Wilma Kenny | Nov 26, 2009
The 5-Year Trailer by-law, four years later:CAO Wayne Orr brought the trailer by-law to Committee of the Whole, to determine council's direction with regard to the current resolution, which will expire December 31, 2010. Although the present Council did not set the by-law, nor will it be the council in session when the by-law expires, it was deemed important to give trailer owners some advance warning of the township's intent, well before the present arrangement expires.
Under the Zoning by-law of January 2005, trailers are permitted only in special Recreational Resort Commercial zones. The exceptions are for legal non-conforming use and accessory uses.
By-law 2004-93 is about licensing trailers, and is intended to discourage the use and keeping of a trailer on any property except in an established trailer park. For those trailers situated prior to the old district by-laws, an annually renewed licence ($220/year) is required, and they had to comply with KFL&A regulations regarding sewage by 2006. Stored trailers and trailers used during the building of a single-family unit were the only exceptions. No new trailers would be permitted.
Initially, 169 trailers paid licensing fees totalling $37,220. By 2009, 110 trailers are paying $24,200. The reduction in licenses is attributed to several factors: a number of owners had their trailers assessed by MPAC and now pay property taxes, some have been removed, and the few who failed to obtain a license had the fees charged to their property taxes. Some of the options facing council are: to choose to have the zoning by-law enforced, and all trailers removed at the end of next year, or to extend or change the licensing by-law. Councilor John Fillion led off the discussion by saying he was totally not in favour of the zoning by-law: "What about the farmer taking off hay?" Several, including Councilor Del Stowe, spoke in favour of maintaining some version of the licensing by-law. Councilor Bill Robinson said the ratepayers were already upset about the waste management program, and those he had spoken with didn't object to the licensing fee. Councilor Ron Vandewal suggested the licensing by-law be extended, but that the fee should be raised. Councilors Stowe, Hahn and York agreed. All agreed that trailers could not be replaced as they wore out. Mayor Gary Davison noted that many existing trailers were on undersized waterfront lots: Vandewal said that where these are lots of record, the Committee of Adjustment is usually able to work with them toward a satisfactory solution.
SOME BUDGET SHORTFALLS: A treasurer's report comparing year-to-date expenditures to the 2009 budget showed most departments were coming in on budget with three exceptions:
A shortfall of $137,000 in investment income due to lower than anticipated interest rates,Planning/Committee of Adjustment was down $35,624, due to a combination of reduced revenues from fewer applications, and an unusually high number of appeals to the OMB and associated legal costs, $80,000 for removal of tires from Portland dump as required by the provincial Tire Stewardship Program. In regard to the last item, Vandewal noted that perhaps Portland shouldn't have been so quick to criticise other departments, such as recreation, for being over budget. Hicks denied that recreation ran over budget, but Mayor Davison reminded him that Portland recreation had had to draw more than $40,000 from reserves this year. Davison went on to ask why the Portland dumpsite had had $80,000 worth of tires left on the site: "Portland got fees when people dropped them off, and now the township has to pay to remove them?"
Robinson took umbrage, saying that he resented being attacked by his fellow councilor: "Portland dump's not my business – the roads department runs the dumps."
The treasurer's report said there was adequate funds in the township reserves to cover the projected shortfalls: this led to a discussion of taxes, reserves, and mill rates, which will continue in the new year, during the budget deliberations.
To end on a cheerful note: The Sydenham Santa parade will start at 10:00 am this Saturday. The Harrowsmith parade is on the following Saturday, December 5 at 10am.
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