Jeff Green | Nov 03, 2005
Feature Article - November 3, 2005

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November 3, 2005. | Navigate | .
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Cybulski leaves Municipal politics
by Jeff Green
North Frontenac Councillor Will Cybulski will be vacating his chair at the council table on November 18 for family reasons.
Cybulski, a retired OPP officer, is married to Kathy Gerrie, an OPP officer who has been appointed as the new detachment commander in Sioux Lookout, a community in Northwestern Ontario. Sioux Lookout is a 24 hour drive from North Frontenac.
“I had a choice between you guys and my wife,” Cybulski said to his council colleagues, “and I chose my wife.”
“The community is losing one of its greatest resources,’ said Mayor Ron Maguire as council received Will’s letter of resignation last week.
Cybulski first ran for council in 2001, but was defeated in a close vote. He joined North Frontenac Council two years ago, when he was acclaimed as a councillor in Barrie ward along with Dick Hook, who resigned earlier this year due to health reasons.
The Cybulski family arrived in the area in 1994, when Will became the detachment commander at the Kaladar OPP detachment. In 1996, they made a commitment to the area by purchasing a home on Marble Lake. Their daughters Kalyn and Shayla both attended school at North Addington Education Centre and have since gone on to attend Ontario universities.
After Will retired from the OPP in 1998, he took the opportunity to spend even more time on one of his favourite pursuits, community service.
He estimated that he has been involved with over 50 community service institutions throughout his life. Locally Will has been involved with the Lions Club, Land O’ Lakes Community Services, and has written extensively for local newspapers.
His community activism made him well suited to the role of Volunteer Co-ordinator for Land O’Lakes Community Services in Northbrook, a position he held for 2 years.
Since joining council, Will has jumped into council politics with both feet, all the while working at Wood’s Fuels in Kaladar on a part time basis. He has been involved with the Economic Development and Communications Committees of Council, along with cemetery, policing issues and others.
The Cybulski family is not necessarily leaving the area for good. They have decided to keep their house, and they expect to return after Kathy’s three year stint in Sioux Lookout. A return to local politics for Will is a very real possibility.
In the meantime, Will’s fans can access many of his past articles on this website.
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