Jeff Green | Dec 15, 2005
2005 Christmas Edition

December 15, 2005. | Navigate | .
ArchiveImage GalleryAlgonquin Land Claims
Gray MerriamLegaleseGeneral information and opinion on legal topics by Rural Legal ServicesNature Reflectionsby Jean GriffinNight Skiesby Leo Enright
Thank you, Thank you all
This issue of the Frontenac News marks the end of another year of publication for us. This little paper has now been published for 34 or 35 years. Our masthead says it was founded in 1971 but it might have started in 1970. While a lot has changed in that time - we no longer run the paper off on a Gaestetner and we don’t even use a hot waxer and flats any more - the basic mandate of the enterprise has not changed. Our goal is to provide a tool for communication between the various communities where we have distribute the paper, communities that did not have another venue for talking to each other back in 1970 or 1971.
Whether that is accomplished through Community Columns, Council reports, the Northern Happenings, the Classifieds, or articles or pictures submited by readers or generated by ourselves, we do our best to provide information and enterntainment that is specific to the region we serve.
Just like the founders of the paper back in the early 70’s, we couldn’t put the paper out for 50 weeks a year without the help of a great many people.
The paper is brought to your mailbox each week courtesy of our advertisers. It has always been important to maintain the Frontenac News as a free forum for all permanent residents and this means that it is the local businesses that make putting out the paper possible.
Then there are the volunteers: the Community Columnists, who take on the respnsible to gather information each week of the year and ensure that the comings and goings of all the villages are covered in the paper. With our minimal editorial staff, it would be impossible to adequately cover the territory without our Community Columnists: Evelyn Izzard, Ellanora Meeks, Jean Campbell, Ann Elvins, Rev. Jean Brown, Georgina Wathen, Susan Freeman, Ankaret Dean, Pearl Killingbeck, Maxine Purdon, Rose Marie Turner, Marilyn Meeks, Rhonda Watkins, Wilma Kenny, Doug MacIntyre, and Jean Lewis.
We are also fortunate to have a core of volunteers that help out in the office each week, doing typing, layout, copy editing and proof reading. Without them - well we don’t want to think about what it would be like to put out the paper without the efforts of Dale Ham, Donna Tysic, Marg DesRoche, Morrel Chaisson, Dale and Barb Whan, Martina Field, and Linda Rush.
This year in particular we have relied on our core staff to keep the paper going. Scott Cox, Garry Drew, and Suzanne Tanner have kept the paper running smoothly, day in day out, through another year.
During the summer we were fortunate to get some much-needed extra help from two students - Catherine Koch and Meghan Balogh. Meghan has stayed on as our webmaster and has done a wonderful job of re-designing our website:
We post major articles to our website but are kept too busy by the newspaper to keep with its calendar of events. We are very gateful to Bill Wilson of the Sharbot Lake Property Owners’ Association for taking on the job of posting the Northern Happenings on their website with a link to ours.
Finally our readers, who paticipate in the Frontenac News just by reading it, whether is is cover to cover as some kind people claim they do, or those that pick and choose what interests them. After all, without readers, The Frontenac News is merely mulch, fire starter, or bird cage filler. We don’t mind being put to use for those things, but we prefer to have been read first.
We will now disappear for our annual two week hiatus. We hope you enjoy this Special Christmas Issue. Our office will be closed from Dec 16 to Jan. 3, 2006. We will be back on January 5th to begin 2006, when we will turn our attention to a Federal Election and begin looking towards municipal elections. We wish all of our readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
-Jeff and Jule
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