
Missed the registration? There’s still time: participants can register any time before each of the four programs begin, either at the Township Hall or online.
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