| Dec 15, 2005

Feature Article - December 15, 2005

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Feature Article

December 15, 2005

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Gray MerriamLegaleseGeneral information and opinion on legal topics by Rural Legal ServicesNature Reflectionsby Jean GriffinNight Skiesby Leo Enright

Official Plan to get five-year review: Central Frontenac Council Reportby Jeff Green

It’s been five years since Central Frontenac adopted an Official Plan, which, along with the accompanying comprehensive zoning bylaw, sets out a framework for how the township deals with a variety of land use planning matters, from lot size to zoning, and gives the staff and Council guidance for their dealings with individuals and developers that come to their door.

Official Plans are designed to change as townships develop, and the township’s planning consultant, Glenn Tunnock, appeared before a meeting of Council this week to outline his proposals for conducting an Official Plan Review.

His proposal includes plans to consult with staff, Council, and the public in order to identify issues that have arisen in the past five years, and which Council might want to see addressed in the Official Plan.


“Several issues have arisen in the past five years that were not envisioned when the Official Plan was being developed, “Tunnock said, “including the whole exercise for lake planning that some lake associations have undertaken. As well, there are issues as far as what is an appropriate standard for private roads - issues about the viability of private roads as far as access for emergency personnel are concerned. Should we allow private roads at all, is a question that might be worth looking at. Do we bite the bullet and say, no more private roads?”

Tunnock said that he appreciates that 2006 is a municipal election year, so he was hoping to receive a mandate from Council to proceed quickly.

With waterfront property owners having such a strong stake in the future development of Central Frontenac, Mayor MacDonald suggested that as part of the Official Plan Review process, one or more public meetings should be held after the first of July, preferably on a Saturday morning.

Council approved Glen Tunnock’s planning review proposal.

Council goes in camera to talk about Trans-Canada Trail

Representatives from the County of Hastings and the Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance came to Council to talk about the portion of the Trans-Canada Trail that runs through Central Frontenac along Highway 7. Central Frontenac paid $32,000 for the trail but decided not to take possession of it, because residents on another piece of trail the township owns, the K&P trail north of Sharbot Lake, invoked the Line Fences Act to force the township to undertaken expensive fencing along the K&P. Fearing astronomical costs, the township has backed away from the trail along Highway 7.

Although the discussion was held in camera, Hastings County and the Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance (EOTA), have both trumpeted their ability to negotiate inexpensive arrangements for fencing with local farmers and the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. They both see trails as beneficial for economic development, with EOTA being very active in promoting ATV tour packages along a network of trails that they have developed throughout eastern Ontario.

Council took no action in open Council in response to an hour-long discussion with their guests.

Henderson Hall – The lease with the United Church Women in Henderson has expired after 25 years and Council decided to offer a five year lease to the United Church Women.

Building permits drop in November – In contrast to last year, when 23 building permits were issued for $763,000 worth of construction, only 13 permits were issued this November, for $464,000 worth of construction.

The year-to-date picture remains positive, however, with 217 permits issued in 2005 for a total of $7,621,000 of construction value compared to 196 permits for $6,004,000 in construction value in 2004, and 161 permits for $4,618,000 in construction value in 2003.

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