Wilma Kenny | Dec 04, 2014
McDougall returns to County Council: South Frontenac inaugural meeting
Tuesday was the inaugural meeting of the new South Frontenac Council. Following Mayor Ron Vandewal’s oath of office, the eight Councillors performed a choral swear-in. Each thanked their supporters and family, and expressed their commitment to the four years’ work ahead. Although five of the councillors are new to the table, at least three have some municipal experience: Ron Sleeth of Storrington was Reeve of Storrington and County Warden for several years in the 1990's, Alan Revill recently retired as chief building official for South Frontenac, and Mark Schjerning is the Chief of Emergency Services for Lennox and Addington County. Mayor Vandewal and Councillors Pat Barr, John McDougall and Bill Robinson all served on Council last term.
Appointee to County Council
The first piece of business for Council was to decide who is to join the Mayor as a member of the Frontenac County Council for the next four years. Two candidates were nominated: John McDougall, by councillors Bill Robinson and Alan Revill, and Ron Sleeth by Councillors Norm Roberts and Mark Schjerning. McDougall spoke of his previous four years serving on County Council, noting that with three new Mayors and several new Councillors, his experience would be useful. Sleeth said he had hoped to be the County representative, but he has four more months left in his term as a director on Holstein Ontario, and “a man cannot serve two masters.”
Accordingly, he withdrew his nomination, and wished McDougall well. County Warden Dennis Doyle was present at the meeting.
Deputy Mayor
The position of Deputy Mayor rotates through the four districts over the term of Council. After fine-tuning and approving a bullet-proof method of selection based on number of votes received, agreement between acclaimed councillors, and back-up voting arrangements if agreement is not reached, the matter was settled to what appeared to be the satisfaction of all. It went as follows: year 1, John McDougall; year 2, Ross Sutherland; year 3, Norm Roberts, and year 4, Pat Barr for the first six months and Alan Revill for the last six.
Waterfront Zoning Issue
Planner Lindsay Mills brought a report on the McMahon property on Thirteen Island Lake (part lot 1, Conc. 1, Bedford). Mills said a development agreement registered on title in 2002, requiring a 400’ setback from the water was not consistent with the zoning by-law, which requires a 300’ setback, recommending that this be amended to agree with the zoning by-law. Mills strongly recommended removing a requirement permitting only pedestrian traffic on the 50’ waterfront, saying that this would suggest no docks, decks, boats or boat trailers would be permitted: “In the opinion of the planning department this prohibition has no validity and is not consistent with the intent of the official plan.” Sutherland said that this stricture should remain, for the committee of adjustment of the day must have had good reasons to set it, and should be respected. McDougall recommended a decision be deferred until the history of this decision could be researched.
Notices of Motion
Mark Schjerning listed five notices of motion he wished to bring forward: monthly payment of Councillors’ honourariums, reports on the Johnson Point condo application and on legislative compliance, amendments to the procedural by-law re timing of closed meetings, and township maintenance on roads with year-round residents.
Technological Changes
There will be no more paper agenda packages. All members of Council are now equipped with new iPads, and appear to have been coached on their use. During the meeting, details of the agenda item under discussion are projected onto a screen lowered down in front of the Township coat of arms, so members of the public in attendance are fully informed. The press has a table to work at and he public now has access to the public branch of the Township WiFi.
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